英语人>词典>汉英 : 无党派人士 的英文翻译,例句
无党派人士 的英文翻译、例句


nonparty personage
更多网络例句与无党派人士相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As has been seen, some communities of Beguines in the Netherlands asked, in 1452, for affiliation to the order, and thus gave rise to the first convents of Carmelite nuns.


Eduardo Frei, a Christian Democrat who was Chile's president from 1994-2000 and is the official Concertación candidate, trailed on 28%, while Marco Enríquez-Ominami, a dissident Socialist congressman standing as an independent, had 17%.

同时,持不同意见的社会党国会议员Marco Enríquez-Ominami以无党派人士身分参选,拿下17%选票。

Lloyd Cutler said there was nothing to worry about because Fiske was clearly independent and there was no way he would be replaced.


Republicans are strongly in favour (73% to 18%), while independents are about evenly divided.


"Well, we are very close to the magic figure of 272, people have given us a clear mandate, lot many small groups and independents they are available, more than willing to support the government," said Shukla.

他说:"嗯,我们已非常接近魔术数字272 ,选民给了我们明确的授权,许多小团体和无党派人士都非常愿意支持政府。"

It is just that the independents do not thrive, and they constitute a minuscule segment of the market.


Personally, Abelard repudiated all kinship with the Adoptionists, just as they deprecated the very idea of their affiliation to the Nestorian heresy.

我个人来说,阿贝拉尔推翻一切亲情与adoptionists ,正如他们已废弃非常的想法,他们无党派人士,向景教异端。

Just to show how nonpartisan I am, I put some Army general in charge of our referees.


They introduce competition among cadres and, to a lesser extent, between party and nonparty members where absolutely none existed before.


Hereby, on behalf of 630 thousand Dujiangyan people, we express our greatest respect to leaders of all levels, cadres and masses on the front line, soldiers and officers from the Chinese Army, healthcare staff, pressmen, scientific and technological workers, engineering constructers, social workers, and volunteers, non-communist party members, members of Chinese Federation of Industry and Commerce, and all those who joined us in the quake-relief and post-quake reconstruction, especially to the 19 million Shanghai people!


更多网络解释与无党派人士相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thermochimica Acta:热化学学报

1993年和2004年被Elsevier出版社两度邀请担任国际热化学学报(Thermochimica Acta)编委,为中国科学事业的发展和国际学术地位的提高做出了卓越贡献. 2006年被评选为"全国各民主党派、工商联和无党派人士为全面建设小康社会作贡献先进个人"及"国防科技工业协作配套先进个人".

Ind Coope:公司名称

637incrediblea. 难以置信的 | 638Ind Coope公司名称 | 639independenta. 独立的,自主的; n. 独立派人士,无党派者

independent of sb:不依赖某人

724independenta. 独立的,自主的; n. 独立派人士,无党派者 | 725independent of sb不依赖某人 | 726Indian. 印度


just so you could have the nuns 尼姑,修女 in the thong and the feathers. | ostentatious. 装饰表面的,夸示的,华美的 | independent独立派人士,无党派者

Tea party:话会

从当前美国民间日益扩展的"茶话会"(tea party)运动来看,奥巴马在民间的威信呈下滑弧线. 虽然"茶话会"运动后面有共和党人支持,但基本上是一种反对政府过分干涉、渴望能够安居乐业的无党派人士的运动. 人们的愤怒也对准共和党的政客.

non-Party personage:无党派人士

无尘粉笔dust-free chalk | 无党派人士non-party personage | 屋顶花园roof garden