英语人>词典>汉英 : 早已存在的 的英文翻译,例句
早已存在的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与早已存在的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Duke of Medina Sidonia now sent a message to the Duke of Parma in Dunkirk:"I am anchored here two leagues from Calais with the enemy's fleet on my flank. They can cannonade me whenever they like, and I shall be unable to do them much harm in return." He asked Parma to send fifty ships to help him break out of Calais. Parma was unable to help as he had less than twenty ships and most of those were not yet ready to sail.That night Medina Sidonia sent out a warning to his captains that he expected a fire-ship attack. This tactic had been successfully used by Francis Drake in Cadiz in 1587 and the fresh breeze blowing steadily from the English fleet towards Calais, meant the conditions were ideal for such an attack. He warned his captains not to panic and not to head out to the open sea. Medina Sidonia confidently told them that his patrol boats would be able to protect them from any fire-ship attack that took place.Medina Sidonia had rightly calculated what would happen.


The theory has inherited the irrationalist tradition of education and is characterized by the stress of the student orientation,the formation of their personality and their freedom to choose relevant courses,by the goal of self-production and paying attention to the equality and trust between teachers and their students.


Christ appeared in a body - therefore He was pre-existent. He appeared in a body - He was entirely human as well as divine.


Knowledge or awareness of something before its existence or occurrence;prescience.


Increasingly discontent with the "sapless" and the "gray" of Yu Si She, Lu Xun established Mang Yuan She with some young writers in hopes of strengthening the power daring to challenge the dark society. The primary purpose of founding Wei Ming She is to introduce and publish foreign works.


If we can set up more supervision parties system and self-exposure system, we can discover problem earlier but not after the operation of the listed companies collapsed.


The Technocrats were finally laughed out of existence; but their doctrine, which preceded them, lingers on.


After being tormented time after time, the main characters can still not be released through death, since death has already existed and perpetuated throughout the play, and is a state that keens to continue.


We try to grasp the rule of long existence 'Tao' in order to cognize true-life concrete things.


Einstein believed much the same of physics, that beyond observations and theory lay the music of the spheres — which, he wrote, revealed a "pre-established harmony" exhibiting stunning symmetries.

对于物理学,爱因斯坦也怀有相同的看法,他认为,在观察和理论所及的范围之外同样存在着宇宙音乐(the music of the spheres,很古老的一种说法了),这些早已存在的&和谐乐章&展现了惊人的对称美。

更多网络解释与早已存在的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

afternoon tea:下午茶

尽管下午喝茶早已存在,但并没有形成一定的规范礼仪,"下午茶"(afternoon tea)茶名确定,下午茶茶艺、茶会优雅华丽的风格在维多利亚时代得以成熟确定. 其代表人物为斐德福公爵夫人安娜.玛丽亚. 她经常在下午五点左右邀请朋友们一起喝茶聊天,


第二型糖尿病有高比例的患者,在诊断出糖尿病后不久既发现具有微白蛋白尿及严重性肾病变(overt nephropathy),实际上,此乃因为诊断罹患出糖尿病之前早已存在多年,并且白蛋白尿(albuminuria)的出现也并不是专指糖尿病肾病变(diabetic


Dicey)又指出,"巴士底狱(Bastille)乃是权力不受法律控制的显见不争的象征. 它被攻陷的事实,则意味着,或者说真正地意味着,早已存在于英国的法治进入了欧洲其他国家". 闻名于世的>(Deolaration des droits del'homme et du citoven),




因而他们常常用"语言"(language),而不是用"方言"(dialect)来描述汉语的这一现象. 对欧洲人更不可思议的是,操如此不同"语言"的中华帝国为什么能存在几个千禧年没有分崩离析,而使用同一语言的罗马帝国、阿拉伯帝国却早已四分五裂.


欧洲各国基督教化后,仅在芬兰人(Finn)、拉普人(Lapps)、匈牙利马扎尔人(Magyr)和北亚乌戈尔人中残存某些余迹. 相信有高位神儒马拉la)存在,但早已退隐而成逊位神,人们不对他崇拜和祭献. 平时重视的诸大神有闪电神伊勒马林嫩(Ilmarinn形象为一铁匠)、雷神乌科(Uo,


"吉芬"(Geffen)是传言中的"魔幻之都",在首都的西北方. 据说,在这座城市的地下埋藏着一个早已覆灭的王国,残留在城市中的高塔是它曾经存在过的唯一证据. "梦罗克"(Morroc)位于首都的西南方.是沙漠中的绿洲城市. 因为远离王国的权力中心,

una conquista:终于发觉自己存在理由

Ogni giorno 面对的艰困的将来 | Una conquista 终于发觉自己存在理由 | La protagonista 而他早已征服了我.

