英语人>词典>汉英 : 救世的 的英文翻译,例句
救世的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Brothers, children of Abraham, and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent.


It first addresses the historical significance of melodrama to both political discourse of nationalism and imagination of spiritual salvation.


He is a supporter to the life will of negative, he think that this is just miracle drug that saves a life time.


This article aims at discussing Gong Zizhen and Wei yuan ideology of the representation of philosophical practice in mid Qnag Dynasty, differentiating theConfucian school's ideology of "Wai-wang"; clarifying Gong and Wei's ideology of putting things into use; comparing the similarities and differences raised by Cu Tingling in Early Qing Dynasty that using philosophy to manage and rescue the world; elaborating Ike development and changes of the representation of philosophical practice as the time and the challenges are changing Entering 'vend has become anindependent ideology in early Nineteenth Century.


Xueheng Academic Group criticized strongly and negatively the existing politics in terms of moral critique with the moral salvation of their cultural concept idealistically.


With values, all limit disappears, and since conceptions differ as to what they will be, since all struggles, without the brake of those same values, spread indefinitely, today's Messianisms confront one another and their clamors mingle in the clash of empires.


By learning to keep in step with the Spirit's new covenant ministry and to focus more directly on Jesus Christ himself as Saviour God, as model human being, as coming Judge, as Lover of the weak, poor, and unlovely, and as Leader along the path of cross-bearing that he himself trod.


Brothers, children of Abraham, and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent.


Periodic spiritual activities are arranged to nourish the lectors and to flare up their love to the Word. With readings, meditations, reflections and prayers, one may develop one's character which would show from his/her activities, the essence of the love embedded in the Word. Thus the joy of salvation in Christ be enhanced in the community where this Church has been established.2130 Rodick Road, Markham, Ontario, Canada L6C 1S7


Chinese folk art show to stone Jesus saved mankind's great works, Jesus is not only a vivid display of fire works, but also enable the integration of China's cultural cultures.


更多网络解释与救世的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Advent Rising:救世英雄

>(Advent Rising)是一款由GlyphX Games开发、Majesco Games发行的科幻冒险类游戏,这款游戏将在PC和Xbox平台上发行. 在浩瀚宇宙的中,一个专门寻找新物种并被称为"寻觅者"(SEEKERS)的种族因"培育"了大量的新物种而赢得了广泛的尊重和名誉.

Elishah:它是上帝; 上帝羊羔: 给帮助的上帝

Elisha -上帝的救世 | Elishah -它是上帝; 上帝羊羔: 给帮助的上帝 | Elishama -上帝听力


Mesha -负担; 救世 | 画用力量的Meshach - | Meshech - Force画谁

Jesus of Nazareth:万世救主

Jesuit Joe 祖儿的法纪 1992 | Jesus of Nazareth 万世救主 1980 | Jeux of Artifces 游戏人间 1991



redemptive: a.1:赎回的 2.(宗教)救赎的,救世的

reconnaissance: n. 1. 侦察 2. 预先调查 3. 勘察,草测 | redemptive: a. 1. 赎回的 2. (宗教)救赎的,救世的 | reduce: v. 1. 缩减,降低 2. 使沦落,使衰退 3. 约束,捣碎


salvation 救世 | salvationism 救世军的主义 | salvationist 救世军军人


[15]而在基督教文化传统语境中,这种"牺牲品"就是>中"替罪羊"(scapegoat)以及>中"受苦的仆人"(suffering servant:指基督). 但西蒙又有不同于基督之处,他的死并没有把孩子们从无知和恐惧中解救出来,也没有给小岛带来救世的福音.

Advent Rising:救世英雄

<<救世英雄>>(Advent Rising)是一款由GlyphX Games开发、Majesco Games发行的科幻冒险类游戏,这款游戏将在PC和Xbox平台上发行. 在浩瀚宇宙的中,一个专门寻找新物种并被称为"寻觅者"(SEEKERS)的种族因"培育"了大量的新物种而赢得了广泛的尊重和名誉.


在托勒密进攻西利西亚(Cilicia)之後 掀起反安提哥那的第二次联盟战争(310301BC). 前307年安提哥那的儿子德米特里将法莱雷奥斯的德米特里(Demetrius of Phaleron)赶出雅典 恢复原有的雅典宪法. 感激涕零的雅典人将安提哥那和德米特里奉为救世神灵.