英语人>词典>汉英 : 斗壁 的英文翻译,例句
斗壁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与斗壁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a result, in Meiji era, the traditional buildings' decorate styles, and the inside of the main hall and courtyard was kept the traditional ornament of Chinese decorative style. However, the facade, the entrance, the chapiter, the totem of the wall, and the gable of the roof was used lots of Western classic architectural styles, and presented the distinct styles and cultures of Chinese-Western residence, such as arch porch, the combination of the dou-gong and Western chapiter, the display of new social values, and the visible conversion of Western gable.


Wall of cupule more than 3 mm thick or rarely thinner; leaf blade concolorous or with scalelike glands (like tiny drops of water and visible only under high magnifying lens), margin dentate or if entire then abaxially covered with long or stellate hairs.

壳斗的壁超过薄3毫米厚或很少;叶片两面同色或具鳞片状腺体(象极小滴水一样和可见只在高放大透镜下), 22

Leaf blades of current year pubescent or rusty scurfy; wall of cupule 2-4 mm thick

当年短柔毛或锈色的的叶片具鳞屑;壳斗2-4毫米厚的壁 31 Lithocarpus laetus 屏边柯

Cupules enclosing at least 1/2 to all of nut; wall of nut crustaceous.

壳斗把至少1/2 附上对所有坚果;坚果的壁壳质。

Cupule subglobose, 3.5-4.5 cm in diam., completely enclosing nut, wall 4-6 mm thick and ± woody when dry; bracts subulate, 6-10 mm, woody and multiangular, base 4-8 mm in diam., apex shortly pointed.


The main products have various forms of vibratory feeder, coal feeder, vibrating screen, silo wall vibrators, Vibrating motor; bucket elevator: helix, buried scraper, belts, impellers, discs, rigid impeller plate to feeder, such as a variety of products a total of more than 400 specifications of models, products sell well in more than 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and exported to Europe, Asia, Africa 27 countries and regions.


Suggestions on tube replacement and combustion adjustment were proposed.


Leaf blade papery; secondary veins 6–8 on each side of midvein; cupules enclosing ca.

叶片纸质;次脉6-8在中脉两边各;壳斗大约3/4的坚果附上;壳斗的苞片不黏着到在壳斗的壁外边 24 Q。

Was changed to the light-duty six-ton inclined shaft skip with steel-plastic structure.

鹤壁煤电股份有限公司九矿主斜井箕斗改造为钢塑结构轻型6 t斜井箕斗后,减轻箕斗自重,提高一次有效载重量,方案实施后达到了预期目的。

Research on the development of light-duty mechanized troop equips;2. was changed to the light-duty six-ton inclined shaft skip with steel-plastic structure.

鹤壁煤电股份有限公司九矿主斜井箕斗改造为钢塑结构轻型6 t斜井箕斗后,减轻箕斗自重,提高一次有效载重量,方案实施后达到了预期目的。

更多网络解释与斗壁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"开斗"有两个作用:首先,是要通过开斗,积起一层"炭饼"(Cake). 所谓的"炭饼",就是烟草燃烧时产生的焦油、炭粒等物质,积聚在烟斗内壁表面,自然形成一层厚实的黑炭层. "炭饼"的作用,是有效阻隔烟草燃烧时产生的高温传导到斗壁,

carnauba wax:棕榈蜡

★棕榈蜡(Carnauba Wax)呈坚硬的块状,用于烟斗木质表面的上光打蜡(至于烟嘴的打蜡,有另外的专用产品),使烟斗更美观之余,也对其起到一定的保护作用. 具体用法是:刚抽完烟斗,趁斗壁余温未散时,将坚硬的块状棕榈蜡来回均匀地"游移"于烟斗的整个木质部分,

cirque glacier:冰斗河

冰斗底 cirque floor | 冰斗河 cirque glacier | 冰斗后壁 cirque headwall

eaux eau:的复数

mouldboard extension 犁壁延长板 | eaux eau 的复数 | skip bucket 翻斗, 倾卸斗


cancerroot | 列当属之数种无叶寄生植物 | canch | 斜壁沟 | cancha | 牲口圈,手球场,斗鸡场

Cujam w Her:斗一

Coxa q Leo 西次相 , 太微右垣四 3.4 | Cujam w Her 斗一 4.6 | Deneb Al Giedi d Cap 垒壁阵四 2.87


headwaiter 服务生领班 | headwall 斗壁 | headwall 端墙

headwall gap:冰斗壁隙

斗壁 headwall | 冰斗壁隙 headwall gap | 头蚀;溯源侵蚀;向源侵蚀 headward erosion

cirque headwall:冰斗后壁

冰斗底 cirque floor | 冰斗河 cirque glacier | 冰斗后壁 cirque headwall

headward erosion:头蚀;溯源侵蚀;向源侵蚀

斗壁隙 headwall gap | 头蚀;溯源侵蚀;向源侵蚀 headward erosion | 热(量)均衡 heat balance