英语人>词典>汉英 : 新英格兰 的英文翻译,例句
新英格兰 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Yankeeland  ·  NE

New England
更多网络例句与新英格兰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A dark scowl; the proverbially dour New England Puritan; a glum, hopeless shrug; he sat in moody silence; a morose and unsociable manner; a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius- Bruce Bliven; a sour temper; a sullen crowd.


New England's residents and visitors alike enjoy all its seacoast has to offer:deep-sea fishing and whale-watching, clambake7 feasts and sunning on the beaches, strolling through sand dunes covered with beach grass and wildflowers, or watching the fog roll into a sleepy harbor.


But, while the Anglican church was sunk in spiritual and intellectual lethargy in the South, and while it had a rather attenuated existence in the Middle states, an event occurred in New England in 1722 which was of the greatest promise for the future of Anglicanism, and which shook Congregationalism in New England to its very foundations.

但是,尽管圣公会被击沉,在精神和智力的沉睡在南方,而它造成了比较大的衰减存在,在中东国家,即一个事件发生在新英格兰地区,在1722年,这是最大的承诺,为未来的anglicanism ,而摇头公理,在新英格兰,其根本基础。

They were unfair in their remarks on New England, whose Europeanization had always had some genuine elements.


Back then there were also a number of influential liberal Republicans, alas, a virtually extinct group today, including Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, the Senates only African-American; Mark Hatfield of Oregon; Jacob Javits of New York; and George Aiken of Vermont, a crusty old New Englander who thought our Vietnam policy was nuts and tersely suggested we should simply declare victory and get out.


The three leading New England Puritan exponents, John Winthrop, Jonathan Edwards, and Benjamin Franklin represented the embryo and the decline of Puritanism in New England. Then, through the comparison of Franklin and Thomas Paine, the author expatiates the significant role Franklin played in the "Age of Reason". In the last chapter, Franklin as a scientist and a social welfare worker is expounded and his overall significance in American culture is emphasized again.


However, recent scholarship has strongly suggested that those aspects of early New England culture that seem to have been most distinctly Puritan, such as the strong religious orientation and the co******unal impulse, were not even typical of New England as a whole, but were largely confined to the two colonies of Massachusetts and Connecticut.


Chapter Three illustrates Frost"s identity as a defender of the rural New England, and shows his life values: he cherishes he rural New England"s traditional value and underrates the modern industrialized civilization.


There would surely have been violence had the federalists tried to take these states out of the union.


When the weather goes from fair to cloudy, New Englanders say that it's "breedin' up a storm"(Maine informant in the Linguistic Atlas of New England ).


更多网络解释与新英格兰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chris Albright:纽约红牛 新英格兰革命 完全拥有

10-1-16 Michele Paolucci 尤文图斯 锡耶纳 租借 | 10-1-14 Chris Albright 纽约红牛 新英格兰革命 完全拥有 | 10-1-14 Clint Mathis 洛杉矶银河 皇家盐湖城 完全拥有

Zak Boggs:新英格兰革命队 美国职业大联盟联赛

Charlie Austin 斯文登城 英格兰甲级联赛 1055 | Zak Boggs 新英格兰革命队 美国职业大联盟联赛 1055 | Jason Yeisley 达拉斯 美国职业大联盟联赛 1054

New England:新英格兰

第八集 States Name Game 剧中 钱德 勒让大 家做 在六分 钟内 把美国 五十 个州的 名字 全部写 出来 的游戏 ,结 果引出 了很多笑料,乔伊一举写出了五十六个,不知道他从哪里找来的多余的六个.但从他和钱 德勒 的争 辩中 可以看出, 他把" 新英格兰(New England)" 也写了 进去 ,

New England:新英格兰地区

据房屋信贷公司联邦住房贷款抵押公司(Freddie Mac)的统计,在截至1994年的5年内,新英格兰地区(New England)的地产价格下跌了将近12%. 与此截然不同的是,如果你贷上一大笔款项,用于购买房屋,那么,你购买的是一种特殊商品,属于风险很高的投资.

New England:新英格兰(地名)

Boston 波士顿(地名) | New England 新英格兰(地名) | Useful Expressions (常用短语)

New England:美职 美国足球职业大联盟 新英格兰革命 新英倫革命

9 美职 美国足球职业大联盟 洛杉矶银河 洛杉磯銀河 Los Angeles | 10 美职 美国足球职业大联盟 新英格兰革命 新英倫革命 New England | 11 美职 美国足球职业大联盟 纽约红牛 紐約紅牛 NewYork Red Bulls


England 新英格兰 | Englander 新英格兰人 | Frontier 新边境

new england girlhood:(新英格兰少女时代)

acres of diamonds(一亩亩的宝石) | new england girlhood(新英格兰少女时代) | The Large Catechism(马丁路德的大本>)

Antioch New England:新英格兰研究生学校

. Antioch New England 新英格兰研究生学校 | . Atlantic Culinary Institute - 大西洋美食学院 | . Chester College of New England 新英格兰彻斯特学院

New England University:新英格兰大学

因此新州查尔斯特大学(Charles Sturt)和南十字星大学(Southern Cross)的合并提议有可能将为规模较小的大学之间的融合拉开序幕. 鉴于新英格兰大学(New England University)与南十字星大学之前的合作关系,新英格兰大学也因没有加盟这次合并而备受关注.