英语人>词典>汉英 : 无水酒精 的英文翻译,例句
无水酒精 的英文翻译、例句


absolute alcohol · anhydrous alcohol · anhydrous ethanol
更多网络例句与无水酒精相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1Give me a bottle of absolute alcohol, please.


Objective:To observe therapeutic effect with absolute alcohol treatment for 118 cases renal cyst by percutaneous puncture under ultrasonographic guidance.


Methods: 88 and 28 cases that were confirmed as simple ovarian cyst and chocolate cyst separately were all treated with ultrasoundguided paracentesis and injection of absolute alcohol.


Results After absolute alcohol treatment for 173 cysts in 158 cases, the cure rate was 81.5%, the efficacy rate was 97.7%.

结果 158例共173个肝肾囊肿经无水酒精治疗后复查发现总治愈率为81.5%,总显效率为97.7%。

We also present some data in graphic form, including the consumption of beer in gallons, the consumption of distilled spirits in gallons, and the consumption of absolute alcohol in gallons for beer and spirits, and, in total, for all beverage alcohol.


Injection anhydrous alcohol is a safe and effective method to treat t axillary bromidrosis. The results are durable.


ConclusionInjection anhydrous alcohol is a safe and effective method to treat t axillary bromidrosis. The results are durable.


Injection of dehydrated alcohol into the retropubic space induced chemical inflammation adhesion of vaginal wall with pubis at puncture on suppubis into vagina for suspension of vaginal wall and neck of bladder and urether.


Anhydrous plate wash An anhydrous alcohol, a water-free alcohol used in lithographic deep-etch platemaking to wash the plate before applying tie lacquer image base.


Anhydrous plate wash: An anhydrous alcohol, a water-free alcohol used in lithographic deep-etch plate making to wash the plate before applying tie lacquer image base.


更多网络解释与无水酒精相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute alcohol:无水酒精

absolute address绝对地址、机器地址 | absolute alcohol无水酒精 | absolute altitude绝对高度

absolute alcohol:纯酒精, 无水酒精

abscission layer 离层 | absolute alcohol 纯酒精,无水酒精 | absorbance 吸光度

aa absolute alcohol:无水酒精

aa absolute alcohol 无水酒精 | ab abacus 算盘 | ac Armored Car 装甲车

abs.alc. absolute alcohol:无水酒精的缩写

abs. absolute绝对的缩写 | abs.alc. absolute alcohol无水酒精的缩写 | abstr. abstract摘要,文摘的缩写

anhydrous alcohol:无水酒精

anhydrone 无水高氯酸镁 | anhydrous alcohol 无水酒精 | anhydrous ammonia 无水氨

anhydrous alcohol:无水酒精;无水乙醇

anhydrous 无水的 | anhydrous alcohol 无水酒精;无水乙醇 | anhydrous butter 脱水奶油

dehydrated alcohol:无水酒精

dehydrase 脱水酶 | dehydrated alcohol 无水酒精 | dehydrated castor oil 脱水蓖麻油

dehydrated alcohol:脱水酒精;无水酒精

dehydrated castor oil 脱水篦麻油 | dehydrated alcohol 脱水酒精;无水酒精 | dehydrate 去水物;脱水物

absolute ethyl alcohol:无水乙醇(无水酒精)

absolute error 绝对误差 | absolute ethyl alcohol 无水乙醇(无水酒精) | absolute expansion 绝对膨胀

absolute ethyl alcohol:无水酒精

absolute electrostatic unit绝对静电单位 | absolute error绝对误差 | absolute ethyl alcohol无水酒精