英语人>词典>汉英 : 无法通过的 的英文翻译,例句
无法通过的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无法通过的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the feeling of humans, it is not clear to show something, from time to time, we are not sure whether we should insist on our feelings, but we do like that ,cos we can't control ourselves, when you fall in love river, maybe you will lose your intellect , some words , some smile, some comportment could make you remember forever, we can't choose to remember something ,and forget something , once something happened in our lifes, it becomes past. What it left to us is the memory, I think memory has the life-span, and it was controlled by our minds. There is a rule to memory, if you force yourself to forget something ,usually , you must fail to forget something, cos a kind of consciousness in your mind make you remember that more and more clearly,, it is difficulty to fade something from one's memory by action,,, the only way to forget is the time , the time owns huge power to control human beings mind… waimaozu_com


The lack of measurement in the liquid phase prevents the moving boundary to be recovered by straightforward use of the direct Stefan solution.


A semipermeable membrane is one through which the molecules of a solvent can pass but the molecules of most solutes cannot.


In doing back-up data, we followed the work to be done is to switch to a system running DOS, and DOS command line in the implementation of "fdisk / mbr" command string to try to repair the hard disk of soft failure occurred ; if such a repair method to try is invalid, then we can go online to download and install the hard drive Bad Track professional testing tool to double-check the local hard disk in the phenomenon of the existence of Bad Track, Bad Track If you can not find the hard disk, it can not detect hard drive through the phenomenon is likely to be caused by the logic of failure, the logical solution is to find a Bad Track Repair Repair Tool to re-click the hard disk, only to do so.

在做好数据的备份工作后,我们接下来要做的工作就是将系统切换到DOS运行状态,并在DOS命令行中执行"fdisk /mbr"字符串命令,来尝试修复硬盘中发生的软故障;要是这种修复方法尝试无效的话,我们可以到网上下载安装一些专业的硬盘坏道检测工具,来仔细检查本地硬盘中是否存在坏道现象,如果找不到硬盘坏道的话,那硬盘检测无法通过的现象很可能是逻辑故障引起的,解决办法就是找逻辑坏道修复工具来重新修复一下硬盘,只能这样做了。

In doing back-up data, we followed the work to be done is to switch to a system running DOS, and DOS command line in the implementation of "fdisk / mbr" command string to try to repair the hard disk of soft failure occurred ; if such a repair method to try is invalid, then we can go online to download and install the hard drive Bad Track professional testing tool to double-check the local hard disk in the phenomenon of the existence of Bad Track, Bad Track If you can not find the hard disk, it can not detect hard drive through the phenomenon is likely to be caused by the logic of failure, when the only thing we can use the way is hard to find the logic of the corresponding brand Bad Track Repair Repair Tool to re-click the hard disk, I believe that case the hard disk will be able to detect the phenomenon can not be resolved the.

在做好数据的备份工作后,我们接下来要做的工作就是将系统切换到 DOS 运行状态,并在 DOS 命令行中执行" fdisk /mbr "字符串命令,来尝试修复硬盘中发生的软故障;要是这种修复方法尝试无效的话,我们可以到网上下载安装一些专业的硬盘坏道检测工具,来仔细检查本地硬盘中是否存在坏道现象,如果找不到硬盘坏道的话,那硬盘检测无法通过的现象很可能是逻辑故障引起的,此时我们唯一可以使用的办法就是找到对应品牌硬盘的逻辑坏道修复工具来重新修复一下硬盘,相信这么一来硬盘检测无法通过现象就能被解决了。

Documentatiojn does not provide sufficient detail of the structure and content of training provided.The statements fail to demonstrate the work experience was supervised by a qualified tradesperson and does not explain how the applicant acquired the full range of trade level skills.Therefore the evidence provided fails to satisfy section 12.1 of the UAC.


Will this give players the ability to leapfrog their way across otherwise unpassable terrain or directly to the top of a building, say where the boss to that area resides and skip fighting all the enemies within the tower?


At the same time, the cold and dry air has the effects of dehumidifying and ventilating.


Above them, the newly installed pipe is an impenetrable obstacle that separates Michael from his brother. T-Bag slowly saunters towards Michael, spinning a shiv in his right hand.


In order to resolve the problem met in the pretreatment of traditional methods for Optical stimulated luminescence dating sample which can not obtain enough purity and quantity of quartz, a new quartz separation process in obtained, with contrast experiments, combined with the welldeveloped quartz purification techniques in glass production, finally a new quartz separation process is obtained.


更多网络解释与无法通过的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

by virtue of the absoluteness of his estrangement from his past:通过彻底与过去分离

6. totally inescapable ambivalence of his status: 完全无法避免的身份矛盾 | 7. by virtue of the absoluteness of his estrangement from his past: 通过彻底与过去分离 | 8. nourish the illusion: 滋生幻想


「9-108」电子动产文据中的担保利益可以通过备案或通过被担保方在动产文据的复印件"上"作特殊的电子"确认"(identification)的方法来保全. 「9-102(a)(31),9-105,9-312(a)和9-314(a)」被担保方无法通过占有(possession)来保全电子动产文据中的担保利益,


impenetrability 不能贯穿 | impenetrable 费解的 | impenetrably 无法通过地


impenetrable 费解的 | impenetrably 无法通过地 | impenetrate 渗透

impenetrably:无感觉地 无法通过地

practical实际的, 实践的实用的 | impenetrably无感觉地 无法通过地 | sinister危险的, 不吉祥的, 凶兆的, 险恶的


可由萤幕的诊断画面得知警示(ALARM)讯号.(2)294 用塞规量测工件,若通过端(GO)不通过,不通过端(NO GO)也不通过,则工件尺寸为刚好太小太大无法判断.(2)307 若塞规之通过(GO)端及不通过(NO GO)端皆穿过量测之工件,


形式验证比较的结果有三种,通过(passing),失败(failing)和放弃(aborted). 通过的点意味着功能一致,失败则相反,放弃点意味着验证工具无法决定是否通过. 这种情况通常是因为验证过程中被中断,或是超过验证时限,或是出现非同步循环等出现.


西方思想最大的误区之一则是,这些体验并非仅仅是心灵的(psychic),而同时也是身体性的(bodily). 只有通过这些基本体验本身,才可能对人的身体性存在有切己的把握,也才能让心灵成为身体真正的主人,从而产生出让我们今天的生理学无法理解的诸多现象,

unprotected opening:[建]无防护的墙身[楼板]洞口<无法阻止烟、热、火焰通过的墙身[楼板]洞口>

unpaired electron|不成对电子 | unprotected opening |[建]无防护的墙身[楼板]洞口 | unprotected steel |[建]无防护层的钢构件

Pirated misconducts can not be effectively avoided:盗版行为无法有效的避免

5. Offending copy rights and patents 侵犯版... | 6. Pirated misconducts can not be effectively avoided 盗版行为无法有效的避免 | 7. Booking ticket by e-commerce may delay one's scheduling 通过电子商务订...