英语人>词典>汉英 : 文盲 的英文翻译,例句
文盲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
analphabet  ·  analphabetic  ·  illiteracy  ·  illiterate  ·  illiterateness  ·  illiteracies

an illiterate person
更多网络例句与文盲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those artists adhere to what Artaud said:"to write for the illiterate, to speak for the aphasic and to think for the acephalous."


Flowcharts are after all, the illerates form of documentation.


Socialism cannot build in the country that is full of blind of analphabetic, division in.


Flash and picture are admittedly charming, but you want to know, the spider that searchs engine is analphabetic to the content inside Flash, cannot get corresponding content, can affect your website naturally collect and rank.


We are underbred and low-lived and illiterate; and in this respect I confess I do not make any very broad distinction between the illiterateness of my townsman who cannot read at all and the illiterateness of him who has learned to read only what is for children and feeble intellects.


《The academic association exists 》one book is pointing out:"The future illiteracy isn't the person who don't know a word any more, but didn't master how study of person".


Over thirty percent of the population of this country is illiterate or semi-illiterate.


They are trying to persuade the illiterates that learning to read and write will benefit them in the long run.


But still the number of adult illiterates, particularly women, rises.


The number of illiterates in our country has steadily declined, but if there were only one I would be saddened, remembering my father and the pain he endured because his hands never learned to write.


更多网络解释与文盲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


analoids | 试剂片 | analphabet | 文盲,没受过教育的人 | analphabetic notation | 类字母标音(Jespersen的标音法)


analogy 类似 | analphabetic 文盲 | analysable 可被分解的

illiterate; analphabetic:文盲;目不識丁者教育課程

11148文物文化書畫雕刻金石artifact | 11149文盲;目不識丁者教育課程illiterate; analphabetic | 11150文革派政治大陸用語cultural revolutionist

comic relief:文盲"丈夫

Lifestyles 人生百味 | Comic Relief "文盲"丈夫 | Enjoy Your Nectarine 贴心便利店

Now I've gotta do double-duty with a bunch of illiterates:现在我还要加班看著这一帮文盲

Bad enough they cut my budget.|可怜的我.给他们减... | Now I've gotta do double-duty with a bunch of illiterates.|现在我还要加班看著这一帮文盲 | Hey, like, look at that, you all like mysteries, huh?|看看...

eliminate illiteracy:扫除文盲

增加农业投入 invest more in agriculture | 扫除文盲 eliminate illiteracy | 营造良好的文化环境 create a healthy cultural environment

eliminate illiteracy:消除文盲

香港特别行政区同胞our compatriots in the Hong Kong SAR | 消除文盲eliminate illiteracy | 小康社会a well-off society


文盲(Illiteracy):野蛮人是唯一不懂如何阅读写字的职业. 野蛮人可以针对所有自己会说的语言,花费2点技能点数,得到读写这些语言的能力. 野蛮人若有兼职,在兼职的职业升级的时候,会自动获得读写能力,但是其他职业若有兼职野蛮人,


Illegal income 非法所得 | Illiteracy 文盲;不识字 | Imhof procedure 恩霍夫准则


illite 伊利石 | illiterate 文盲;文盲的 | illitic 伊利石的