英语人>词典>汉英 : 无兴趣 的英文翻译,例句
无兴趣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disinterest  ·  indifference  ·  nullity  ·  nullities

更多网络例句与无兴趣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

High interest rates - You may be charged with more than 30 percent in interest without you knowing it.

高利率 -你可能会被控3 0%以上无兴趣,你知道。

It's a slowly-growing sense of dissatisfaction, disinterest, disconnectedness .


Results exploratory factor analysis indicated that separate scale of enervation mentality had 20 items and 4 dimensions: no freshness, no ego, disinterest and force to adapt.

结果 通过探索性因子分析,表明大学生冷漠心理特征分量表由无朝气、无自我、无兴趣、强迫适应4个维度构成,共20个项目。

Actually, baermoben expresses 7 days month, microsoft is right buy Yahoo " halfhearted already ".


Later, I lost all involvement business in seeing this anonymous and monotonous information hokum.


Unless the sceptic is of no interest whatsoever, the conclusion of the transcendental argument is a substantial statement, one that says more than the premiss: the move from premises to conclusion is, we might say, synthetic.


This job offers you 2000 a mouth plus room and board. Would you be interested?


I have/take no interest in this subject.


I am not interested in perfecting my thoughts, nor my actions. Beside the perfection of Turgenev I put the perfection of Dostoevski. Is there anything more perfect than The Eternal Husband?


Unexcited by the ins and outs of cap-and-trade and health-care legislation, and by an election in which Mr Obama's own job is not up for grabs, why should they turn out again?


更多网络解释与无兴趣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be indifferent to:无兴趣,不关心

be in the mood to do sth. 想做 | be indifferent to无兴趣,不关心 | be indignant with sb.愤慨


disinter 掘出 | disinterest 无兴趣 | disinterested 无私的


disinter /掘出/发掘/显露/ | disinterest /无兴趣/不关心/使不关心/ | disinterested /无私欲的/廉洁的/公平的/

disinterest:无兴趣, 不关心 (名)

disinter 掘出, 显露, 发掘 (动) | disinterest 无兴趣, 不关心 (名) | disinterest 使不关心 (动)

disinterestedness: n.1:无私,公正 2.无兴趣,冷漠

impropriety: n.不合适,不得体,不合标准 | disinterestedness: n.1.无私,公正 2.无兴趣,冷漠 | partiality: n.1.偏袒,偏心 2.偏爱,癖好

half-hearted:不认真的; 无兴趣的; 不热心的

half-crown 半克朗 | half-hearted 不认真的; 无兴趣的; 不热心的 | half-holiday 半日休假


halfback /中卫/ | halfhearted /不认真的/无兴趣的/不热心的/ | halfheartedly /不认真地/

halfhearted:不认真的; 不热心的; 无兴趣的 (形)

halfback 中卫 (名) | halfhearted 不认真的; 不热心的; 无兴趣的 (形) | halfheartedly 不认真地; 无兴趣地 (副)

halfheartedly:不认真地; 无兴趣地 (副)

halfhearted 不认真的; 不热心的; 无兴趣的 (形) | halfheartedly 不认真地; 无兴趣地 (副) | halfpenny 半便士铜币, 半便士之值 (名)


indies /印度地方/东[西] 印度群岛/ | indifferency /不关心/无兴趣/ | indifferentism /冷淡主义/不关心论/信仰无差别论/