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无意识 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mechanically  ·  unconsciousness

更多网络例句与无意识相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And Qianyishi refers to Wuyishi descriptively rather than dynamically. In Freud's theory, Wuyishi doesn't include Qianyishi.


Therefore,his historical philosophy is reflected in the following:1/historical fortuity and agnosticism dominated by individual situation and unconsciousness;2/historical determinism decided by cultural structure and collective unconsciousness;and 3/hist...


Affecting the growth of adolescent and children.The reasons of defect of gender consciousness in media have the following aspects: 1. It makes media"s overlooking gender natural behavior that the androcentric thought and the fusty gender idea still predominate in society. 2. The emphasis of woman"s other-controlled condition by media induces and strengthens womans collectivity unconscious


In addition it is both positive and negative. They are the activeness and passiveness.


Jung's psyche unconsciousness, which becomes the cause of an abnormal personality, is mostly not related to the conscious. The conscious in Vijānamātra is the actuality of Seeds, while the seeds of attachments to egocentrism and dharma in the seventh consciousness and the eighth consciousness decide the contaminated nature and the worldling nature of the sentient beings.


In the Plain ,Wu Manling ' s female consciousness is submerged in the political ideology,while San Ya and Kong Suzhen ' s female consciousness are hidden in class awareness. Wan Yi in Narrating keeps her female awareness in national consciousness,Yu Mi, In Yumi, has her sororal sense in the form of power awareness. In Qingyi, Xiu Yanqiu ' s female awareness appears in the sense of fatalism. Female conscousness in most of his novels seem to become a collective conscious.


Under the flag of " Return to Freud " of Lacan, with the piety to Freud's works, by using the formula that Lacan mentioned later " all kinds of unconscious forms arecontrolled by the same structure as language's——metaphor and metonymy",through the clue that displacement is similar to metonymy and condensation is similar to metaphor ,this text begins to reread the Freud's previous works, has analyzed concretely unconscious composition forms dream, symptom , jokes and parapraxis that Freud had put forward, in order to know clearly the unconscious operation mechanism in all kinds of unconscious forms and enrich the unconscious theory better.


The key of psychoanalysis is to translate the unconscious into consciousness, to reveal the unconscious in the activity of psychogenic and to release the energy that is oppressed in the unconscious.


This thesis attempts to make archetypal study of the play through the analysis of the psychological fantasies, cloths, gunshots and drumbeats.


This thesis consists of three parts: individual unconscious, racial unconscious and collective unconscious of human beings, and each part is correlative for psychological fantasies, cloths, gunshots and drumbeats


更多网络解释与无意识相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

unconscious intentionality:无意识意向性 潜意识意向性

unconscious inference 无意识推理 | unconscious intentionality 无意识意向性 潜意识意向性 | unconscious learning 无意识学习


在弗洛伊德看来,人的心理可分为三个部分:意识(Cs)、前意识(Pcs)和无意识(Ucs)[13],其中无意识是关键的一环. 无意识表现为本能的冲动,是受"快乐原则"支配的,力图寻求满足. 而这就与社会规范发生了矛盾,如果一个人听任本能性的无意识的东西泛滥,


对我们的立场所存在的另一种可能的误解则是这样一个看法, 即我们对调整我们行动的许多规则所具有的那种意识不及的特征(non-conscious character)的强调, 乃是与那种有关无意识的(unconscious)或潜意识(subconscious) 的心智的观念勾连在一起的,

collective unconscious:集体无意识

由这些普通的生动形式组成无意识精神的层次,我将之命名为"集体无意识"(Collective Unconscious). 据我所知,没有胎儿期或入子宫前个人记忆的遗传,但毫无疑问,有一个遗传的原始格式,但缺乏具体内容,因为从一开始这些模式就没有包含个人的体验.

unconscious selection:无意识选择,非意识选择

unconscionable contract 极不公平的合同 | unconscious selection 无意识选择,非意识选择 | unconsolidated deposit 松散地层

unconscious inference:无意识推理

无意识推理( Unconscious Inference) 这一术语为德国科学家H.V.赫尔姆霍茨于1855年首创. 自实验心理学问世以来,认知理论常把诸如问题解决那样的活动置于知觉过程的核心,并用实验手段加以证明. 无意识推理便是其中一个证明. 例如,

unintentional memory:无意识记

unintentional memorization 无意识记 | unintentional memory 无意识记 | uninterested 不感兴趣的


unwitnessed /无证人签署的/ | unwitting /不知情的/无意识的/不知不觉的/ | unwittingly /不知不觉/不知情地/无意识地/


inconscient 无意识的 | inconsciently 无意识地 | inconscious 无意识


inconsciently 无意识地 | inconscious 无意识的 | inconsecutive 不连续的