英语人>词典>汉英 : 时间价值 的英文翻译,例句
时间价值 的英文翻译、例句


time value · trend of the times
更多网络例句与时间价值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The basic forms of options are calla and puts. The price of options is composed of internal value and time value.


When the time reaches to the option expiration date, there is no more time value for that option.


First, through the MM model and adjusted MM model, a fundamental firm value model is set to reflect capital structure and financial risk on the basis of time value.


2If the call option is an out-of-the-money option, the liability formed by its continuous involvement shall be measured in accordance with the residual value of the sum of total fair value of the transferred financial asset and the fair value of the put option less the time value of the call option.


1If the call option is an in-the-money option or at-the-money option, the liability formed by its continuous involvement shall be measured in accordance with the residual amount of the sum of option exercise price and the fair value of the put option less the time value of the call option; and


Therefore, this article intends to introduce through the first depreciation of fixed assets in the enterprise accounting and reporting role, combined with the current implementation of new accounting standards the premise of the analysis of existing accounting standards for business enterprises in a wide range of depreciation methods of accounting practices at the advantages and disadvantages of the application, sinking fund through the introduction of sources of law, the meaning and characteristics, as well as introduce the fair value of the time value of money and the role of the property, which raised at the fair value method under the sinking fund depreciation of fixed assets at the application of the necessity and feasibility, which analysis sinking fund method in different models under the conditions of the application came to the conclusion that sinking fund at fair value method under the category of highway bridges listed companies a positive impact on applications and recommendations.


This paper demonstrates arbitrage strategy spread between time value and space value based on TXO(Taiwan Stock Exchange Capitalization Weighted Stock Index)in order to find maximums profile and lowest risk space in the real index market.


Studies have shown that the value of Japanese yen as international reserves are better than the U. S. dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling and other international reserve currencies viewed from both the market value and the time value.


According to the current theory,time is considered as the major variable while interest rate has been supposed as constant which,however is uncomplying with the realistic society economy system.


Present value is the value on a given date of a future payment or series of future payments, discounted to reflect the time value of money and other factors such as investment risk .


更多网络解释与时间价值相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

manufacturing cycle time:制造周期时间

只有将原料加工转变成产品所需的加工时间才是附加价值的时间,它也被称为制造周期时间(Manufacturing Cycle Time)或生产速率(Velocity). 交货周期时间与制造周期时间之间的关系,如图2.4-4所示. 作业的转移同时伴随着价值的转移,最终产品是全部作业的集合,

Intrinsic value:内涵价值

同一天到期的买权或卖权因履约价的不同,内涵价值(intrinsic value)也不同. 距到期日所剩的时间多寡则影响到选择权的时间价值,时间越短,价值越少,到期日时,选择权只剩下内涵价值,时间价值为零. 标的物价格波动率对选择权的时间价值影响很大.


10.Enjoy:让你的钱去养鹅,别让自己成为银行的肥鹅 | 11.Fishman:时间可以创造价值,让自己在大部分的时间当渔翁 | 12.Follow:多听、多看、学前辈的经验,家有一老如有一宝

Time value:时间价值

) + 时间价值(time value) 权证内在价值(Intrinsic value )权证内在价值:权证的执行价格和标的资产的实际价格之差认购权证内在价值=权证执行时的标的资产市价-权证执行价认沽权证内在价值=权证执行价格-权证执行时的标的资产市价权证的价格至少应该等于其内在价值,

Time value:期权时间价值

平价期权 At the Money | 期权时间价值 Time value | 易变性 Volatility

the time value:时间价值

客户关系价值:Customer Relationship Value | 时间价值:the time value | 时代价值:Time value

Time value of Money:货币的时间价值

货币的时间价值(Time Value Of Money) 货币时间价值是指货币随着时间的推移而发生的增值,也称为资金时间价值. 专家给出的定义:货币的时间价值就是指当前所持有的一定量货币比未来获得的等量货...

Time value of Money:货币时间价值

"货币时间价值"(Time value of money)是指货币经历一定时间的投资和再投资所增加的价值,也称资金的时间价值. 具体涵义从经济学观点来说:即使排除币值波动的因素不计,同量货币在不同时间的价值是不相等的,货币持有者如果放弃现在使用此货币的机会,

Time value of Money:资金的时间价值

资金的时间价值(Time Value of Money)是指资金 在不断运动过程中随着时间的推移而形成的增值. 表现为等额资金在不同的时间具有不同的价值. 注意: 注意: 并不是所有的资金都有时间价值, 并不是所有的资金都有时间价值,只有把资金 投入生产经营才能产生时间价...

Time value of Money:钱的时间价值

然而,"现在的钱比以后的钱更值钱,因为你可以把钱用作再投资"这个概念正是许多经济分析的基础,它有一个专门名词叫"钱的时间价值(time value of money)".