英语人>词典>汉英 : 无期徒刑 的英文翻译,例句
无期徒刑 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

life imprisonment
更多网络例句与无期徒刑相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is going to apeal to request a life imprisonment instead of the dead penalty.


Chapman pleaded guilty to gunning down Mr Lennon and is currently serving life in Attica prison near New York.

Chapman 因谋杀罪判无期徒刑,目前仍在纽约附近的 Attica 监狱服刑。

The former chairwoman of the Sanlu Group which sold the tainted milk was sentenced to life in prison.


Once coeliac disease has been diagnosed, it is recommended that you follow a gluten-free diet for life.


He intends to appeal to a commutation from death to life imprisonment.


He intended to appeal for commutation of the death sentence to life imprisonment.


He planned to appeal the court to derate his death penalty to life imprisonment


With respect to a criminal offender who was sentenced to public surveillance, criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment, if he shows true repentance or renders meritorious service during the period of serving his sentence and he shall be granted an extenuation of punishment or be released on parole according to law, the executing organ shall submit a written recommendation to the people's court for examination and ruling thereon.


With respect to a criminal offender who is sentenced to death with a two-year suspension of execution, life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment, the public security organ shall hand over him to the prison for execution of his criminal punishment according to law.


He could face/ life imprisonment / if convicted by a jury of US military officers. Jack Izzard reports from Washington.


更多网络解释与无期徒刑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

life imprisonment:无期徒刑

该片塑造了一位不幸被错判无期徒刑(life imprisonment)却勇于与命运抗争,最终赢得自由的英雄式人物--安迪.杜福雷(Andy Dufresne),此片打动了千万观众的心.

life imprisonment:终生监禁;无期徒刑

life 生命;性命;一生;生存;生计;生活 | life imprisonment 终生监禁;无期徒刑 | lift landing 电梯平台;上下电梯的地方;电梯口

life in prison:无期徒刑

leniency宽大 | life in prison无期徒刑 | man at large被通缉的人

be sentenced to life imprisonment:被处无期徒刑

be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment 被处有期徒刑 | be sentenced to life imprisonment 被处无期徒刑 | be short of 缺乏

Jean got life imprisonment for killing the policeman:简因杀害那个警察被判无期徒刑

15.Jean has a level head / is level-headed about m... | 16.Jean got life imprisonment for killing the policeman.简因杀害那个警察被判无期徒刑. | 17.Jean failed her examination, and she's taking it very...

imprisonment for life:终身监禁 无期徒刑(或life imprisonemtn)

judgment 得直令 判决书 | imprisonment for life 终身监禁 无期徒刑(或life imprisonemtn) | charge 押记 赊欠

life sentence:无期徒刑

如果最后他被判有罪(guilty),他的财产可能会被没收(confiscation),也可能要赔偿损失(restitution),也可能要服刑(incarceration),最长就是无期徒刑(life sentence).

life sentence:无期徒刑,终生监禁 无期徒刑,终生监禁

lien 留置权,扣押权 留置权 | life sentence 无期徒刑,终生监禁 无期徒刑,终生监禁 | lineup 列队辨认嫌疑犯 列队辨认嫌疑犯

life sentence:判处无期徒刑

jury 陪审团 | life sentence 判处无期徒刑 | pandora's box 潘多拉魔盒


无期徒刑lifeimprisonment | 无期徒刑者lifer | 无脐畸胎anomphalus