英语人>词典>汉英 : 故居 的英文翻译,例句
故居 的英文翻译、例句


former residence · former home
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Maison H is alluringly classic simplicity with its elements centered on expansive living and dining spaces.


At present, the county-level scenic spots State AA 3 (Big Buddha Rongxian county area, Wu Yuzhang house, double Xihu scenic), the provincial Natural Beauty 2 (Alsophila spinulosa Valley, Gaoshiti Forest Park), provincial units to be protected 3 (a Buddhist temple, Wu Yuzhang house, the junta site).


"I see the MItchell House and the debate surrouding it as a symbol of Atlanta's inability to deal with its past,"she says."i want to use the past to stimulate greater candor about racial relations, not to glorify the antebellum South."


The GongBuCi have to describe according to the poem of DuFu behind with the structure and form of Ming Dynasty" grass shed view area" of recovering the reconstruction, re-appearing the pastoral appearance that poet so reside, constructing the thick thick poetry atmosphere;Have to set up in 1999 in flower arrangement park of" DuFu poem calligraphy wood-carved", display more than 100 DuFu's poem calligraphy wood-carved work, choose from the building hides several thousand in the pasts a hand book poem genuine calligraphy, engrave with the wood but, have to appreciate the value rather, its verse, calligraphy, have with the material, craft" four unique" it call;" big the hall" inside that locate the important male in a the third in building in thou in peaceful temple in original treasure , display the up to the present the large colored enamel of the local and biggest area(64 square meter) insets to whet to paint the mural with 12 in the pasts anthologist the person carves, image a development for displaying Du Fu usually with Chinese classic verse history;Building inside of basic display the 《 poem saint a thousand years 》, have the honor of acquiring the fifth" whole country ten big display the exhibition exquisite article" the best creativity prize.


Lonely Planet has summarized that "the most lasting impressions you'll take away of Chileans is undoubtedly of their renowned hospitality, helpfulness, genuine curiosity and heartfelt eagerness to make travelers feel at home", maybe this does not apply to Arica…..I have had the opportunity to visit this northern most city of Chile during the last Semana Santa weekend. It's a port city and also a stopover for tourists who are border crossing to Peru.

从小时候一只被气喘病纠缠着,所以在求学时与一切登山露营的活动绝缘,总觉得自己的体力不可能胜任﹐但却在后来却被本地摄影人KIM TEOH的'神灵的故居'感动了,再加上之前爬了金山牛刀小试后有了点信心,觉得如果错过了当时朋友所组织的登山团自己将会后悔,最后也就毅然参加了。

Many also visit the home of Jane Austen, one of England's best-known writers.


This year marks a bicentenary of Darwin, whose idea has a great influence throughout the world, to memorize him, the English government has nominated Darwin's old house be the world legacy at the end of January this year. If this is approved, not only the Darwin's old house itself but also the forest, fields and ponds nearby will be the world legacy, just like the Pyramid and the Stonehenge, to be well-protected.


And were supported and laved by a wide range of people Affhough he passed away in 1996 to the great sadness of many people, there are still many Japanese who consider his writings a guide to life, The Shiba Ryotaro Memodal Museum IS an institution dedicated to transmitting his achieveme


Niba Valley covered by the endless stretch of Chinese larches and, Multicolor Ponds of Yutong Valley hidden under the Pagela Holy Mountain, and the simple and primitive Yixiantian of Kari Valley are with beautiful scene, florid colors, like a song, like a picture.


Beethoven's first composition published in 1782,Paul Hindemith is the guest of honor in Beethovenhaus. His works and history is displayed alongside Ludwig van Beethoven because they appear to have many amazing similarities and correlations. For example, both of them had been deeply affiliate with Voila (below is the voila used by Beethoven in Bonn). Both of them shared similar admiration for Bach and had worked on his music.


更多网络解释与故居相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maison de Balzac:巴尔扎克故居

Statue de la Liberte 自由女神像 | Maison de Balzac 巴尔扎克故居 | pont Alexandre III 亚历山大三世桥

Bethune Memorial House:白求恩故居

都市动物园 Toronto Zoo | 白求恩故居 Bethune Memorial House | 非洲狩猎园 African Lion Safari

Bok House:正木故居

他们的设计品,以蔡正木故居(Bok House)为主题延伸出概念. 他们无法在展览会上展出巨型的模型,只能展示概念图,可见此计划的庞大. 要成为专业建筑师,必须向大马建筑师局(LAM)注册. 毕业自LAM受承认之大学者,可豁免报考LAM Part I及Part II考试.

Charles Chaplin:查理.卓别林

在欧洲之旅所有的名人会见中,麦可认为最重要的是他与查理卓別林(Charles Chaplin)的遗孀奥娜在瑞士维威俯眺日內瓦湖的卓別林故居. 奥娜本人也是名人之后,其父是美国戏剧家、诺贝尔奖获得者尤金奥尼尔. 她带著麦可参观了卓別林故居.

Goethe House:歌德故居

著名的Rmer 市政厅和广场、歌德故居(Goethe House) 和几间博物馆均在距酒店100米之遥. Tigerpalast 轻歌舞剧院(300米)也是值得您一去的地方.

Holles Street:霍尔斯街

比如作者介绍到,1864年英国曾给一些名人故居颁挂蓝色纪念牌匾,拜伦在伦敦霍尔斯街(Holles Street)的故居当时也享受到此荣誉,但事易时移,如今不仅牌匾不见了,就是拜伦故居也被拆除,除拜伦铜像至今犹存外,原地矗立起来的是一家壮观的百货公司.


草莓山庄 Strawberry Hill/310 | 蒙蒂塞洛--杰弗逊故居 Monticello/318 | 唐顿城堡 Downton Castle/319

Pearl S. Buck House:赛珍珠故居

三山风景名胜区 Three Mountain Scenic Spot | 赛珍珠故居 Pearl S. Buck House | 句容隆昌寺 Jurong Longchang Temple

Maison de Victor Hugo:雨果故居

名称:雨果故居(Maison de Victor Hugo)c. 法国邮政卢浮宫营业所(Bureau de Poste du Louvre)e. 邮资:您可以在邮局(poste)里面的柜台或者自动售卖机上,香烟店(TABAC)买到邮票. 邮资一般根据目的地和信件(包裹)重量而定. 如果您往中国寄信,

Museums,Memorial Halls,and Former Residences of Notables:(博物馆、纪念馆及名人故居)

*Water CityGate Park(水城门公园) | 12.Museums,Memorial Halls,and Former Residences of Notables(博物馆、纪念馆及名人故居) | *China Tea Museum(中国茶叶博物馆)