英语人>词典>汉英 : 效力大 的英文翻译,例句
效力大 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与效力大相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author holds that arbitrament of disputing matters is not a pure theoretical issue in theinternational business affairs arbitration, which, to great extent, may determine the effect ofarbitration agreements, the jurisdiction, the acknowledgement and execution of arbitramentadjudichon, etc..


"Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death" A smiled is found from his face.


There was a substantial crossover from initial nonoperative treatment to surgery after 3 months (25% of nonoperative patients), and these patients were included in the nonoperative group for analysis. A 10-year as-treated analysis was performed that showed no signicant differences between the two as-treated groups, with the exception of greater improvement on the Roland score for the surgical group. This suggests that the benet of surgery was not underestimated by including patients who underwent surgery beyond 3 months in the nonoperative group.


No pay for play on "Sopranos" or HBO: When Carmela Soprano oohed and aahed over her new Porsche Cayenne Turbo in the March 12 season debut of HBO 's "The Sopranos," her enthusiasm was entirely character- and script-driven -- not the result of a paid product placement.

无偿为《黑道家族》或者 HBO 效力:3月12号, HBO 《黑道家族》首播,当 Carmela Soprano 因为新车保时捷 Cayenne Turbo 兴奋得大叫的时候,她的热情完全是情节驱使,人物个性的释放——而不是因为交过钱的产品置入广告才这么做。

If approved by the city assembly, the law would offer engaged couples a legal contract outlining how much a man or woman can recoup if he or she gets jilted at the altar.


Runaway brides - and grooms - in Mexico City could get stuck paying for the limo and flowers under a bill proposed by a local lawmaker.If approved by the city assembly, the law would offer engaged couples a legal contract outlining how much a man or woman can recoup if he or she gets jilted at the altar.


The self-proclaimed 'Guv'nor', Incey arrived at Anfield in the summer of 1997 with a tough guy reputation that had been forged during his time with West Ham, Man Utd and Inter Milan.


The theory and system of judgment effect of two legal systems later take it as foundation,and inherited its essence.


The principle of an optical microscope is quite simple; however, the resolving power of an optical microscope is limited by the wavelength of the light employed, being greater when the light source is shorter wavelength.


As PTDT does in threshold traits, PTDT is valid not only for different QTL effect level, but also for maker with multiple alleles and multiple tightly linked markers.(2) Under an appropriate selection ratio s (in this study, s is 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, respectively), the power of PTDT can be improved and the genotying individuals can be decreased using selective genotyping design. However, the power of PTDT is related with population size and population structure, an appropriate selection ratio can be defined by simulation based on the existing data.(3) Among the three transforming methods, mixed-family selection is the best, full-sib selection has same power to mixed-family selection in many parameter combinations, and Estimated Breeding Value selection is inferior to them.


更多网络解释与效力大相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



curate:副牧师, 助理牧师

curassow /大鸟/ | curate /副牧师/助理牧师/ | curative /治病的/有治病效力的/医药/治疗药/

Darrell Armstrong:达雷尔阿姆斯特朗

已退役的老后卫达雷尔-阿姆斯特朗(Darrell Armstrong)将被魔术队授予"过往奉献"奖. 据了解,颁奖时间定在当地时间2月19日魔术对阵小牛的比赛中. 没有在选秀大会上被选中的阿姆斯特朗于1995年4月8日被魔术队签下. 他在魔术队效力了九个赛季,

Emmanuel ADEBAYOR:阿德巴约

大猜想人选二:阿德巴约,(Emmanuel Adebayor) 国籍:多哥生日:1984月2月26日身高:1米90 体重:75公斤位置:前锋现效力球队:身价估算:3500W欧元,阿森纳随着亨利的出走,阿德巴约迅速成为阿森纳新的锋线王者,当他在温布利球场刮起一阵阵黑色旋风的时候,

go fishing:打捞

go far 效力大 | go fishing 打捞 | go into effect 生效


由于我们透过假想的讨论降低了主观判断的偏狭性,因此判断可以获得相当程度的"公正性"(impartiality)与"普遍性"(generality). 我们考虑的观点越多,判断的普遍性就越大,同时我们从一个特殊现象所要抽绎出来的规则也越有效力.

potent a.1:(药等)效力大的,威力大的 2.强有力的,有说服力的

posture n.1.姿势,姿态 2.看法,态度 vi.摆出(不自然的)姿势,装模作样 | potent a.1.(药等)效力大的,威力大的 2.强有力的,有说服力的 | pottery n.1.陶器,陶瓷器皿 2.陶器制造(术) 3.陶器厂

practicable feasible:可实行的;能用的

powerful 效力大的;强有力的 | practicable feasible 可实行的;能用的 | practical 实际的;实用的


主要涉及两大问题:第一,当债务人在一国宣告破产,是否便不需在另一国宣告破产,这就涉及所谓单一破产制(unity bankruptcies)和复合破产制(plurality bankruptcies)的问题;第二,一国的破产宣告,究竟是具有普遍的效力(universality),还是具有地域效力(territoriality).

