英语人>词典>汉英 : 无数量 的英文翻译,例句
无数量 的英文翻译、例句


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0Mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine was the optimal concentration of shoots quantity inducing which frequency of inducing shoots and number of shoots per explant were 100% and 11.1 respectively. 0.5mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine was the optimal concentration of shoots length inducing which average length of shoots was 12.0mm. Explant size had significantly effects on direct shoots quantity and length induction. When complete cotyledon used as explant, frequency of inducing shoots, number of shoots per explant and average length of shoots could approach to 100%, 6.7 and 17.1mm respectively. 2.0mg/L silver nitrate could significantly increase shoot quantity induction, both frequency of inducing shoots and number of shoots per explant could be as high as 97.2% and 4.2 respectively. But silver nitrate also could restrain shoots elongation.


The paper fristly compared the fertile soil with the incinerated sterile soil on the number of micro-algae , soil pH value , soil organic matter soil available phosphorus and soil nitrogen.And then, the author put fertile soil, which included micro-algae, proportionally into sterile samples and cultivated them respectively under illumination condition (micro-algae can live and reproduce)and dark condition(micro-algae will die in some time).The above indices were measured in 0, 30, 60 and 90days respectively, The analyse of the interrelation between the change of micro-algae"s number and the changes of soil pH value, soil organic matter, soil available phosphorus and soil nitrogen indicated:Soil micro-algae which were native to fertile soil conld adapt to the changed circumstance and light acted as a decisive role to the distribution of soil micro-algae.Under dark condition,the micro-algae"s number declined gradually and went to zero in the end,while under illumination condition ,on the 90th day, the micro-algaes number of per gramme was 6-7 times more than that of the beginning.


You can render an unlimited number of render passes, and you can group them into render pass sets.


Aseptically remove a sufficient quantity of solids from the appropriate amount of containers (see Table 2), mix to obtain a composite, equivalent to about 6 g of solids, and transfer to a sterile 500-mL conical flask.


Res ults:Before IST colonies of CFU-F from only 5 patients were normal,and the colo nies of CFU-F in decreased severely or even absent for the rest;the response ra te of AA patients with CFU-F formation was higher than that of those without CF U-F Formation but not significantly;after IST colonies of CFU-F in creased in significantly from those patients achiveve complete remission and parial remissi on Also they no significant as compared with nonresponsive patients.

结果:IST前仅5例患者CFU-F数量正常,余75例患者CFU-F生长严重缺陷或无生长;有CFU-F生长者疗效优于无CFU-F生长者,但差异无显著性(P>0.05)。IST后获基本治愈者骨髓CFU-F数量增加最为显著(P<0.01 ),缓解者及明显进步者CFU-F数量亦增加,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。

Comparing with control group, CD4~+ T cells of AIDS patient were markedly depleted in gastro-mucosal tissues(P<0.01), but in presymptomatic patients CD4~+ T cells were not significantly different. CD3~+ T cells, CD8~+ T cells and NK. cells were notably increased (P.01), and they severely infiltrated glands and epitheliums in gastro-mucosal tissues. And the quantity and distribution of CD20~+ B cells between patients and control group were not obviously different.


During the study period, we found that plants were present only in natural creek banks, but not altered ones. Comparisons between natural banks without plants and altered banks revealed no significant difference in both shrimp abundance and distribution. However, there was significant difference in shrimp abundance when natural banks with plants and altered banks were compared, suggesting that construction might have negative effects on plants and, in turm, on shrimp abudance. Comparisons between reproductive and non-reproductive season yielded significant results in both shrimp abundance and distribution, which resulted from the recruitment of juveniles to local populations.


Seasonal variation of the distributions of microorganism in the root-zones of wetland plants (Phragmites australis, Zizania latifolia, Zizania latifolia etc.), the substrate layers of control SSPs, together with the effects of wastewater treatment were studied. The results are as follows: the numbers of microorganisms in the different plant root-zones were different; the purification effects were also different. The number of microorganisms in the substrate of the control plot becomes smaller with increasing depth. The numbers of bacteria in fall were higher than those in the summer for the three plant zones and the control, and the number of fungi and actinomyces in summer was much higher than that in the fall for control. As for fungi and actinomyces in the experimental systems, most of their difference between the summer and fall were not as big as that in the control.


Analysis of the relation between serotonin and its receptor in OFC and stress depression(n=8):(1) Microinjection of 5-HT into OFC significantly shortened immobility time, dejections have no great changes; though locomotor、 grooming activitives have little increased, they have no significant difference; rearing scores greatly reduced;(2)microinjection of pCPA into OFC significantly prolong immobility time, dejections have no great changes; locomotor、rearing activities are greatly reduced, but have no significant effect on grooming activity receding;(3)compared with the effect of 5-HT alone, microinjection of spiperone combined with 5-HT into OFC, significantly prolong immobility time and greatly reduced dejections; locomotor、 rearing、 grooming activities are all reduced, but have no significant differences.


AIF ex- pression in ischemia region of cortex of parietal lobe and nerve cell apoptosis degree in sham operation group, MCAO 90 min and reperfusion 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h were observed by TUNEL and immunohistochemistry technique.


更多网络解释与无数量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Googol 天文数字 | googolplex巨数'无数量 | goo-goo eyes(古古爱)含情脉脉

Hundreds of thousands of them:它们的数量无以为计

Its surface is covered by a thick carpet of cockroaches.|... | Hundreds of thousands of them.|它们的数量无以为计 | Caves are one of the few habitats on Earth not directly powered by sunlight.|洞穴是地球...

legionlack in number:众多数量少

legendaryobscure有名的,传说中的无名的 | legionlack in number众多数量少 | lethargyanimative无生气的有生气的


无数地innumerablynumerously | 无数量incalculability | 无数量的incalculable


incalculability 无数量 | incalculable 无法计数的 | incalculable 无数量


无数量incalculability | 无数量的incalculable | 无霜frostless

unqualified acceptance:无规限承兑

unprofitable contract 无利可图的合约 | unqualified acceptance 无规限承兑 | unquantifiable assets 不可用数量估计的资产

unquantifiable assets:不可用数量估计的资产

unqualified acceptance 无规限承兑 | unquantifiable assets 不可用数量估计的资产 | unquoted assets 非上市资产

Sinocyclocheilus anophthalmus:无眼金线鲃

无眼金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus anophthalmus)是一种典型洞穴鱼类,已知只分布在云南宜良九乡麦田河畔的个别溶洞中,种群数量比较稀少,被列为濒危种类,亟待开展有效的保护,有关科学调查则是保护工作顺利进行的基础.利用现有条件,扩大附近已有的保护区的保护范围,


无数量的incalculable | 无霜frostless | 无双peerlessness