英语人>词典>汉英 : 敌对性的 的英文翻译,例句
敌对性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与敌对性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And, be sure you deliver it in a non-threatening, non adversarial, non-smarty pants kind of way.


Results the companionability, stability, constancy,sensitivity, self-discipline of peer coun sellor is negatively relevant to the dumps, anxiety, human relationship sensitiv ity, obsessive compulsive disorder, and hostility of the client, and the delibe ration is positively relevant.

结果 朋辈心理辅导员的乐群性、稳定性、有恒性、敏感性、自律性与来访者的抑郁、焦虑、人际关系敏感、强迫症状和敌对负相关;而世故性则反之。

We have examined the association between a film's EO and performance with different organization structure organicity under different environmental hostility and dynamism.


According to SIT, we could make the following hypotheses on the social behavior of a state: the state will favor in-group countries, take win-win strategy with the group it identifies, and be prone to cooperation in bilateral relations; the state will take non-zero-sum strategy with out-group countries and choose partially participation and cooperation; for the out-group countries with high hostility, the state will take zero-sum strategy, and choose non-cooperation or conflict.


Results The score of openness of sexual thought was 3.38±0.71, diversity of sexual behavior was 2.83±1.06, acceptant of sex trade was 2.16±0.61, alterative of sex objects was 1.89±0.65 and abundance of sexual knowledge was 3.11±0.75; Male's scores were ...


Through the script, Albi shows people are lonely, and contact with others is difficult, but dangerous to the environment and the person with the hostile nature of the ideal man to satisfy their own ideals can only live in the fantasy to fantasy masturbation.


Results: Clozapine can significantly improve BPRS score, while risperidone can significantly improve factor scores of Anergia, thought disturbance, hostil-suspiciousness during 15 week treatment. Scores of side effect have significant difference between two groups, with risperridone group lower than clozapine group.


Attacks there can provoke a backlash, feeding a sense of Muslim beleaguerment for al-Qaeda to exploit.


Be the rival of, be in competition with rivalrous

a。 有竞争性的,敌对性的

It also established a well developed system of railways and telegraphs, a civil service that aimed to be free from political interference, a common-law and an adversarial legal system.


更多网络解释与敌对性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

belligerency:交战; 好战性, 敌对态度 (名)

belligerence 好战性, 好斗性; 战斗; 交战状态 (名) | belligerency 交战; 好战性, 敌对态度 (名) | belligerent 好战的, 交战国的, 交战的 (形)





hostler:[旅馆的] 马夫

hostility /敌意/敌性/敌对行为/战争行为/交战/ | hostler /[旅馆的] 马夫/ | hot-blooded /易激动的/热切的/


聚合性认同和分离性认同一致认为,一个自我身份( self identity)之确立必须依赖于一个外部他者( external other)的存在; 但聚合性认同并不认为这个外部他者就必然是自我的"敌人"和"对手",而分离性认同却通常以敌对的方式来看待这个外部他者,

set up applications:安装应用程序

supersell 超级推销,特畅销 | set up applications 安装应用程序 | rivalrous 有竞争性的, 敌对性的

unequivocal: a.1:毫不含糊的,清楚明白的 2.爽快的,不推诿的

congenial: a.1.协调一致的 2.意气相投的 3.令人愉快的,好交际的,和蔼的 | unequivocal: a.1.毫不含糊的,清楚明白的 2.爽快的,不推诿的 | antagonistic: a.对抗(性)的,敌对(性)的

rivalrous:有竞争性的, 敌对性的

set up applications 安装应用程序 | rivalrous 有竞争性的, 敌对性的 | antijam 抗[反]干扰