英语人>词典>汉英 : 无中生有地 的英文翻译,例句
无中生有地 的英文翻译、例句


out of thin air
更多网络例句与无中生有地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a medium meant to convey images, his power was in conjuring them out of thin air.


Also not with enough time is frightened me, the tight seal gate opens in front of me and reveals extended declivity, terminus has not resembled stone steps.


As she has alternative identity, she has quick-sighted and skillful hands. Those we see as the real dream, which demostrate modern dancing in real life out of thin air.


Well said Arthur, If this kind of news is used by Western media as a pretext to conjure the next threat to "World" peace out of thin air, I hope wise bloggers will have the foresight to see it for what it is- scaremongering.


In this low ground about Borodino in the mist, and above it, and especially along the whole line to the left, in the copses, in the meadows below, and on the tops of the heights, clouds of smoke were incessantly springing out of nothing, now singly, now several at once, then at longer intervals, then in rapid succession. These clouds of smoke, puffing, rolling, melting into one another, and sundering apart, trailed all across the wide plain.


Seized by disappointment and with only$10 with him, he left Microsoft and went to a convenience store where he bought 10 kilo-grants of potatoes to sell them from door to door. Two hours later, he sold out the potatoes with a profit rate of 100%.After a couple of such dealings, his capital doubled and he found he mind feed himself this way.With such an idea in mind, he did this business in tamest and got increasingly prospered. He bought a car and employed more hands and started a large "door-to-door" dealing company, providing the service for people to buy fresh vegetables at their doors. Considering laying out the future for his family, he decided to buy insurance for them. The insurance agent was surprised to know that he did not have an e-mail address and said," just imagine how much you do with a computer and an e-mail address""I would be a cleaner in Microsoft" was his reply.


更多网络解释与无中生有地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



out of the wood:出森林

out of the way 不碍事的 | out of the wood 出森林 | out of thin air 无中生有地

out of thin air:无中生有地

out of the wood 出森林 | out of thin air 无中生有地 | out of time 不合时宜


狄拉克方程"无中生有、 石破天惊"地指出为甚么电子有"自 旋"(spin), 而且为甚么"自旋角动量"是1 / 2而不是整数. 初 次了解此中奥妙的人都无法不惊叹其为"神来之笔",是别人无法想到 的妙算. 当时最负盛名的海森伯(W. Heisenberg ,


国际先驱导报文章 布什在一次公开发言时,误把subliminal(潜意识)无中生有地错拼成为subliminable,美国热门电视节目>(The Daily Show)的主持人乔恩.斯图尔特调侃道:"没错,布什是想说'潜意识'(subliminal),不过在他自己的潜意识中,