英语人>词典>汉英 : 无轨电车 的英文翻译,例句
无轨电车 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

trolley bus · trolley-bus
更多网络例句与无轨电车相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many foreign cities in developing electric trolley buses and trams, as they are beneficial to the environment.


Beijing is also vigorously developing electric trolley buses in recent years, Beijing has grown from 500 the number of trolley bus ...

北京也在大力发展无轨电车,近年来,北京无轨电车数量已经从500 。。。

Exchanges with Chinese characteristics, German trolleybus in 1911 invented the electric trolley buses , a city of the United Kingdom has the world's first trolleybus , in Shanghai, China in 1914 there will be a city trolley buses , after following the 26 domestic cities, there has been Random ...

中国特色交流无轨电车1911 年德国人发明了无轨电车,英国有了世界上第一辆城市无轨电车,我国1914 年在上海就有了城市无轨电车,继后国内就有26 个大中城市有了无规。。。

Large size products 4, electric locomotive carbon skateboards, trolley buses and various types of carbon slider point of contact.


Orders that holders of large passenger cars, tractors, city buses, medium-sized passenger cars, large trucks, electric trolley buses, trams quasi-driving type of drivers, check the physical condition every two years.


Those with good eyes might spot a scheme of the gear lever, which is a little bit strange on a trolleybus...


The hatpin projected from the back of her head like a trolley rod .


The AC drive control system of the trolley bus with two kinds of power supply in Beijing is presented.


Bob:(to a lady at a trolley-bus stop)Does the trolley-bus go to the city's Zoo?


Trolleybus 无轨电车 A trolleybus will take you to the museum.


更多网络解释与无轨电车相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

trolley bus:无轨电车

俄罗斯的电车有分两种,一种是要跟著轨道来开的有轨电车(tramway),跟照片里面的一样;另外一种就是无轨电车(trolley bus)啦. 两者都是靠电力发动的,主要差别是有轨电车用的是金属制的轮子且只能在轨道上方通行,无轨电车用的是一般车子用的轮胎,

tailless tram:无轨电车

tailless aircraft 无尾翼飞机 | tailless tram 无轨电车 | tailless trolley car 无轨电车

tailless trolley car:无轨电车

tailless tram 无轨电车 | tailless trolley car 无轨电车 | taillight 后灯 (汽车的 )

articulated trolley bus:通道式无轨电车,铰接式无轨电车

artery 干线 | articulated trolley bus 通道式无轨电车,铰接式无轨电车 | average riding distance 平均乘距

trolley car:无轨电车

"trolley ","电车,台车,滑轮,杆形受电器,杆形集电弓,滑接轮" | "trolley car ","无轨电车" | "trolley coach ","无轨电车"

railless trolley car:无轨电车

railless tram 无轨电车 | railless trolley car 无轨电车 | railroad 铁道,铁路




无轨电车(Trolleybus)是一种使用电力发动,在道路上不依赖固定轨道行驶的公共交通,亦即是"有线电动客车". 无轨电车的车身属于客车,只不过以电力推动,而使用的电力是通过架空电缆,经车顶上的集电杆取得. 无轨电车因为使用的橡胶轮胎是绝缘体,


trolleyboom 无轨电车吊杆 | trolleybus 指无轨电车电车 | trolleybush 电车滑轮轴衬 汇流环的滑轮套管

railless tram:无轨电车

railless line 无轨道路 | railless tram 无轨电车 | railless trolley car 无轨电车