英语人>词典>汉英 : 时装 的英文翻译,例句
时装 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Carnaby  ·  fashion  ·  fashions

model clothes · fashionable dress · the most up-to-date fashions
更多网络例句与时装相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Comparing between the advertorial photography and editorial photography, which is stronger persuasion?


Rain who departed from Korea on the 13th for New York where '2010 S/S New York Fashion Week' fashion show will be held, is to meet 'Coco Rocha' at the after party of fashion brand MCM in a club on the 16th.

雨谁离开韩国13日在纽约'2010的S / S新纽约时装周'时装展将举行,是为了满足'可可罗恰'后,在党的时装品牌立方米,在俱乐部的第16位。

Based on the research of the basic elements, conceptive means and the extendibility of originality of the serial fashion, this paper introduces the methods and effective approaches in the design of serial fashion and puts forward the extendibility problem of the serial fashion originality.


Milan's fashion week is one of the four famous international fashion week, with bold and decorous, has been considered one of the world's fashion design and consumption trend of the weatherglass.


By then, women's wear GOJI LIN, THAI CHIA CHIN, LAFALEE, LONDEE and TEXMA, outdoor suits ATUNAS, casual wear MACACA, formal dress TIFFANY and maternity dress S'eraphin de Cit'e, recycling dress and professional mountaineering wear by Design Center of Taiwan Textile Federation will show up, in the hope of enhancing our understanding on Taiwan fashion industry and seeking for commercial partners in the mainland.


South Korea BASSIEis the Li-Si Shenzhen Co.,Ltd.under the brands in fashion design,fashion design Si Li Yonghua Group Co.,Ltd.is aHong Kong would be NICE women's brand from South Korea into China and set up afashion company.


In Paris Fashion Week, as China's giant pandas as a theme in the artist Zhao Bandi performing at a "Panda fashion show," the entire fashion show with performances throughout the panda theme for the modeling, including migrant workers, escort lady, beggars, corrupt officials and other 33 sets of fashion, has been denounced people!


Brands participated in this fashion week are: ladies' wear Lea Seong, NUIT BLANCHE, DUNNU, THROB-IMMOBILE, Snow Lotus, JEFEN, DORIAN HO, FERAUD, Marisfrolg, Misun, and URBAN EIGTHDAY; men's wear NOTTING HILL, Cabbeen, L2, SEPTWOLVES, EDENBO; knit wear WSM, COLOMBINA, and Dongming leather wear, BOSIDENG down wear, JeansWest casual wear, PEPCO children's wear and Bemberg fibers.

参加本届时装周的国内外品牌有NOTTING HILL男装、Cabbeen男装、&威丝曼&针织时装、Lea Seong女装、NUIT BLANCHE女装、&敦奴&女装、&尹默&女装、L2男装、&七匹狼·圣沃斯&男装、&莲裳&女装、&吉芬&女装、&波司登&防寒服、&佛山童装&、FERAUD女装、DORIAN HO女装、Marisfrolg女装、&爱登堡&男装、&东明&皮装、&真维斯&休闲装、&小猪班纳&童装、&米尚&女装、&哥伦比娜&羊绒时装、&城市第八天&女装及&旭化成·宾霸&面料等。

Established in 1974,lg fashion group creates lifestyles and fashion for people.it is one of the biggest fashion groups in korea and manages leading brands including daks、hazzys、maestro、tngt、mogg、ashworth etc.hazzys was introduced by lg fashion group in 2000,which is focusing on young people of 20 to 35 years old who conform to fashion and pursuit the taste.


Jojo's fashion show - Franz Ferdinand的同名大碟的时装秀- Make stylish outfits from tops, dresses, and more as you showcase your fashion sense on runways from New York to Paris in Jojo's Fashion Show!

使时尚的衣服,从上衣,连衣裙,更是您展示您的时尚感,对机场跑道从纽约到巴黎, Franz Ferdinand的同名大碟的时装秀!

更多网络解释与时装相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alida Gutierrez:古巴 高级定制时装、高级成衣

Alida Gutierrez 古巴 高级定制时装、高级成衣 | Analu 古巴 高级定制时装、休闲、运动 | Apryl Weech 巴哈马 高级定制时装、高级成衣、休闲

Haute Couture:高级时装

没有比"高级时装"(Haute Couture)汇演更能让时装设计师发挥想像力的了. 不受潮流与买卖的束缚,高级时装设计师(Couturier)们尽情释放创意能量,玩得起劲! "高级时装"汇演可说是大师角力的舞台. 最大胆最前卫的设计意念,矜贵的衣料配合巧夺天工的剪裁,

Haute Couture:高级女式时装 高档时装 高级时装

griffer 缝商标 | Haute couture 高级女式时装 高档时装 高级时装 | La Chambre de la Couture Parisienne 巴黎高级订制服工会

Fashion Design:时装设计

学院采用法国先进的数字模式,传承欧洲艺术设计风格,体现当代法国时装艺术设计精髓,融东西方文化于一体,形成鲜明的办学特色,并努力提升学院质量和艺术品位. 专业设置 时装设计(Fashion Design)、时装制版(Pattern Making)

BA Fashion Design:时装设计

BA European Fashion欧洲时装 | BA Fashion Design时装设计 | BA Fashion Product Development时装产品发展

fashion house:时装公司, 时装商店

fashion designer 时装设计师 | fashion house 时装公司, 时装商店 | fashion show 时装表演; 时装展览会

fashion show:时装表演

时装表演(fashion show)是由时装模特在特定场所通过走台表演,展示时装的活动. 一般是在铺有长长的跑道式地毯的表演台上,模特穿上特制的时装和配以相应的饰品,以特定的步伐和节奏来回走动并做各种动作和造形. 时装模特是传递设计师意图的使者,

Hussein Chalayan:时装设计师:胡塞因.查拉雅

时装设计师:瓦兰.诺农哈 Warren Noronha | 时装设计师:胡塞因.查拉雅 Hussein Chalayan | 时装设计师:里法特.沃兹别克 Rifat Ozbek

Loris Azzaro:阿沙罗时装(法)


fashion shows:时装表演,时装展览会

10.周游世界travel all over the world | 11.时装表演,时装展览会fashion shows | 13.把......送到send... to