英语人>词典>汉英 : 无通信的 的英文翻译,例句
无通信的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无通信的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper precisely conducts the special topic research in view of some important technologies of the digitized control module.(1) AC motor control circuit of PAN/TILT is designed ,which speed is controlled by AT89C51 MCU. DC motor control circuit of LENS is designed too.(2) The hardware and software of automatic temperature control is designed, which used in camera protect box without A/D IC. A kind of single wire communication IC is used in the circuit. So, the program is given.(3) A method of video switch without picture shock is discussed in this paper, and 16x8 video switch circuit is designed. AT89C51 can carry out time sequence logical control with the sync signals by request..(4) The module of real-time clock is designed, in which, LCM is used, a kind of three-wire communication IC is used too.


During the transporting, this system use the Transfer Control Protocol based on the connection and the cyclic redundancy check technology.


As a private mobile communication system, The digital trunkingmobile communication system was boomed in 1990's, and before this, the appliedprivate mobile communication systems in market are almost the analog systemwith analog voice and digital signalling. And there are no data referring to thesystem design and parameters chosen. It includes the wireless channel accessalgorithm of the mobile terminals, single base station capacity in large regional networks, link designing schemes between the switching control center and basestation as well as the study of the service quality for the multiple traffic. Theseindispensable parameters in design a digital trunking communication system arestudied in this dissertation and some instructive achievements can be got. To provethe correction of the theoretical study, the result was tested with the popularsystem of pan-European digital trunking communication system.


The other filiation of morden communication is sound communication, the purpose of sound communication is enable immediate、no error、no interrupt communication.


Based on the analysis of the low-voltage power line model, the functions and architecture features of integrated power line MAC/PHY/AFE transceiver INT5200 developed by Intellon Corp were introduced, and the typical application of INT5200 for lowvoltage power line communication system was described.


The hierarchy architecture of the compiling system is presented. Thinking about the way of alignment and distribution of a array, the range of a index variable in a FORALL statement, and the subscript expression of the element of a array, the communication requirements in an array assignment are classified into three categories: no communication, SHIFT communication, and other type of communication.


N; return 0;}} unlink;} int w_open //0 open error for no reading //-1 open error for other reasons //1 open ok { ifopen(arg,O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK,0==-1 { if(errno==ENXIO){ return 0;} else return -1;} return 1


A connectionless Fibre Channel communication service which multiplexes frames to or from one or more N_Portsor NL_Ports.

一种无连接的Fibre Channel通信服务,在这种通信服务中,采用复用技术处理去往或来自一个或多个N_Port或者NL_Port端口的数据帧。

This invention discloses a duplexer and a multiplexer of the communication system and a method to realize them on a PCB circuit, which applies a 3db bridge and a low pass filter to constitute a hopstreet duplexer without waste band channels, in which, the signals are shunted and combined by the design of the circuit structure and power distribution of the 3-db bridge and phase offset function, the band filter of the low pass filter and the reflection function of a stopband to make up of a costless duplexer in theory to merge the two channels of different frequencies and reduce loss to increase volume and working bandwidth, then a multiplexer is formed by cascading multiple duplexers.


Our company is working with a strength of the unit or the development of joint enterprises, development of communications active, passive components to meet the growing communication needs of the market and customer needs.


更多网络解释与无通信的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bus line:总线

介绍了CAN(Controller Area Network)现场总线(Bus Line)的性能及其在分布式多媒体系统中的应用.系统充分利用CAN无破坏性的基于优先权的总线仲裁机制,解决了多个教室同时操作时引起的总线冲突问题,是一种有效支持分布式控制和实时控制的串行通信网络.

Private Communications Protocol:(微软的)保密通信协议

Primary Control Program 主控程划分 | Private Communications Protocol (微软的)保密通信协议 | Passive Communication Satellite 无源通信卫星

Diskless Workstations:无盘工作站

包括个人电脑(personal computers)、无盘工作站(diskless workstations)、网络电脑(network computers)、瘦客户端(thin clients)和X终端(X Terminals). 哑终端有时候也指任何类型的采用RS-232串行通信方式连接的老式计算机终端. 本文中是指广义上的哑终端.


和命名管道■ 邮槽(Mailslot) 使运行Windows的计算机之间可进行无类型数据的单向进程间通信(IPC)■ 命名管道(Named pipe) 使允许运行Windows的计算机之间可进行无类型数据的双向进程间通信■ 远程调用(RPC) 使运行任何操作系统(支持RPC)的计算机之间可进行有类型数据的双向进程间通信■ 组件对象模型(COM) 使运行任何操作系

parallel link:并行链接

本篇主要介绍PLC如何用于并行链接(parallel link)及网络链接(N:N network)的运行,其适用于FX全系列的PLC. 第二篇:串行口的通信. 本篇主要介绍PLC如何以无协议通信(no protocol communication)方式来用于计算机、条码扫描仪、打印机及各种具有RS通信功能的仪表进行串行通信,

Transport layer:传输层

4、传输层:(Transport layer)为用户提供可靠的端到端的无差错的和流量恐慌子,保证报文的正确传输. 他的传输单位是段,是资源子网和通信子网的界面桥梁. 5、会话层:(Session layer)数据管理. 会话层为用户进程之间的会话建立会话连接、进行数据传送和释放会话谅解的功能.


"traffic-free ","无通信的,没有汽车来往的" | "trafficless ","无通信的,没有汽车来往的" | "trail ","痕迹,轨迹,拖曳"


从通信的角度看,各层所提供的服务可分为两大类,即面向连接的(connection-oriented)与无连接的(connectionless). 客户(client)和服务器(server)都是指通信中所涉及的两个应用进程. 返回 数据(data)是运送信息的实体,


其次为"类型",它表明在网络中通信所遵循的模式. 网络通信有两种主要模式,一种称为"有连接"或"面向连接"(connection oriented)的通信. 另一种称为"无连接"(connectionless)通信,也常常称为"数据包"(datagram)模式,也称"面向报文"(message oriented)的通信模式.

Connectionless Protocol:无连接协议

无连接协议(Connectionless Protocol)是能够使无连接服务在一个网络中的的协议. 这个Internet协议(IP)和用户数据报协议(UDP)是最流行的无连接协议. 通信协议要么是面向连接的,要么是无连接的. 这依赖于信息发送方是否需要与接收方联系并通过联系来维持一个对话(面向连接的),