英语人>词典>汉英 : 文官政府 的英文翻译,例句
文官政府 的英文翻译、例句


civil government
更多网络例句与文官政府相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He's a local government administrator, that is to say a civil servant.


His staff formed cabals with some senior officers in Tokyo, aiming to embroil Japan deeply in China and to subvert civilian government.


While making reference to the incoming civilian government resulting from democratic elections he permitted this year, the president also defended his nine years of strong-armed rule as a journey "toward democracy and development."


As we had learned from our experience in Bosnia, even after the conflict there would still be a great deal of work ahead in Kosovo: getting the refugees home safely; clearing the minefields; rebuilding homes; providing food, medicine, and shelter to the homeless; demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army; creating a secure environment for both Kosovar Albanians and the minority Serb population; organizing a civilian administration; and restoring a functioning economy.


The flow of state patronage can often redirect from one part of the country or from one ethnic group to another upon a change of government, and the churn in the civil service as the new president ejects those loyal to his predecessor and installs people loyal to himself can affect every level of the administration.


We must certainly achieve: The government comprehensive administration according to law, the Executive Yuan is responsible legally for the Legislative Yuan, the Judicial organ carries out the government by law human rights, the examination yuan perfect civil official system, the control yuan impeaches breaks the law and neglects one's duty.


The soldiers thought that it would be a long time before civil government would be re-established.


The soldiers thought that it would be a long time before civil government would be reestablished.

士兵们认为要在很久以后 ssbbww 才能重建文官政府

Nigeria's election was the shoddiest since the country's return to civilian rule in 1999; Kenya, east Africa's hub, succumbed to ethnic mayhem after a disputed poll; and South Africa, easily the sub-Saharan continent's leading power in every way, producing one-third of its entire GDP, has entered an ugly phase of politics, authoritarian if not yet undemocratic, just when it should be setting an example of tolerant pluralism to the rest of Africa.


Nigeria's election was the shoddiest since the country's return to civilian rule in 1999; Kenya, east Africa's hub, succumbed to ethnic mayhem after a disputed poll; and South Africa, easily the sub-Saharan continent's leading power in every way, producing one-third of its entire GDP, has entered an ugly phase of politics, authoritarian if not yet undemocratic, just when it should be setting an example of tolerant pluralism to the rest of Africa.


更多网络解释与文官政府相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一是,官僚(注:官僚(bureaucrat)一词最早出现在18世纪的法国,最初指所有的政府官员. 而在西方文官制度建立后,它一般指非经政治选举的、经考试进入政府、不受政府更迭影响的政府官员. 本文即从这一意义上使用该词. )与政治家之间,

Manhattan Project:曼哈顿专案

詹姆士.布莱恩.柯南是哈佛大学前任校长,曾於1941年担任过罗斯福总统的科技顾问,以及美国政府恶名昭彰的曼哈顿专案(Manhattan Project) 中的文官. 在引言中,柯南说明了前进与风险之间的关联. 而我则会利用本书一一探讨风险在交易、投资、创设新公司及做出重大生命抉择时所扮演的角色,