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整体存在 的英文翻译、例句


global existence
更多网络例句与整体存在相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The authors investigated the singular limits of stiff relaxation and dominant diffusion for general 2×2nonlinear systems of balance laws, that is,τ=o,ε→ 0, the relaxation time τtends to zero faster than the diffusion parameter ε. If there exists a priori L∞ bound that is uniformly with respect to ε for the solutionsof a system, then the solution sequence converges to the corresponding equilibrium solution of the system.

研究一般扩散占优的2×2双曲平衡律系统奇异松弛极限,用补偿紧性方法,在松弛时间τ比扩散系数ε趋于零快时,即τ=o,ε→ 0时,得到其解的整体存在性一般框架:如果上述系统的解存在对ε一致的先验L∞估计,则其解序列收敛于上述系统的对应平衡状态解。

In this paper,we study the Cauchy problem of nonlinear Klein-Gordonequations By introducing a family of potential wells, we not only give a threshold resultof global existence and nonexistence of solutions, but also obtain the vacuumisolating of solutions.


In this paper we mainly utilize super and sub solution techniques, use comparision principle and construct appropriate supersolution and subsolution by eigenfunctions to discuss two kinds of nonlocal nolinear parabolic systems with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition.


Second, we establisha global existence result with exponential decay for small initial data.


By the upper-lower solution method, we obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions on the global existence of solutions.


The justifiability of these two theories based on the understanding of the whole world including the knowledge of the construction of the universe and the ultimate meaning and value consciousness of the existence of the world(ontology in a sense of the theory of value).


The existence of global weak solution for a class of generalized Ginzburg-Landau equations with an inhomogeneous boundary condition was studied. Some integral indentities of smooth solution of inhomogeneous initial boundary value problem of Ginzburg-Landau equations were deduced, by which a priori estimates of the square norm on boundary of normal derivative and the square norm of partial derivatives were obtained.


To function, we must talk the meaning from part to whole body from angle of organicism, if not, it's action speaking from causal relation.


Chapter 2 discuss firstly the local existence of solutions for a class of abstract functionalintegro-differential equations with unbounded delay by Schauder's fixed point theorem, then byintroducing an inequality condition and applying the continuity property of solutions it obtainsthe global existence of the solutions.


Using Panel Data model to have a demonstration research for the dissertation of county economic development disparity from 1989 to 2004, and gets several significant conclusions:(1) There is aαtrend in county economic increasing disparity in China, there is also a emanative trend in county economy during theexamination of absoluteβ.

接着本文使用Panel Data模型对1989-2004年中国县域经济发展差异的收敛性进行了实证研究,得出了一些有意义的结论:(1)中国县域经济增长差异存在α趋异,另外在绝对β检验过程中发现中国县域经济整体存在发散的趋势。

更多网络解释与整体存在相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

global differential geometry:整体微分几何

global convergence 整体收敛 | global differential geometry 整体微分几何 | global existence 整体存在


在担任美联储主席期间,格林斯潘曾谈到住宅市场的"浮沫"(froth),但从未表示住宅市场整体存在泡沫. 他的继任者本 伯南克也避免使用"泡沫"这个词. 格林斯潘承认,浮沫"是泡沫的委婉说法". 他仍然认为浮沫(由小泡沫堆积而成)是更好的表述,

global existence:整体存在

global differential geometry 整体微分几何 | global existence 整体存在 | global limit theorem 整体极限定理

global existence:整体存在性

生命存在:life existence | 整体存在性:Global existence | 社会生活:the social existence

global limit theorem:整体极限定理

global existence 整体存在 | global limit theorem 整体极限定理 | global lipschitz condition 整体利普希茨条件


N 尼采(Nietzsche) 海德格尔(Heidegger)论尼采形而上学的五重性:①本质:强力意志. 存在者本身之存在. ②实存:相同者的永恒轮回. 存在者整体的存在方式. ③真理的本质:公正. 作为强力意志的存在者之真理的本质. ④真理的历史:虚无主义. 在强力意义上


论文关键词:整体主义课程建设启示 论文摘要:整体主义理论对课程建设存在三点启示,即培养课程建设者的生态意识、确立课程建设理念的多元文化性和加强课程建设过程的创造性. "整体主义"(holism)是1926年哲学家斯马茨(J.C.Smuys)在>一书中首次提出


N 尼采(Nietzsche) 海德格尔(Heidegger)论尼采形而上学的五重性:①本质:强力意志. 存在者本身之存在. ②实存:相同者的永恒轮回. 存在者整体的存在方式. ③真理的本质:公正. 作为强力意志的存在者之真理的本质. ④真理的历史:虚无主义. 在强力意义上


方便管理和共享:对于团队协作来说,知识库(Repository)是很重要的手段. 在Power Designer中虽然可以批量处理文件夹内的一组模型,但单个模型仍然是知识库的管理单元;而工程可以真正作为一个整体存在. 下图是工程在Power Designer浏览区(Browser)中的表示,

global weak solution:整体弱解

不存在性:weak solution | 整体弱解:global weak solution | 上下解方法:weak solution