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新兴 的英文翻译、例句


new and developing · newly developing
更多网络例句与新兴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hugh Hunter, chief executive of Blackfriars Asset Management, an emerging market specialist within BNY Mellon Asset Management, says: Many emerging markets are a similar risk to those of developed markets.

BNY Mellon Asset Management 旗下专门从事新兴市场投资的Blackfriars资产管理公司首席执行官休亨特表示:许多新兴市场的风险与发达市场类似。

It is a burgeoning concept, it is a kind of burgeoning method that shares fundamental framework.


To gauge the explanation power of these interpretations, we study the level of capital flows , the composition of capital flows and the nature of crises in emerging markets countries.


We also find that among the three investment strategies we discussed – the momentum strategy, buying the top or the bottom decile portfolio of funds, adopting the momentum strategy gets a better Sharpe ratio if the emerging market, energy, and mineral funds are not considered. For the portfolio of emerging market, energy, and mineral funds, it is with better performance for the strategies of buying the top or the bottom decile portfolio of funds.

最后,以Sharpe ratio为比较各投资策略在各投资分类的基准,采取动能策略操作基金,在移除新兴、能源、矿业基金之投资组合中有较高的报酬;又以买入形成期表现最好及买入形成期表现最差的基金为操作策略时,在新兴、能源、矿业基金这一分类出现较佳之绩效。

Much public large-scale architecture in Napoleon Era represents the demands of bourgeoisie who emerged as European Industrial Revolution comes forth. In the past hundreds of years, artisan and handicraftsman follow strictly the scale, size, and fussy baroque decoration details that could not meet demands of urban population and new commercial forms. Therewith, Frenchmen started to build Paris stock exchange in 1808 and completed in 1827. With applied and simple architecture form, the apartments were multi-storey aiming at providing enough space for population; the ground floor was store and residence for upper floors. The exterior was capacious footpath and landscaping. The typical is reform of start which is rudiment of modern city.


Certainly, American politicians have been glad enough to see emerging-market governments bail out their banking system—with funds that, Mr Setser impishly points out, have been flowing faster than IMF aid ever did to emerging markets in crisis.


As Anton Brender and Florence Pisani argue in a brilliant study for the Centre for European Policy Studies, the salient characteristic of the capital outflow from emerging economies was that it came in the form of reserves – an overall increase of close to $6,000bn in the noughties.

安东布朗代和弗洛伦斯皮萨尼为欧洲政策研究中心(Centre for European Policy Studies)完成了一份极其出色的研究报告。他们在报告中指出,新兴经济体资本外流的显著特征是,资金是以外汇储备的形式流出的——过去十年,新兴经济体外汇储备总额增长了近6万亿美元。

This paper first reviews definitions of new infectious diseases and the status of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases. Then it describes the worldwide distribution of new infectious diseases. Finally, it presents an analysis of important factors contributing to new infectious diseases including a combination of biological, environmental, ecological, social and economic factors.


Asia,An astonishing rebound 亚洲,惊人的反弹 Aug 13th 2009 From The Economist print edition Asia's emerging economies are leading the way out of recession; now they must make their recovery last 亚洲新兴经济体正在率先走出衰退;然而它们必须使复苏得以持久 IT NEVER pays to underestimate the bounciness of Asia's emerging economies.


For the first time, this dissertation, taking EMEs of ASEAN as study object, analyzes the motivation of foreign banks participation, the policies of host countries and the impacts of foreign banks participation. The research in explaining foreign banks participation in EMEs is comparatively few. This dissertation may enrich the lectures concerning the participation of foreign bank in developing countries especially EMEs.


更多网络解释与新兴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

emerging market:新兴市场国家

新兴市场国家的资源稀缺性 新兴市场国家(Emerging market)是指低收入,高增长并以市场自由化为经济拉动引擎的国家(Hoskisson,2000),在这些国家里,由于处于经济发展的初级阶段,产品要素市场并不发达,

emerging economies:新兴经济

就表现为这些海外上市国企的被严重压低了的增长率,因为这是根据风险(概率)加权之后的增长率. 这就是为什么"新兴股市"(Emerging markets)在海外挂牌上市的股票价格通常都不能反映它们所在的"新兴经济"(Emerging economies)的超高速增长.

emerging economies:新兴国家的经济

emerging countries 新兴国家 | emerging economies 新兴国家的经济 | census n.人口普查

Emerging Markets:新兴市场 - 新兴市场

- Emerging Europe - 新兴欧洲 - 新兴欧洲 | - Emerging Markets - 新兴市场 - 新兴市场 | - Emerging Markets Debt - 新兴市场债券 - 新兴市场债券

emerging industry:新兴词汇

emerging 新兴的 | emerging industry 新兴词汇 | emerging market economy 新兴市场经济

emerging nation:新兴国家

emerging market economy 新兴市场经济 | emerging nation 新兴国家 | Employee 职员,雇员



Emerging market economy:新兴市场经济 Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济

107 1 Developed market economy 发达的市场经济 Developed mark... | 109 1 Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济 Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济 | 110 1 Mature market economy 成熟市场经济 Mature marke...

newly industrializing country:新兴工业化国家

newly industrialized country;新兴工业化国家;NIC; | newly industrializing country;新兴工业化国家;NIC; | newly industrialized economies;新兴工业化经济(体);NIEs;

newly industrializing countries:新兴工业化国家

negligible risk;轻度风险;; | newly industrializing countries;新兴工业化国家;NICs; | newly industrializing economies;新兴工业化经济(体);;