英语人>词典>汉英 : 星云的 的英文翻译,例句
星云的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nebulous  ·  nebular  ·  nebulose

更多网络例句与星云的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Appropriately nicknamed "the Skull Nebula", planetary nebula NGC 246 really does surround a dying star some 1,600 light-years away in the constellation Cetus.

位在鲸鱼座离我们约1,600光年远的行星状星云NGC 246,有个骷髅星云的贴切昵称,因为它中心的确有一颗滨临死亡的恒星。

Streams of gas leaving the nebula are funneled by a strong magnetic field .


On the foundation of summarizing the research findings of the Homunculus nebula, we bring forward that the sticking point to solve this question is the initial condition.


[人气:284] 发信人: marco,信区: Overseas 标题: China's 60th Birthday: The Road to Prosp 发信站:瀚海星云(2009年10月01日11:11:15 星期四),站内信件 WWWPOST Sixty years ago Mao Zedong stood before a sea of people atop Tiananmen Gate proclaiming, in his high-pitched Hunan dialect, the founding of the People's Republic of China and that the "Chinese people have stood up!"

[人气:88] 发信人: jep (包子·阿包·包包@9708),信区: Overseas 标题: Re: China's 60th Birthday: The Road to Prosp 发信站:瀚海星云(2009年10月01日12:38:15 星期四),站内信件 WWWPOST 全是乱码,我借google来帮助转一下: 60年前,毛泽东站在了天安门城楼之上的人海宣布,在他高调湖南方言,而在创始人民 Republic中国和说,"人民已经站起来了!"

Astronomers are especially keen to study star formation in the Small Magellanic Cloud, because its chemical composition is different from that of the Milky Way.


A X, _* i 27、 When the Moon in Opposition to the Sun is joined with nebulous stars, the Native will have some defect in his sight; if the Moon in the Seventh be afflicted by both the Infortunes, and if their rays are very strong he will be blind."


The top of the Keyhole Nebula, the mostprominent feature embedded inside Carina, is on the left.


Covering an area surrounding the dusty Keyhole Nebula (NGC 3324) near picture center, the image spans about 40 light-years within the larger Carina Nebula at an estimated distance of 7,500 light-years, Like the more northerly Orion Nebula, the bright Carina Nebula is easily visible to the naked-eye.


Asteroids, comets and meteoroids are all debris remaining from the nebula in which the Solar System formed 4.6 billion years ago.

小行星、彗星和流星体全部都是来自星云的残存的碎片,46 亿年前太阳系在这个星云中形成。

Like other stellar nurseries, the Cocoon Nebula holds, at the same time, a bright red emission nebula, blue reflection nebulas, and dark absorption nebulas.


更多网络解释与星云的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Butterfly nebula:蝴蝶星云

M2-9:蝴蝶星云 (Butterfly Nebula)M2-9蝴蝶星云的假色图,它距离我们约 2,100光年远,图中可以看到它有著一对像翅膀的结构,在它的中心有一个气体盘面,盘面的中央有两颗互绕运行的恒星,它们的距离是冥王星 (Pluto)轨道的 10倍.


nebulosity 星云状态 | nebulous 星云的 | necessarian 必然论

nebulous:星云的 星云状

nebulosus 薄幕状云 | nebulous 星云的 星云状 | nebulouscluster 伴云星团

North America Nebula:北美洲星云

说明: 影像中左方这个发射星云的名称是北美洲星云 (North America Nebula),因为它和北美洲大陆的外观很像. 北美洲星云右方这个较暗的星云,编号是NGC 7000,或称为鹈鹕 (塘鹅) 星云 (Pelican Nebula). 这两个发射星云距离我们大约1500光年,

Tarantula Nebula:蜘蛛星云

说明: 蜘蛛星云(Tarantula Nebula)位在邻近的 大麦哲伦星系(LMC)内,是一个大小有1000光年的巨大发射星云. 在这只宇宙级节肢动物的中心,有个编号为R136的年轻星团,它游离了星云的云气让星云发出明亮的辉光,也雕塑出如蜘蛛长脚般的丝状物.


nebular hypothesis 星云假说 | nebular 星云的 | nebulated 朦胧的

nebular:星云的 星云状

nebulacoveringthepupil 膜入水轮 | nebular 星云的 星云状 | nebularhypothesis 星云假说

nebular:星云的; 星云状的 (形)

nebula 星云, 云翳 (名) | nebular 星云的; 星云状的 (形) | nebulization 雾化; 气化 (名)

trifid nebula:三叶星云

说明: 位在人马座里的三叶星云 (Trifid Nebula)是个著名的恒星形成区,它内部的明亮云气和尘埃云带纠结成团. 上面这张照片中央,可以看到有三道巨大的尘埃暗带会聚在一起,这个星云因此得到了三叶星云的名称. 此外,照片左下方有山峰状的黝黑尘埃云,

planetary nebula:行星状星云

星云的形状不一,明亮程度亦不同,就形态上可分弥漫星云(diffuse nebula)行星状星云(planetary nebula)及超新星残骸(Supernova remnants)等3种,弥漫星云广阔稀薄且不规则无定形,后2者为恒星演化末期所造成的.