英语人>词典>汉英 : 救命的 的英文翻译,例句
救命的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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You can't find a bagel in Mumbai to save your life.


That is the only disadvantage of otherwise a life-saving loan for many.


To qualify for the job,a person must be an excellent swimmer and have training in lifesaving skills.


Without lifesaving measures, the brain starts to die within 4 to 6 minutes.

如果在 4 到 6 分钟内没有采取救命的措施,那么大脑将开始死亡。

I was gratified that the death rate from AIDS was coming down, and I was determined to keep pushing for more research to develop lifesaving medicines.


For under a dollar, there were interventions that could save lives that just wren't being delivered.


Then he forces his crew to paint their faces in mised colors like barbarians do and have a spree around the hog head which had buzzing flies around. He does not stop the signal fire from burning out, though, which deprived the boys of the valuable chance of receiving rescue.


For example, Angong Niuhuang Boluses can save lives, but these types of products comprise a minor portion and are not used often, and their value should not become an excuse to expand production or kill more endangered animals.


He touts the benefits of prevention, citing his own life-saving weight loss as an example.


First of all, the principle of the traditional throttle pedal is driven by cable-driven throttle to control engine power output, the current most advanced vehicles have been imported electronic throttle, its principle is based on servo motor control section of valve switching point of view, but the two operators who encounter the accelerator pedal stuck failure, life-saving methods should be the same, unless the electronic throttle with automatic reset power design, special or adapted vehicles is another matter.


更多网络解释与救命的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hey! Hey! Help me, please! -Stupid haole:嘿! 嘿! 救命啊,救救我! - 愚蠢的白鬼

Okay. What's that have to do with this? Relax.|好啦... | -Hey! Hey! Help me, please! -Stupid haole!|- 嘿! 嘿! 救命啊,救救我! - 愚蠢的白鬼! | Yeah, that's right. Take that! And that! And that!|没错,这下...


此病是指很多游客去巴厘岛都会有不同程度的拉肚子,并非食物中毒,可能与水土不服有关,最好的方式是多吃一些大蒜和生姜,仅饮用瓶装水. Selamat tinggal 再见"请"(please),"拜托",还有"救命啊"(help)tolong "拜托","请"(please),"救命啊"(help)


冒着寒风,在父亲的带领下,他们用木棍在白雪皑皑的半山腰写下了"救命"(HELP)两个大字,希望搜救的直升机能发现. 最终,一架在加利福尼亚高速公路巡逻队的直升机看到了这几个字,他们成功得救. .

the last straw:救命稻草

其次,在提及要求解除合同的缘由时,海关先是说急需办公用地,遭拒绝后,又说是原告擅自转租了场地,前后时间间隔不到一个月,这又不能不让人怀疑后一个理由是其好不容易才拾到的"一棵救命稻草"(the last straw)-发现了原告与个体工商户之


life-saving 救命的 | life-size 原物大的 | life-span determination 寿命测定

You're a real lifesaver:你真是我的救命恩人

Yeah, thanks to you.|对,谢谢你 | You're a real lifesaver.|你真是我的救命恩人 | Know... You know, the food that you left me...|知道吗...你知道 你给我的吃的...


lifesaver 救生者 | lifesaving 救命的 | lifesome 生动的


lifesaver 救命者 | lifesaving 水难救生的 | lifesaving 救命的


lifesaving 救命的 | lifesome 生动的 | lifespring 生命的源泉

The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him:无数奸恶的天性都丛集于他的一身

Help me! Someone help!|救命啊,来人啊,救命啊! | The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him.|无数奸恶的天性都丛集于他的一身 | - What the hell?! - Bugger off!|- 怎么回事?! - 滚开!