英语人>词典>汉英 : 无规律的 的英文翻译,例句
无规律的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
erratic  ·  ruleless  ·  mobbish  ·  unequable

更多网络例句与无规律的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, unlike acetylcholine, nicotine is not regulated by your body.


"Chorea:any of various disorders of the nervous system marked by uncontrollable and irregular muscle movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face."


In fact, there are more conditions of disorder than of order.


Cancer is a group of diseases in which there is uncontrolled and disordered growth of __ cells.


His was all over the place, erratically stressing certain words and whispering others.


The results revealed that nine of the fourteen Y-specific markers cannot be used for investigating the swamp buffalo Y chromosome genetic diversity because of the reasons specified below: three microsatellites markers (INRA008, UMN0103 and UMN0504) were single allele and monomorphism, three (UMN1113, UMN0304 and BC1.2) indicated three alleles respectively but mornomorphism, and the other three (UMN0920, UMN0307 and UMN3008) showed irregular ladder-like bands. Only the remaining five microsatellites (INRA124, INRA189, BM861, PBR1F1 and UMN2001) indicated polymorphisms, and thus can be applied to study the swamp buffalo Y chromosome genetic diversity.


I destroy all noisome and rank weeds, I keep down all pestilent vapours


From mobbish number of address of a group of IP solved people to get online to settle down or search the question of other identity, method.


Considering mobbish a string of number is written down too hard, people invented English domain name again, namely Www.


A of 2 case study. Attaint of the bearing inside drive-box is mobbish, when Gai Weixiu is being uncovered after damaging every time, discover bearing has hair blue appearance, bearing hair is blue because lube did not get the bearing burn that ensure and brings about,be.


更多网络解释与无规律的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

economic cycle:经济周期

这种短期权衡取舍关系在分析经济周期中起着关键作用,经济周期(economic cycle)是用生产的物品与劳务量或雇用的人数来(作者 唐渊 中国致公出版社)衡量的,经济活动中无规律的、大部分无法预测的波动.

breath erratically:无规律的呼吸

pitchfork 草叉 | breath erratically 无规律的呼吸 | windpipe 气管

irrespective of:不论,不管

irregular 不规则的,无规律 | irrespective of 不论,不管 | irrespective 不顾的,不考虑的


irregularity 不规则, 无规律 | irritation 激怒;被激怒 | isolating 孤立的,绝缘的

It's time to:该是......的时候了

irregular adj. 不规则的;无规律的 | It's time to ... 该是......的时候了. | Japan 日本

musical tone:乐音

1、乐音(musical tone) 振动起来是有规律的、单纯的,并有准确的高度(也叫音高)的音,我们称它为"乐音". 2、噪音(noice) 没有一定高度的音. 它的振动即无规律又杂乱无章的音,我们称它为"噪音".

Working irregular hours is part and parcel of being a journalist:工作时间无规律是从事记者工作的基本特征

esental part of ......的主要部... | Working irregular hours is part and parcel of being a journalist. 工作时间无规律是从事记者工作的基本特征. | inherent adj. (in) : present naturally as a part of; not...




例如,有一种叫"日落"(SUNSET) 的鸡尾酒,是用橙汁加一种红石榴酒的鲜红色合成的,那不多的红色是最后甩进去的,让它无规律地慢慢下沉,形成一种非常漂亮的红日落下、夕阳弥漫的效果.


unencapsulated 未密封的;未用塑料封装的 | unequable 未调匀的;不稳定的;易变的;无规律的 | unequal fission 不等分裂