英语人>词典>汉英 : 无性器官的 的英文翻译,例句
无性器官的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In this text, we researched some quantit y properties of clone reproduction organ of several main rhizomatous grasses .The results


In order to disclose the adaptive strategies and capacity of Potaninia mongolica Maxim, acquired during its evolution history, the whole response system, which was composed of individual morphology plasticity response, organs anatomy structure response, physiological function response of anti-arid and anti-hotness, activities of protective enzymes response, endogenous hormone adjustment response, sexual reproduction strategies response of seeding, dispreading, sprouting and renewing, asexual reproduction strategies response of clonal growth patterns, clonal growth architectures, clonal growth architectures plasticity, heterogeneous resources utilization strategies, endogenous hormone distribution in clonal organs, foraging behavior, risk-spreading, and resource sharing, individual density allocation patterns response, niche differentiation response, species connection response, allelopathy response and biodiversity components response of the plant was profoundly explored in this paper.The studies come to at least four important results:(1) Taking the sensitive response and evading strategy to adapt to environment stress, Potaninia mongolica Maxim is a successful species has lived through the long-term evolution. Nevertheless, it is narrow climate and soil niche and characteristic of vegetation reproduction which has made the plant a rare and endangered species.


更多网络解释与无性器官的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

vegetative propagation:无性繁殖

不少的植物均可利用植物营养器官的一部份 ( 如:茎、根、叶 ) ,从母体分离,并生长成为独立的新珠,此方法称为无性繁殖 (vegetative propagation) 或营养繁殖.


(5)原生动物(protozoon) 土壤中的原生动物,包括纤毛虫、鞭毛虫和根足虫等类,它们都是单细胞的,并能运动的微生物. 形体大小差异很大,通常以分裂方式进行无性繁殖. 纤毛虫类如肾形虫、弓形虫,长有许多纤毛作为运动器官,



senescence phase:衰老期

第3阶段为衰老期(senescence phase),指从树势明显衰退开始到树体最终死亡为止. 实际生产中树体寿命并不采用自然寿命,而是根据其经济效益状况,提前或延后经济寿命. 无性繁殖的木本植物由于是利用母体上已具备开花结果能力的营养器官再生培养而成,


amphidromic region | 无测区 | amphierotism | 两性色情 | amphigamous | 无性器官的


amphierotism | 两性色情 | amphigamous | 无性器官的 | amphigamy | 受精作用


形成于地钱科(Marchantiaceae)(苔类)的叶状体背面、产生胞芽且其边缘有锯齿的杯状器官,是气室的变形物. 地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)是在生长环境不良时形成胞芽杯,以行无性繁殖.