英语人>词典>汉英 : 无用之人 的英文翻译,例句
无用之人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
twerp  ·  losel  ·  spalpeen  ·  twerps

更多网络例句与无用之人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is a mere cipher in our company .


We decided to fire that worker, he was just a fifth wheel.


We decide to fire that worker, he is just a fifth wheel


I'm not a good-for-nothing.


My mistakes and nonsuccess do not make me a louse, a failure, or whatever.


The man who claims to be a "post-partisan" centrist seems to be channelling the spirit of William Jennings Bryan, the original American populist, who thunderously demanded to know "Upon which side shall the Democratic Party fight—upon the side of 'the idle holders of idle capital' or upon the side of 'the struggling masses'?"


Herefrom, that farmer looks down on right away the lion, is fear of him not in the least.


4If I pursued only happiness and lived just for the moment, I'd be a poor husband and father, a no-account with a perpetual three-day growth on my chin.


The man who claims to be a "post-partisan" centrist seems to be channelling the spirit of William Jennings Bryan, the original American populist, who thunderously demanded to know "Upon which side shall the Democratic Party fight—upon the side of 'the idle holders of idle capital' or upon the side of 'the struggling masses'?"


According to his uncle,the boy is a goodfornothing.


更多网络解释与无用之人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is my brother-in-law:他是我的姐夫

The get-together will begin at 联欢会将于晚上八点开始. | He is my brother-in-law. 他是我的姐夫. | I'm not a good-for-nothing. 我并不是一个无用之人.

Others by first do no harm:也有人坚信不去伤害别人为作人准则

Some live by "Love thy neighbor as thy self." 有人视"像爱自己一样爱你的邻人... | Others by first do no harm, 也有人坚信不去伤害别人为作人准则, | or take no more than you need. 或以不贪图过多无用之物为一...

jolly dog:有趣之人

dead dog 无用的东西 | jolly dog 有趣之人 | bull dog 难以相处之人

losel:没有价值之人, 无用之人

guilt 罪行, 内疚 | losel 没有价值之人, 无用之人 | bipolar converter 双极变换器

sad dog:放荡之人

ugly duckling 丑小鸭 | sad dog 放荡之人 | dead dog 无用的东西

And not a drink sodden:而不是一个醉生梦死

As if you were sober and intelligent|假设你清醒且智慧 | And not a drink sodden|而不是一个醉生梦死 | Sex-addled wreck."|荒淫无度的无用之人

twerp:无用之人; 讨厌家伙; 笨蛋 (名)

twenty 二十; 二十年代; 二十个 (名) | twerp 无用之人; 讨厌家伙; 笨蛋 (名) | twice-told 教过两次的, 陈腐的, 说过两次的


jump on the bandwagon 支持有获胜把握的竞选人,参加有成功希望的事业,倒向胜利者一边,趋炎附势 | twerp 无用之人 | ruckus 喧闹,骚动


twirler /指挥女郎/ | twirp /无用之人/ | two-bedroom /双卧室/


relapse 再度恶化 复发 | scouser 利物浦人 | skunk 无用之物;一种毒品