英语人>词典>汉英 : 斐济 的英文翻译,例句
斐济 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与斐济相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

February 19, 2008 Cabbage Coral, Kadavu Island, Fiji, 2004 Photograph by Tim Laman Cabbage coral provides refuge to a bigeye fish in Great Astrolabe Reef off Fiji's Kadavu Island.


Yeah, but this is Fiji. We've never been to Fiji.

是 但现在是斐济我们从来没去过斐济

Of or relating to Fiji or its people or language or culture.


Currency: 100 cents=1 Fijian dollar; 1 US Dollar=$F1.5 Dec.,1999

货 币:1斐济元=100分;1美元=1·98斐济

In August, according to the remains of the female before 3000 that archaeology worker disentombs, the scientist that comes from Fiji and Japan uses a year of much time, successful and reductive her appearance, think she belongs to the primitive dweller of the first batch of resident Fiji.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji and Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji and Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji and Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade and kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.


THE Pacific archipelagos of Fiji Tonga have for centuries been connected by trade kinship: Tongan princes sailed westwards in outrigger canoes to seek fortune in Fiji, while Fijians provided spouses for the Tongan nobility.

数百年来,太平洋岛国斐济和汤加贸易往来密切,而且血脉 ssbbww.cOm ——当年汤加的王子们乘坐小木船一路向西,前往斐济淘金,而斐济女人也嫁给了这些汤加贵族。

更多网络解释与斐济相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cabe Creations:斐济 高级成衣

Bula Pride 斐济 高级定制时装、休闲 | Cabe Creations 斐济 高级成衣 | Carlos Valentino 巴哈马 高级定制时装、高级成衣、配饰


"242000","斐济","Fiji" | "242003","埃灵顿(斐济)","Ellington" | "242006","兰巴萨(斐济)","Lambasa"


ZDNet博客Mary Jo Foley去斐济旅行时发现,当地政府对微软使用"斐济"(Fiji)作为Windows名称不高兴. 据国外媒体报道,微软董事长比尔.盖茨(Bill Gates)向830名微软代表发表了告别演说,正式宣布辞去微软执行董事长的全职工作,

Fiji:斐济 斐濟

斐济 斐济(Fiji)是南太平洋上珍珠般的岛屿,英属领地,被誉为"全球十大蜜月度假地之一". 斐济位于南太平洋中心、介于赤道与南回归线之间,是纽澳前往北美的必经之地. 斐济为太平洋上的最大岛国,为热带气候

Fiji Islands:斐济群岛

我的婚礼是在离家万里的南太平洋小国斐济群岛(Fiji Islands)举行的,除了我们一对新人以外,没有别的中国人. 主婚人、证婚人、伴郎伴娘和所有观礼道贺的人都才认识不久,甚至是在婚礼上才认识的,他们都是棕黑皮肤短卷发大眼睛的斐济人.


Fijian 斐济群岛的 | Fijian 斐济群岛人 | Fijian 斐济群岛语


Fiji 斐济 | Fijian 斐济群岛的 | Fijian 斐济群岛人


Fijian 斐济群岛人 | Fijian 斐济群岛语 | Filariidae 丝虫科

NAN NADI:斐济 斐济

MES Medan 棉兰 印尼 | NAN Nadi 斐济 斐济 | NAP NAPLES 那不勒斯 意大利

VAU,Vatukoula,Fiji:[斐济],斐济群岛共和国位于太平洋南部的岛国,为英联邦成员. ,大洋洲

VAS,Sivas,Turkey[土耳其],亚洲 | VAT,Vatomandry,Madagascar[马达加斯加],非洲 | VAU,Vatukoula,Fiji[斐济],斐济群岛共和国位于太平洋南部的岛国,为英联邦成员. ,大洋洲