英语人>词典>汉英 : 新发行的股票 的英文翻译,例句
新发行的股票 的英文翻译、例句


coming out
更多网络例句与新发行的股票相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They can be from the secondary offering financing, the bank bought at a discount price of the stock, and other companies before considering possible to invest in new companies listed.


In addition, the issuance of shares listed on the lifting of the ban, to participate in the face of deep-set of stocks the lake there are new treasures, were driving force for Shanghai, Nanning and other sugar.


Their losses to date have not been replaced by new capital and it is currently not possible to issue new equity in the private markets.


Half-yearly deadline' that, while not accurate, but reflect the current market level and distribution of new shares will be a vacuum period of fear."


They can be either new shares or a secondary offering.


An investment banking firm acting as underwriter sells securities from the issuing corporation to the public. A group of firms may from a syndicate to pool the risk and assure successful distribution of the issue. There are two types of underwriting arrangements: best efforts and firm commitment. With best efforts, the underwriters have the option to buy and authority to sell securities, or if unsuccessful, may cancel the issue and forgo any fees. This arrangement is more common with speculative securities and with new companies.


We wish to advise that the following number of shares are offered to you and upon acceptance will be issued with new share certificate to you according by Y HE.


You can use newly issued stock to acquire other companies and grow your business.


Spain's Santander completed a share offering for its Brazilian banking unit that raised 14 billion reais ($8 billion), the world's biggest flotation so far this year, but the unit's share price fell on its first trading day.


Note: The stock component after Baidu appears on the market is A kind stock, B kind stock, namely new issue a stock to be A kind stock, all and primitive stock is B kind stock.


更多网络解释与新发行的股票相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

castle in the air:空中楼阁

20世纪80年代投机风潮再起,机构投资者再次为他们制造的空中楼阁(Castle in the air)付出代价. 这次风潮是从又一轮的新发股票投机中开始的. 1983年上半年,高科技新股发行热潮就像是60年代的翻版,只是领域稍做变动,成了生物技术和微电子.

convertible bond:可转换债券

可转换债券(Convertible bond)是由公司发行的、在一般债券上附加期权的一种债务工具. 持有者有权在将来的特定时期内根据某个特定的转换比例将可转换债券转换成该公司发行的股权. 作为一种介于普通债券与普通股票之间的一种新的混合型融资工具,可转换债券在其问世以来的100多

bonus issue:发行红股

公司将股东资金中的储备转移至资本项下,等于向股东免费发行股票. 新发行的股票按持股比例向现有股东分发. 亦称为资本化发行(capitalization issue),发行红股(bonus issue)及股利股票发行(scrip issue).

new capital issue:新发行的资本股票

new candle 新国际光单位,坎德拉 | new capital issue 新发行的资本股票 | new capital issues 新发行资本股票

cash flow:现金流量

在此反复强调,财务管理的目的是将"现金慢流"(Cash slow)变成"现金流量"(Cash flow). 现金流量表说明,只有当营运资金需求的各种变量,如新资本开支、撤资、长期债务偿还、新的长期借款、股票发行和回购以及红利发放等都等于零的情况下,

exorable:可说服的, 可用恳求打动的

total management 全面管理 | exorable 可说服的, 可用恳求打动的 | new capital issues 新发行的资本股票

investment bank:银行

含义 一级市场是筹集资金的公司或政府机构将其新发行的股票和债券等证券销售给最初购买者的金融市场. 一级中石油股票最新行情并不为公众所熟知,因为将浙江天元 股票销售给最初购买者的过程并不是公开进行的. 投资银行(investment bank)是一级市场上协助证券首次

primary market:一级市场

一级市场(Primary Market)是筹集资金的公司或政府机构将其新发行的股票和债券等证券销售给最初购买者的金融市场. 一级市场并不为公众所熟知,因为将证券销售给最初购买者的过程并不是公开进行的.

Initial public offering:首次公开发行股票

向大众出售股票,此种作法是公司雇用承销商(Underwriters)依目前的市场价格首次 公开发行股票(Initial Public Offering). 2. 向原来股东出售股票,使得旧股东能够买到比市价便宜公司的新股票.

extra dividend:额外股利

通常用 于支付工作有成绩的企业职工; 对股东来说,指附加或再次分配的投资收益,亦即 额外股利(extra dividend). bonus issue 发行红利股 或称资本化股票发行(capitalization issue).指公司对股东支付股票股利(stock dividend).公司所发行的新股票并不需要 原有股东认购或交款,