英语人>词典>汉英 : 散乱地 的英文翻译,例句
散乱地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与散乱地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paraphernalia of that young lady's favourite pursuits were scattered about the room--drawing-materials, unfinished scraps of work, tangled skeins of silk, and all the other tokens of a careless damsel's presence; while Miss Audley's picture--a pretty crayon sketch of a rosy-faced hoyden in a riding-habit and hat--hung over the quaint Wedgwood ornaments on the chimneypiece.


A tiny medicine-chest was open upon the dressing-table, and little stoppered bottles of red lavender, sal-volatile, chloroform, chlorodyne, and ether were scattered about.


She had left the house in a hurry on her unlooked-for journey to London, and the whole of her glittering toilette apparatus lay about on the marble dressing-table.


Picture this - you're in Shanghai, sitting in a hotel room, with five different maps of the city sprawled on the bed before you, and you're trying to logistically plan a day in this grand city.


The basal laminae on each side of perineural cells were thickened and incomplete. Microfibrils were compressed and scattered at the periphery of the nerve.


He tossed the peso and fifty centavos into the drawer behind the counter, already filled with the loose, wrinkled bills of early evening, and he gave me the key to room number six.


Enormous open windows with heavy iron bars made the high and barren room the roosting place of hundreds of pigeons.


Cow s straggled along the lane.


The desks were littered with catkins, hazel and willow, which the pupils had been sketching


On the hall table in every house the first thing you saw was silver tray waiting to receive more calling cards on top of the stack already piled up like jackstraws; they were never thrown away.


更多网络解释与散乱地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sprawl v.1:四肢伸展地躺卧 2.爬行;散乱延伸 3.潦草书写

scrawl v.n.乱涂乱画 | sprawl v.1.四肢伸展地躺卧 2.爬行;散乱延伸 3.潦草书写 | trawl v.n.拖网;捕鱼

sprawl v.1:散乱地延伸 2.四肢摊开着坐, 卧或倒下 n.扩展, 蔓延

sponge n.海绵 | sprawl v.1.散乱地延伸 2.四肢摊开着坐, 卧或倒下 n.扩展, 蔓延 | spray n.喷雾, 飞沫 v.向...喷射, 喷


dispersedly 散开地 | dispersedly 散乱地 | dispersedly 分散地


dispersed 被驱散的 | dispersedly 散开地 | dispersedly 散乱地


dispersed /被驱散的/被分散的/散布的/ | dispersedly /分散地/散开地/散乱地/ | dispersibility /分散能力/分散性/

old woman:老妇人

散乱地堆在另一角的画桌上. 门上挂著湘妃 帘,偷过竹帘,可以看见那一洼盛开的菊花. 这里唯一的出口是 north. 刨斧(Axe) 竹筐(Basket) 五十二两银子(Silver) 四十文钱(Coin) 「帝王谷」老老妇人(Old woman) 「帝王谷」贴身丫鬟(Maid)