英语人>词典>汉英 : 既得利益 的英文翻译,例句
既得利益 的英文翻译、例句


vested interests
更多网络例句与既得利益相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet the latest strikes are cruder in purpose than this observation implies. Far from representing a broad-based opposition, they stand for the narrow bloody-mindedness of vested interests determined to protect their excessive privileges.


It would allow him to burnish his greatest selling point—his reputation as a ferocious reformer who is willing to take on any and every vested interest.


It would allow him to burnish his greatest selling point-his reputation as a ferocious reformer who is willing to take on any and every vested interest.

这 会让他凸显其最大的卖点,即他作为一位愿意和任何一种,每一种既得利益作斗争的凶猛的改革者的声誉。

Saramago, caring person, honest, persevering in his work as a writer and for knowledge, truth-loving, affectionate man, committed to social movements, invested Doctor Honoris Causa by universities in different cities of different countries.


This kind of "governments" in the control system of a closed market environment, the Group can keep the vested interests, but also ensure that the government's profit and tax revenue, and as such arrangements in a certain range on with its reasonable, although it does not have the economics sense is reasonable.


The harm of vested interest group is complex.


It is easy to see what Daimler gets out of the deal.


I must confess an interest: I am a depositor at RBS.


On the surface, airport transformation is a division from the vested interests of original airport authorities.


I am sure that the power of vested interests is vastly exaggerated compared with the gradual encroachment of ideas.


更多网络解释与既得利益相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a bird in the hand:已到手的东西; 有把握的事; 既得利益

a bird in the bush 尚未到手的东西; 没有把握的事 | a bird in the hand 已到手的东西; 有把握的事; 既得利益 | A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. [谚]二鸟在林, 不如一鸟在手; 多得不如现得.

accomplisher of technological achievements:技术成果的完成者

3.acquired right 既得利益 | 4.accomplisher of technological achievements 技术成果的完成者 | 5.accurate of disclosure 准确公开

acquiring corporation:收买股权公司

acquired right 既得利益;既得权益 | acquiring corporation 收买股权公司 | acquisiton 收购;兼并

Verbal comprehension:语言理解能力

236 Validity 效度 | 237 Verbal comprehension 语言理解能力 | 238 Vesting 既得利益



Vested interest:(既得利益)

套用法国社会学大师布迪厄的话,这是一场为保持或抢夺"既得利益"(vested interest)的争夺战,不只出现在圣保罗双年展基金会上,也反映了整个圣保罗地区、甚至所有巴西重要文化和艺术体制所存在的问题,这些问题牵涉层面广泛,复杂度可见一斑.

Vested interest:既得权益;既得利益

vested estate 既得产业权 | vested interest 既得权益;既得利益 | vested liabilities 既有负债

vested interests:既得利益

在地方政府组织改造的争论上,以上4个原则是会面临巨大既得利益(vested interests)者的挑战而难以整合. 按对於地方精英的既得利益是不同於「上级政府」(senior government)或是地方居民的利益,不同地方社会阶层与特定的族群中,

vested interests:(既得利益;特权阶级)指人们或集团已经获得的,法定的某种特别权益

footwork需要跑腿的工作 | vested interests(既得利益;特权阶级)指人们或集团已经获得的,法定的某种特别权益 | prerogative特权


237 Verbal comprehension 语言理解能力 | 238 Vesting 既得利益 | 239 Virtual reality 现实虚拟