英语人>词典>汉英 : 斜纹软呢 的英文翻译,例句
斜纹软呢 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与斜纹软呢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And this spring, a whole array of capes and wraps are on offer, ranging from tweed to fur to wool and cashmere.


In the meantime her believe deeply is the be"simple" st way which lets the fine texture present and her classic design for leave include:NO.5 perfume, be the inclined line soft, double color shoe, black and small dress etc., the accessories of classic is the leather that the assertion lets woman's hands vacate to wear the handbag that the chain take, she show affection for of the mountain camellia also still blooms in the dinner of silk ans stain the pack the ectype pattern.


And yet ... and yet ... it was hard to see the parade of tweed culottes, gold-zip-bedecked leather bomber jackets, skinny trousers and fluttery silk mini dresses and shirts designer Frida Giannini sent out during her autumn/winter show and not think: anodyne.


Over the age of huge female hat, the simple and direct and female hat design by her becomes current point, she, he a little bit creative son of inexhaustibility;She expresses a conflict and expresses her very clear understanding to the public in the meantime.Chanel from cradle to the gre all not get married, her creation great of vogue empire, pursue the life that oneself want in the meantime, it is a female independent best model, is also the modern era female who know affection fun most .She with British BALSAN friendly intercourse of the nobility ETIENNE, the other party subsidizes her to open the first female hat store, but another ARTHUR CAPEL the property then opens a vogue store;She together goes on a tour with the west quick duke and inspire to design Section 1 an inclined line soft anticipate suit;Each males stir up the source of creativity in the life, she isn't a list to depend lucky, but make great effort very much earnest work!

终结巨大女帽的年代,她所设计的简洁女帽成为潮流尖端,她,有用不完的创新点子;她表现出冲突、同时表现她对人心的透彻了解香奈儿一生都不没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳典范,也是最懂得感情乐趣的新时代女性她和英国贵族ETIENNE BALSAN来往,对方资助她开第一家女帽店,而另一位ARTHUR CAPEL则出资开时尚店;她与西敏公爵一同出游,启发设计出第一款斜纹软呢料套装;生命中每一个男性都激发创意的泉源,她不是单靠幸运,而是非常努力认真的工作!

It was a miniskirt in beige tweed.


If you'd like something other than a solid color item, look for a dark woven tweed, or subtle pinstripe.


Or hand-stitched details to rival those you might find on the interior of tweed pants made on Savile Row?

或者你想要手织的详细资料来与那些Savile Row上斜纹软呢裤竞争?

A tweed texture trench coat is very "in" now.


If you're playing golf at lunchtime in August you might want to leave your tweed pair at home.


And yet ... and yet ... it was hard to see the parade of tweed culottes, gold-zip-bedecked leather bomber jackets, skinny trousers and fluttery silk mini dresses and shirts designer Frida Giannini sent out during her autumn/winter show and not think: anodyne.


更多网络解释与斜纹软呢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]







drap edredon:粗绒小衣呢

drap de soie 齐丝斜纹软挺绸 | drap edredon 粗绒小衣呢 | drap soleil 纵棱条绸


该品牌适用于综合性企业的广泛经营范围,除如适合作为孩童尿布和短裤(shortclothes)等视觉形象外,主要打造的主营方向是:带有一些渗出优雅男性元素和透示踏实生活方式的Jersey suit(运动服)、斜纹软呢Tweed(套装)、打破旧有价值观的her


tweak 扭 | twee 可爱的 | tweed 斜纹软呢


tweak /用力拉/好办法/拧/捏/扭/焦急/ | twee /矫饰的/可爱的/ | tweed /斜纹软呢/斜纹软呢服/


斜纹软呢(Tweed)外套长久以来是香奈儿最受欢迎、需求最大的单品之一. 当年,香奈儿女士把从男装上衣中汲取的灵感,用于了女装上衣,是这一创举触动了女性向往活跃俏皮生活的心弦.


tweed /斜纹软呢/斜纹软呢服/ | tweedle /琴声/鸟叫声/啭鸣/以音乐引诱/ | tweendeck /甲板间舱/

tweedy:粗花呢制的 (形)

tweed 斜纹软呢, 斜纹软呢服 (名) | tweedy 粗花呢制的 (形) | tween 在两者之间; 在...中间 (介)