英语人>词典>汉英 : 教法 的英文翻译,例句
教法 的英文翻译、例句


coaching method
更多网络例句与教法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the case of Cyrus there is some doubt whether he was adherent of Zoroastrian law, but Darius was a pronounced Mazda-worshipper and presumably, therefore, a true Zoroastrian, as we know that the last kings of the Achaemenian dynasty were genuine followers of the religion.


Part One is an introduction focusing on the background,the significance and the purpose of the present study.Part two provides a brief overview of a theoretical review on the nature of reading process,a brief review of 3 traditional methods of teaching in reading and research on TBLT in china and abroad.Part three introduces Constructivism,Krashen"s "Input and Interactionist Hypothesis" and The affective filter hypothesis,which construct a theoretical frame for the study.Part four provides the application of TBLT to teaching reading in senior middle school,mainly including fundamental principles,types of the reading task design and finally introducing the design of TBLT models in senior high school according to Willis"task-implementing model in teaching.Part five elaborates the experiment itself,mainly including the hypothesis of the present study,the procedures of the experiments and questionnaires.Part six is data collection and analyses.The result of the experiment shows that TBLT is more effective than traditional method in senior middle school English reading.Part seven draws a conclusion to the study.Implications as well as limitations are discussed here.


After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Khomeini's theory was embodied in the Iranian Constitution and established as the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Amounting to 1535 emotion attitude and values education, supply plenty of materials of the emotion attitude and values education for geography teachers;②The education of the concept of continued developing is a core of the emotion attitude and values education in grade one of high school, but it isn't emobodied in some units;③The emotion attitude and values education such as the realization of collaborating, the realization of calamity, the realization of duty and obligation and attitude on life needed badly strengthening;④The methods of geography emotion attitude and values education was varied,but they relied on the five fundamented methods——sermonize, analysis of emotion attitude and values, sensibility training of emotion attitude and values, clarifying of emotion attitude and values and example;⑤Sermonize and example were largest universal used, sensibility training of emotion attitude and values was well used .


Saudi Wahhabism directly affected by the impact of the campaigns, is thoroughly Wahhabi. and the succession of orthodox rationalism line Ikhwan and memory mysticism Pantheism Su Huan-gates in the fields of science, considered a major obvious difference; In Shariah, advocated the teaching side from the triviality of the "Koran" and "Hadith" direct creation.


Conquered French liberated by the United States and Britain just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song and some small portion of the German work ethic.


Conquered French liberated by the United States and Britainjust as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song and some smallportion of the German work ethic.


Conquered French liberated by theUnited Statesand Britain just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song and some smallportion of the German work ethic.


Saudi Wahhabism directly affected by the impact of the campaigns, is thoroughly Wahhabi. and the succession of orthodox rationalism line Ikhwan and memory mysticism Pantheism Su Huan-gates in the fields of science, considered a major obvious difference; In Shariah, advocated the teaching side from the triviality of the "Koran" and "Hadith" direct creation.


This very short teaching contains the essence of all the Tripitaka and Vajrayana.


更多网络解释与教法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cramming method:填鸭式教法

craggy feature 轮廓醒目 | cramming method 填鸭式教法 | Create a new form. 别开生面.


mubah (穆巴赫)准许的行为 | Mufti (穆夫提)教法阐述者 | Muhajirun (穆哈吉勒)迁士、移民


mujahid (穆加希德)战士、圣战者 | Mujtahid (穆智台希德)教法权威阐述人 | Mukasir (穆卡西尔)劝道者


mujahid 战士、圣战者(穆加希德) | Mujtahid教法权威阐述人(穆智台希德) | Mukasir 劝道者(穆卡西尔)


Mujlahids伊斯兰教学者 | Mujtahid遵行教法的穆斯林教法权威阐述人 | MUJUMA,Grace格雷斯.穆朱马


与此同时很多人支持恐怖分子的战略目的,60%的英国穆 斯林希望在英国生活在伊斯 兰教教法(sharia)之下. 在这个后伊 斯兰时代,如果一个西方人不信上帝的话,什么都可以信. 比如有人信仰冬至日. 在现在众多的宗教选择之中,伊 斯兰教,

Sharia:伊斯兰法; 教法

shares and other equity;股票和其他产权;; | Sharia;伊斯兰法; 教法;; | Sharia court;伊斯兰宗教法院;;

Sharia law:伊斯兰教法

这几天来,圣公会坎特伯雷大主教若望.威廉斯(Rowan Williams)的一番有关英国法律与伊斯兰教法(sharia law)可以共享法权的讲话,在英国掀起喧然大波. 政党、媒体,不论左中右,都强烈地批评了威廉斯的提议;圣公会内部,保守派和开明派同时表示不满,


cate /佳肴/美食/ | catechetic /问答式教法的/ | catechetical /问答式教法的/


catechetic /问答式教法的/ | catechetical /问答式教法的/ | catechin /儿茶酚/儿茶素/