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无节足的 的英文翻译、例句


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Dominant species were comprised of mainly micro- and meso-zooplankton species and planktonic larvae of benthos such as Parvocalanus crassirostris, Cirripedia nauplius, Oithona attenuata, Acrocalanus gibber, Nauplius, Bivalvia veliger, Copepodite, Oithona simplex and so on.


The developmental stages,six nauplius and five copepodid stages,excepting the adult,of Temora turbinata are described and illustrated.


Biological Activated Carbon Filter could provide ideal habitats for invertebrates, but invertebrates may lead to aesthetic problems and adverse health effects of drinking water. This paper studied the invertebrates in biological activated carbon filters in a water plant of the south of China during Sep. 2006 to Sep. 2007. The results implied that BAC filters were colonized by invertebrates, in which 23 species of invertebrates were found, the dominating organism group was the rotifer, and others included Copepoda, Cladocera, Oligochaeta, Nauplii and Nematoda.

生物活性炭(Biological activated carbon, BAC)滤池能够为无脊椎动物提供理想的生境,但无脊椎动物可能给饮用水带来负面的健康效果和感观问题。2006年9月~2007年9月,对南方某水厂BAC滤池无脊椎动物滋生状况进行了为期13个月的调查研究,共发现无脊椎动物23种,优势类群为轮虫,其他类群还有桡足类、枝角类、寡毛类、无节幼体、线虫等。

To 7 days' larve alter hatching larvae mostly lived on copepod nauplii, copepodites and trochophore of Polychaeta in water of the earthen ponds, apart from feeding on particulate organic detritus.


The biomass of zooplankton changed relatively intensely, especially Cladocera、Copepoda and Young animal, and the biomass of the zooplankton will gradually increase.


The results indicate there are different salinity tolerances during development, and following the increasing tendency as nauplii copepodites adults.


更多网络解释与无节足的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anasarca:全身水肿, 普遍性水肿

anarthrous | 无关节的, 无节足的, (古希腊名词)不用冠词的 | anasarca | 全身水肿, 普遍性水肿 | anastaltic | 收敛止血的


anarthria 言语讷吃 | anarthrous 无节足的 | anarthrousjointless 无关节的

anarthrous:无关节的, 无节足的, (古希腊名词)不用冠词的

anarthria | (因大脑受伤引起的)构音障碍 | anarthrous | 无关节的, 无节足的, (古希腊名词)不用冠词的 | anasarca | 全身水肿, 普遍性水肿


环节动物门(Annelida). 体长圆柱形或长而扁平,左右对称,由前后相连的许多形态相似的体节组合而成,体节在外部形态上表现为体表的环纹. 有的有不分节的附肢,即疣足;有的无附肢,而只有刚毛,以佐运动. 体腔多数明显.


3.桡足亚纲(Copepoda) 大多自由生活,为海洋和淡水浮游生物的重要组成成分. 少数寄生. 体多呈圆锥形,头部往往与胸部体节愈合无复眼,体表一般无背甲,腹部无附肢,借头部与胸部附肢动物,如剑水蚤(Cyclops),为各种淡水水域最常见的种类;


虹吸式等 (18) 8.腹部末端有一对尾须(或尾铗) (9) 腹部无尾须 (15) 9.尾须呈坚硬不分节的铗状 革翅目(Dermaptera) 尾须不呈铗状 (10) 10.前足第一跗节特别膨大,能纺丝 纺足目(Embiidina) 前足第一跗节不特别膨大,


等足目(Isopoda)囊虾总目的1个较大的目. 约有1万多种. 它们的体形变化较大,多数身体背腹平扁,头部短小,盾形,与胸部第1节或前2节愈合. 无头胸甲. 腹部较胸部短,分节可能清楚或存不同程度愈合,最末腹节与尾节愈合. 胸部附肢均无外肢,

pronotal comb:前胸栉

有的种类前胸背板后缘具有粗壮的梳状扁刺,称前胸栉(pronotal comb). 无翅,足3对长而发达,尤以基节特别宽大,跗节分为5节,末节具有爪1对. 3.腹部 由10节组成,前7节称正常腹节,每节背板两侧各有气门1对. 雄蚤8、9 腹节、雌蚤7~9腹节变形为外生殖器,


板足鲎亚纲 板足鲎亚纲(Eurypterida) 全部是灭绝种类,最大的翼鲎(Pterygotus)可长达3m,是节肢动物中最大的种类. 头胸甲较小,腹部分节,前7节组成前腹部,具附肢,后5节组成后腹部,无附肢,具尾剑,因最后一对步足呈板状故名板足鲎,用以游泳.


其中第10腹节上的足又称臀足(anal leg)s. 长翅目幼虫的腹足5对. 膜翅目叶蜂类幼虫的腹足为6~8对,有时多达10对. 这些腹足的构造简单,由亚基节、基节与趾(planta)组成. 鳞翅目幼虫腹足末端的成排的小钩叫趾钩(crochets),叶蜂类幼虫的腹足无趾钩.