英语人>词典>汉英 : 新观念 的英文翻译,例句
新观念 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与新观念相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This feature in traditional Chinese poetry and Imagist Poetry was perfectly expressed but less used in the painting, until a new concept of contemporary art, especially the concept of post-modernism proliferation, appeared in paintings.


New Feminie 男权制文化Male supremacy culture self-awareness自我意识角色失调role incongruence 伤逝harm to die 创作思想creative ideas 封建旧观念old feudalism 幻灭evanescence 女性主义feminism Abstract: In Xun Lu's novel "harm to die ",the imagine of Zi Jun is an advanced sign in the author's creative creative ideas. As a new feminie, Zi Jun took upon herself to pursue her free love in her ideality regardless of the shackles of old feudalism,but resulted in evanescence.


Break through what former appearance reads aloud to manacle, establish the new idea that gets used to market economy progress.


In 1799 he resigned his tutorships, devoted himself for a couple of years to the study of philosophy and wrote some small works on education including appreciations of Pestalozzi's writings.


Based on the plan experiment of rural reforming example town s, some new ideas ofsmall town planning combining with theory and experiment have been systematically approached.


First of all, from the design of the contemporary environment of the color change of thinking and starting to study the color in the new concept of performance, from a new sense of color and character changes in the use of summed up the new characteristics of color, such as color-hyun, reflecting the color, Self-luminous color and display aesthetics, graffiti and the new material on the impact of color, and interesting in a modern aesthetic with a new understanding on.


Particularly,there are the following several respects:change the mode of thinking;develop one's own laten energy;cultivate humane spirit;and establish suffering consciousness.


In 1799 he resigned his tutorships, devoted himself for a couple of years to the study of philosophy and wrote some small works on education including appreciations of Pestalozzi's writings.


Established in July 2007, the company has gone through a successful merger with Bayuquan Fangzhou travel agent in march 2008, since then the company has been expanding it's services including Group Tour, Pickup Service, Ticket Booking and Private Tour. We provide excellent conference tours, tailor holidays, information consultant and student summer camps in China, as well as bookings of air/rail/ ferry tickets and hotels bookings around china and southeast Asia. To keep up with the ever changing modern world, the company has recently developed fresh concepts such as "theme tour" and "special tour" to create a more friendly atmosphere for clients who travel with us.


The education of the three sons aged 14, 10, and 8 was entirely entrusted to Herbart on condition that he should write a lengthy report by letter to the father every two months.


更多网络解释与新观念相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Selling concept:推销观念

20世纪30年代,参与市场竞争的厂商形成了一种以销售为中心的新的观念--推销观念(selling concept),从50年代开始终于形成了一种以消费者为中心的经营哲学--市场营销观念(marketing concept),近年来形成了几种要求超越于营销观念的经营哲学,

summit forum:高峰论坛

首创高峰论坛(Summit Forum)与培训(Workshop)结合的方式. 第二届超高亮度发光二极管(LED)和半导体照明产业发展与应用论坛,将成为业内对新技术、新观念、新策略进行推广交流的讲坛,是专业人士获得新资讯、洞悉新趋势、决定企业发展的新平台.


neo-octinum 新安痉 | Neo-orthodoxy 新创正统观念 | neooxine 新羟基喹啉


即整个观念乃基于社会应用和方便的物质上的基础概念--内容和形式的结合;"既存的",即物质本身的自然倾向,在其构成和变化过程中的特殊条件的实现.这种观念在此后的"风格派"(de Stijl)或"新造型主义"(Neoplasticism),包豪斯,"国际风格"(International Style),

overvalued idea:超价观念

许又新(1993)认为,超价观念(overvalued idea)是一种直接涉及自我确信的价值信念,其特征是观念片面而偏激,以致不被同一文化或亚文化的大多数人接受. 超价观念与妄想不同,有相当的事实根据,并不明显地歪曲事实本身,推理也合逻辑.

a new philosophy of life:新的生活观念

21.realize one's dream 实现梦想 | 22.a new philosophy of life 新的生活观念 | 23.prompt sb. to do... 促使某人做......

information revolution:革命

传统的教学与学习模式,也因为资讯革命 (Information revolution) 所带来的新观念,使得教育的策略与版图,在软、硬体革新、认知心理、社会改革,与国家现代化等观念的推动下,势必大力重整,以因应二十一世纪的新挑战.


梦呓性精神病 oneirophrenia | 强迫性观念插入 onomatomania | 新语症 onomatopoiesis

The Novum Organum:<新工具>

17世纪初,现代科学之父弗朗西斯.培根(Francis Bacon)完成了他的两部最重要的著作<<新工具>>(The Novum Organum)和<<新大西岛>>(The New Atlantis). 透视法的观念显然包纳在了他对空间关系及人类在地球上的角色的反思里. 培根提供了组织自然的方法,