英语人>词典>汉英 : 无法实现的 的英文翻译,例句
无法实现的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无法实现的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, we could encourage them to get bogged down for 100 years in an unrealisable project.


The new simulation system can simul ate some special running states of ship engine. It also enhances the feelings of reality.


Follow your dreams and you will achieve the unachievable.


There is a fundamental difference between ideality and utopianism, that is, ideality may not necessarily unrealizable, but utopia definitely is.


The stress upon a good life that must be consummated in this world has made atheists vigorous opponents of moral codes which seek to repress human impulses in the name of some unrealizable other-worldly ideal.


The computational power of the quantum neuron is explored. Numerical and graphical results show that this single quantum neuron can perform XOR function unrealizable with a classical neuron and has the same computational power as the two-layer NN, it can be used to realize nonlinear mapping.


But there is one basic difference in the ideal and Eutopia , that this is ideal is to have no way to come true not necessarily, Eutopia has no way to come true then affirmatively.


The fact that the European political union has formed and developed raised an unavoidable question: How to look upon Lenin's opinion: a Federal Europe under the capitalist system is irrealizable or reactionary.


In the future,network virtual community become more and more variously , more and more like reality.even better than reality for its excitiment and amusement.what realty have exist in fictity.what can not realise in realty is easy to do in fictity.you can marrige with your lover,you do business with your cooperation,you can speculation on stocks,you can make friends,you can do every thing you want unless some thing not allowed in law,which make the bound become more and more fuzzy betwen fictity and reality.people will mist easily between them for a long time.it is scareful to face such blurred phenomenon.so for those who have not enough ability to distinguish ,especiely youth and children,it is easy to lost themselves.


To dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, to bear with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go, to right the unrightable wrong, to love pure and chaste from afar, to try when you arms are too weary, to reach the unreachable star.


更多网络解释与无法实现的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fleeting vision:第三十八集:无法实现的诺言

第三十七集:沉默的微笑 Taciturnity | 第三十八集:无法实现的诺言 Fleeting vision | 第三十九集:雨 Misty rain

influential: a.1:有影响的 2.有权势的

reciprocally: adv.1.相互地,交互地 2.互惠地,相互补偿地 | impractically: adv.不切实际地,无法实现地 | influential: a.1.有影响的 2.有权势的

pious hope:无法实现的希望

无电导线/dead wire | 无法实现的希望/pious hope | 无法投递的信/dead letter


穷人在工资高于自雇(Self Employment)所得收入时选择被雇佣成为工人,而富人则成为监督工人的企业家. 由于资本市场不完全,人们只能借到有限的资金,其数量与所拥有的财富相关. 需要高额投资的职业(企业家)是穷人所无法实现的,


第三十六集:红色的花 Red flower | 第三十七集:沉默的微笑 Taciturnity | 第三十八集:无法实现的诺言 Fleeting vision



The smallest actual good is better than the most magnificent promises of impossibility:最微小的实际好处也比无法实现的最堂而皇之的许诺强

30. 只有在人们越来越年长时,你才... | 32. 最微小的实际好处也比无法实现的最堂而皇之的许诺强:The smallest actual good is better than the most magnificent promises of impossibility. | 33. 成功的奥秘在于坚持...


关键还是在于,培育(nurturing)的过程远不是把人喂饱那么简单,而对精神成长的培育更是一种极为 复杂的过程,单靠本能是无法实现的.在本章一开头提到的那位不让其儿子自个儿搭公共汽车上学的母亲 便是一个典型的例子.通过开车送其儿子上学放学,


无法实现的希望/pious hope | 无法投递的信/dead letter | 无法再忍受的事/last straw

House of Cards:不切实际无法实现的计划,筹划不周难以成功的计划

Hour of need 在我需要帮助的时光中 | House of cards 不切实际无法实现的计划,筹划不周难以成功的计划 | How come 为什么