英语人>词典>汉英 : 易变地 的英文翻译,例句
易变地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
changefully  ·  inconstantly  ·  lithely  ·  changeably  ·  variably

更多网络例句与易变地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"I cannot praise a fugitive ... virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary".


"I cannot praise a fugitive ... virtue, unexercis ed and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary".


Virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary.


It is well known that rotor parameters of induction motor are subjected to variability and hard to be measured, which will deteriorate performance of control systems based on the mathematical model depending upon rotor parameters, such as rotor flux oriented vector control system, indirect self-regulation.


In areas of variable permafrost(i.e., permafrost that may occasionally melt and refreeze), pipelines are often installed above ground, along with special construction of support members to prevent heat transfer to the soil.


Depending on the power requirements and outside temperature, the fuel pressure is variably controlled almost instantly.


Throttle characteristic can be variably adjusted from mild through Linear to quick.


"I cannot praise a fugitive ... virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary".


"I cannot praise a fugitive ... virtue, unexercis ed and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary".


Virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary.


更多网络解释与易变地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


changeful 易变的 | changefully 易变地 | changefulness 不确定性


changeful /易变的/不安定的/富于变化的/ | changefully /多变化地/易变地/ | changeless /不变的/固定不变的/固定的/


inconstant 易变的 | inconstantly 易变地 | inconsumable 烧不光的


inconstant /易变的/不定的/无节操的/反复无常的/ | inconstantly /易变地/不定地/ | inconsumable /烧不尽的/消耗不掉的/用不完的/

inconstantly:易变地; 不稳定地 (副)

inconstant 变化无常的 (形) | inconstantly 易变地; 不稳定地 (副) | inconsumable 烧不光的; 用不完的; 消耗不完的 (形)

lithely:柔软地; 易变曲地; 易变地; 轻快地 (副)

lithe 柔软的 (形) | lithely 柔软地; 易变曲地; 易变地; 轻快地 (副) | lithemia 结石性血; 尿酸血症 (名)


versatile /多才多艺/ | versatilely /多才地/易变地/ | versatility /多种变化/多才多艺/变通/


changeableness /易变性/ | changeably /易变地/不安定地/可变地/ | changeabout /一百八十度大转变/

changeably:易变地, 可变地, 不安定地 (副)

changeable 可改变的 (形) | changeably 易变地, 可变地, 不安定地 (副) | changed color 变色


variables /变量/ | variably /易变地/不定地/能变地/ | variac /通用无线电公司的可变变压器之注册商名/