英语人>词典>汉英 : 易爆发的 的英文翻译,例句
易爆发的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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As Kizla points out, heated verbal exchanges and chippy, foul-riddled, physical games favor Bryant, who thrives in such moments.


The outbreak of the Asian financial crisis tells us that the close ties of government, banks and enterprises easily caused the "crony capitalism".


For these failures, the former involves the softening point of oil (heat-labile), and adhesives compatibility was so good, a composite good pet are mortgage to tear apart; the latter were ink system cotton content is too high or increasing surface dispersant and waxiness agent and PE film during a conflict and attachthemselves laouz of bad, is extremely easy to pull apart.


However, it is Louis XVI's open-minded local government reform measures to accelerate the outbreak of the Revolution.


Some consciousness very grievance; Some frightening perplexed and alarmed; Some affection erupt, yi Ji is moved, cry greatly even yock, in deep sorrow, hit a wall with the head, roll about on the ground, happy to dance, clothings of tear to shreds, call the dramatic appearance display such as cuss in disorder; Some lethargy; Some excessive take a breath; Some tic break out; Some uses vivid expression, exaggerated movement is mixed with the attention of spectator of try to gain sympathize with, be in the more the person's much circumstance, have a fit of anger is fiercer.


The results show that the particle geometry and grain size of nitramine influence the combustion property greatly.


Since there exists some disadvantages such as poor mechanic properties and much higher burning rate pressure exponents (?1) in the fundamental formulations, this work is devoted to the improvements of combustion characteristics and mechanic properties of LOVA propellants. The effects of the crystal shape, size and contents of nitroamine particles, the types of binder, plasticizer and surface-active agents and the contents of NC on combustion performance are studied by closed bomb tests. In the mechanic properties tests, the effects of the types of binders, plasticizers and solid fillers, the interaction between binders and solid fillers and technological procedures on propellant mechanic properties are researched.


However, don't be too pushy at work because you'll create conflict and explosions with others.


Business card printing and membership card making machines-and-ink roller pressure regulating improper will now produce a paste version, also led the dirty version.


Austria before the outbreak of the battle, Napoleon and Josephine lived in the palace. 100-day coup in 1815, Napoleon returned to the Elysee Palace; failure of the Battle of Waterloo, the palace announced that he step down, and so on the second. Louis 18 in 1816 to the Elysee Palace that his nephew Duke of Berry, that is, later Charles X.


更多网络解释与易爆发的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a blast of strong wind:一阵强风

to exploit the poor 剥削穷苦的人 | a blast of strong wind 一阵强风 | → explosive 爆发的,极易引起争论的;炸药


"清教徒革命",它的年代比法国大革命还早 150 个年头,那又是法国历史上另一个相当关键的年代 - 路易十四,而这出在英国爆发内战故事的最里头就是描述圆颅党 (Roundhead) 与保皇派 (Royalist) 时代 Cromwell 领导的 "清教徒革命 (The Puritan Revolution,

Algal Blooms:水华爆发

1水体富营养化现状 市政及工业点源污染、农业面源污染中氮磷营养盐进入相对封闭的水域后,在阳光照射下,极易导致水体富营养化.纵观全球,几乎所有湖泊和其他娱乐水体都存在着不同程度的富营养化问题,藻类水华爆发(algal blooms)则是许多富营养化湖泊和水体面临的挑战,

