英语人>词典>汉英 : 斗嘴 的英文翻译,例句
斗嘴 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bicker  ·  bickered  ·  bickers

更多网络例句与斗嘴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm not going to bandy words with you.


Well well, I can not have time to bicker with you, please leave quickly!


I think he said with Hyori the others were telling that they should bicker and such...?


We may bicker around the dinner table, but when there's an issue with the neighbours, we stand together.


And dad, likes to bicker with me


My brother and I are always bickering with each other, but actually we are very close.


In the course of the conflict and interaction among state, clansman and country gentleman, state administrative power was constantly penetrated , the power of old gentry further weakened and new gentry rising.


The Warriors lead the group by the brave Bo Liwei, warriors from all sides, with lustful Hager, Giant Car, horse trainer Ronnie, marksman in shuttle history of superstition, ghost cells, musicians Visa, do not like talking aisone, Goutoujunshi Haga, love tiffs Hella, grow up Hata, and personalization gloomy Regener.


Quarrel with bedroom rommate at a time, he couldn't win me at say and lambaste 1"you be my grandpa's son!"


When all a credits have accomplished a little jazz pitter-patter is listened .


更多网络解释与斗嘴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Informal An argument or altercation:[非正式用语] 争论,斗嘴

A jumbled or confused state or condition.混乱,慌乱:混乱或迷惑的状态 | A state of bewilderment.昏乱的状态 | Informal An argument or altercation.[非正式用语] 争论,斗嘴


斗嘴 bandy words with sb | 罗圈腿的 bandy-legged | 喝倒彩 barrack against

A state of bewilderment:昏乱的状态

A jumbled or confused state or condition.混乱,慌乱:混乱或迷惑的状态 | A state of bewilderment.昏乱的状态 | Informal An argument or altercation.[非正式用语] 争论,斗嘴


bicipital 有两头的 | bicker 斗嘴 | bicolor 二色的


bickered: 斗嘴. | cursing: 咒骂. | punctured tyre: 爆轮胎.


母猪打滚 roll about | 嬉笑打闹:roughhouse | 斗嘴打架:quarrel and fight noisely

royal flush:同花大顺

跟他斗嘴,萧天赐没有那个心情,此时,又是一把牌开始了,发到四张的时候,还是剩下三个人,萧天赐就是一对,最多可以拼个四张,而混血儿美女跟小日本牌面都是同花大順(Royal Flush)的牌面,混血儿美女是黑桃,有机会博最大的同花大顺.

sit in meditation:闭目打禅

斗嘴打架:quarrel and fight noisely | 闭目打禅:sit in meditation | 算经打卦:cast lots


representing: 代表. | bickered: 斗嘴. | cursing: 咒骂.

The New-year bells are wrangling with the snow:新年的钟声在跟雪花斗嘴

More time, more time. Barrages of applause 多些时间,多些时间. 欢呼声... | Come muffled from a buried radio. 自地下的收音机里隐隐... | The New-year bells are wrangling with the snow. 新年的钟声在跟雪花斗嘴.