英语人>词典>汉英 : 日内瓦 的英文翻译,例句
日内瓦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
geneva  ·  Genevese  ·  Geneva

更多网络例句与日内瓦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Under guidance from Professor Qu Kuizun, who is also a well-known specialist in skin diseases, we successfully combine cleaning facial acarid with skin care. It has obtained the 14th Geneva International Inventions and golden prize of First National Patent and New Technology Equipment Exhibition.


The C8 Aileron first appeared in concept-guise at the 2008 Geneva Motor Show.


Since 2008, Henssler has been based in Geneva, managing Kempinski's flagship in Switzerland, the Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva as well as overseeing the activities of the Kempinski Hotel Dukes' Palace in Bruges as well as the Le Mirador Kempinski Lake Geneva.

自2008年起,汉思乐先生供职于日内瓦,管理凯宾斯基在瑞士的旗舰店---凯宾斯基日内瓦大酒店,同时负责比利时布鲁日公爵宫凯宾斯基饭店以及日内瓦湖Le Mirador凯宾斯基饭店的运营。

Cut 4 SIR BRIAN URQUHART : He was a rather scholarly-looking man, who expressed extremely strong and interesting opinions …… so that he was disqualified.


SIR BRIAN URQUHART : He was a rather scholarly-looking man, who expressed extremely strong and interesting opinions …… so that he was disqualified.


Geneva is situated between the Jura Range and the Alps on the western end of Lake Geneva.


It was the Dominican Bishop of Geneva Adémar de la Roche, who granted that town its liberties and franchise in 1387 Mallet,"Libertés, franchises, immunités, et coutumes de la ville de Genève promulgés par évêque Adémar Fabri le 23 Mai, 1387" in "Mémoires et documents de la société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Genève", Geneva, II, 1843, p.

这是多米尼加主教日内瓦adémar德香格里拉罗氏公司,他们理所当然地认为城市,其自由和专利权1387 (槌,&自由,专利权, immunités等coutumes德市香格里拉日内瓦promulgés杆évêque adémar物勒23迈,已有1387 &在&,为本等证件德香格里拉协会代表和等archéologie -日内瓦&,日内瓦,二, 1 843年,第2 70页)。

Children's knowledge of the Geneva Exhibition organized by the age of 16 years www.yn.xinhuanet.com 2009 free 04 on 11 day 10:09:59 Source: Xinhua Xinhua Geneva, April 9 for 3 months Children's knowledge of self-exhibition in Geneva in early April has been carried out from schools, primary and secondary school students, parents and media attention.


It was spelled out under prodding from the Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross, itself set up by a Swiss businessman appalled at the carnage of the Battle of Solferino in 1859, a European punch-up between forces from Austria, France and Italy.


Of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Europe.


更多网络解释与日内瓦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Geneva Bookshop:日内瓦书店

Geneva Amortization Fund;日内瓦摊还基金;; | Geneva Bookshop;日内瓦书店;; | Geneva Branch, DDA;日内瓦裁军处;;


一只手表也可以允许刻上"日内瓦"(Geneva)的字样,如果它符合瑞士手表的要求,或至少生产过程中的一项主要操纵在日内瓦州进行. r瑞士 国名:瑞士联邦 (Swiss Confederation)首都:伯尔尼 (Bern) 亿万富豪乐居瑞士的奥秘>>>

Geneva:瑞士 日内瓦

瑞士 日内瓦(GENEVA)天气在线瑞士 日内瓦(GENEVA),明天天气,瑞士 日内瓦(GENEVA)的天气瑞士 日内瓦(GENEVA)天气预报,瑞士 日内瓦(GENEVA)未来一周天气

Geneva nomenclature:日内瓦命名法

geneva motion 间歇运动 | Geneva nomenclature 日内瓦命名法 | Geneva 日内瓦


Geneva 日内瓦城 | Genevan 日内瓦的 | Genevese 日内瓦


Geneva /日内瓦/ | Genevan /日内瓦的/喀尔文教的/日内瓦人/喀尔文教徒/ | Geniohyidae /长鼻蹄兔科/

Geneva Nuclear and Space Talks:日内瓦核与空间会谈

Geneva Meeting of Cairns Group Ministers;凯恩斯集团日内瓦部长会议;; | Geneva Nuclear and Space Talks;日内瓦核与空间会谈;; | Geneva Peace Conference on the Middle East;日内瓦中东和平会议;;



GENEVA STOP WORK:日内瓦式发条停止上条装置

Geneva Round ==> 日内瓦回合 | Geneva stop work ==> 日内瓦式发条停止上条装置 | Geneva Trade Conference ==> 日内瓦贸易会议

Geneva Convention:日内瓦

Geneva Circular ==> 日内瓦通函 | Geneva Circular Telegram ==> 日内瓦通电 | Geneva Convention ==> 日内瓦