英语人>词典>汉英 : 敲打者 的英文翻译,例句
敲打者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
drubber  ·  beaters

更多网络例句与敲打者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To avoid wave drag, Touretski urges swimmers to eliminate jerkiness in their stroke.

避免波浪拖, Touretski 主张游泳者在他们的敲打消除急动。

There was no more to do in the room, so the poisoner retired stealthily, as though fearing to hear the sound of her own footsteps; but as she withdrew she still held aside the curtain, absorbed in the irresistible attraction always exerted by the picture of death, so long as it is merely mysterious and does not excite disgust.


But the next time someone clucks thoughtfully,"Hey, it's just as painful to be the reject-or as it is to be the reject-ee," whack his or her thumb with a hammer and see who hurts more.


The myasthenia survival condition also is striking Zhu Changqing innermost feelings, when she viewed that some children due to be taunted by the schoolmate for "curls upwards the foot" to leave school, henceforth to keep silent; more people painfully flinch in the area of study and employment. Then she made a silent decision in her heart: She cannot only consider about herself, must handle some matters for this community which including her.


Fog mist, the computer screen flash lit up his face, his eyes red and filled with murderous hands were nervously clicks the mouse, tap the keyboard, lips, teeth, bite us was full of teeth marks ......


In a quiet winter night, I sat in front of the computer with his hand and gently tap the keyboard, recording the life years in bit by bit, a kind of world, such as those who passed away the feeling, the total was merciless years, such as fleeting and quickly while the too, but today, can really only left with the lead and the last paper, electricity and fire rings, and can record the life of today's memoirs, brought us to an unlimited reverie and deep thoughts.


The captive captivated by t he apt adaptation rapped the cav 21 ity with rapture.


更多网络解释与敲打者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1916年-1924年,"达达主义"席卷欧洲,五六十年代嚎叫中的"垮掉派"诗歌振聋发聩地敲打(beat)着身体和诗歌. 人的身体被机器化,异化,他者(other)化,人成了政治的制度的运动的工具. 孔子说"夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人"时,


emailer发送电子邮件的人 | blackmailer 敲诈者,勒索者 | nailer 敲打工人,制钉者


clough 深谷 | clout 敲打 | clout-shoe 穿粗布鞋者


视台报导,琳赛罗涵(Lindsay Lohan)的律师Alfred Gerisch於上周末提出诉书,以支持日前这位女星对2005年10月车祸案所有或部分诉讼所提出的驳回要求,在诉书中律师Gerish宣称Raymundo Ortega(与琳赛罗涵发生车祸者)谎称车祸当时琳赛是酒醉状态:「如同连续敲打的打桩机一样,


nailcrete 受钉混凝土 | nailer 敲打工人 | nailer 制钉者


nailer 敲打工人 | nailer 制钉者 | nailer 自动敲钉机


nailer 敲打工人,制钉者 | railer责骂者,挑剔者,抱怨者 | trailer 拖曳者,追踪者,追猎者

So mystifying:真是阴阳怪气

Real cranium teaser, carved from flesh and bone 真正的猎头者,被剔骨剥皮 | - So mystifying... --真是阴阳怪气...... | Battered and diffused, with placating blows 捣成糊状再扩散,伴着敲打和安慰


clout 敲打 | clout-shoe 穿粗布鞋者 | clouted 缀补的

clout-shoe:穿粗布鞋者, 乡下人

clout || 敲打, 轻叩, 破布 叩, 敲一下 | clout-shoe || 穿粗布鞋者, 乡下人 | clouted || 缀补的, 凝固的