英语人>词典>汉英 : 放毒 的英文翻译,例句
放毒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
poison  ·  venom  ·  poisons

make vicious remarks · spread poisonous ideas
更多网络例句与放毒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The infamous poisoner Locusta have all been accused of possibly being the administrator of the fatal substance


This is nonsense but with it some organs of the popular Press played upon the emotions of their reader s so successfully that many candidates for Parliament were afraid to support abolition for fear of losing votes and the result was the muddle-headed Homicide Act of 1957 which made murder with robbery a capital crime and allowed the poisoner to escape the gallows.


This is nonsense but with it some organs of the popular Press played upon the emotions of their readers so successfully that many candidates for Parliament were afraid to support abolition for fear of losing votes and the result was the muddle-headed Homicide Act of 1957 which made murder with robbery a capital crime and allowed the poisoner to escape the gallows.


This is nonsense but with it some organs of the popular Press played upon the emotion s of their readers so successfully that many candidates for Parliament were afraid to support abolition for fear of losing votes and the result was the muddle-headed Homicide Act of 1957 which made murder with robbery a capital crime and allowed the poisoner to escape the gallows.


Henceforth, it is apt at all roles, it is made suspicious by the counterfeiter, covered with verdigris by the forger, blacked by the soot of the incendiary; and the murderer applies its rouge.


Heaven has God and the hail has ghost , Difu (the place where all kinds of ghosts live in ) the disciples practices picks the cloudy evil gas, therefore is spatted by person as evil generation, well, they stick to one's own way of doing things incredible related, actually Difu disciple is not the person lack in emotion, they boast in the night fighting, the stealth and poison also are their specialty.


Take colourful according to the door for, a lot of people sent pen little money accordingly, of the poison that hang a horse, huang Tu's what does download Firefox see have, of a as SEO main index outside whether can we also use chain this incident starts bit of disloyal chain, attract an user to browse content to carry commutative kind through the keyword, be like: A link is put to send a total figure to bale on guest of individual space rich collect or it is to be this compose article of bait of a few links.


A climber in Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula wears a gas mask to keep noxious volcanic fumes out of his lungs.


更多网络解释与放毒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


racunkan 毒害,放毒进去 | rada 小量,一点点 | radai 鳍,神像出游

stationary phase:稳定相

当菌丝生长接近稳定相(stationary phase)时,线粒体核糖体的大小亚基数目间某程度趋向平衡,从而菌丝生长率增加. 草履虫放毒型的遗传上面讲过的绿白斑的遗传跟叶绿体有关,小菌落的遗传跟线粒体有关. 叶绿体和线粒体都是细胞质的构成要素,

to the point:切中要害,切题

point out 指出 | to the point 切中要害,切题 | poison "n.毒物,毒药; v.放毒,毒害; "

killer paramecia:杀伤者 草履虫

killer cell 放毒细胞 | killer paramecia 杀伤者 草履虫 | killer whale 大海豚