英语人>词典>汉英 : 攻破 的英文翻译,例句
攻破 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
breach  ·  breached  ·  breaches  ·  breaching

make a breakthrough
更多网络例句与攻破相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now there is a certain town, Thryoessa, perched upon a rock on the river Alpheus, the border city Pylus; this they would destroy, and pitched their camp about it, but when they had crossed their whole plain, Minerva darted down by night from Olympus and bade us set ourselves in array; and she found willing soldiers in Pylos, for the men meant fighting.

多沙的 普洛斯境内有一座城堡,斯罗厄萨,矗立在陡峭的山岩,远离阿菲俄斯河,地处边睡。他们包围了这座石城,急不可待地试图攻破。然而,当他们扫过整个平原,雅典娜冲破夜色,向我们跑来,来自俄林波斯的使者,召呼我们武装备战。在普洛斯,他所招聚的不是一支行动迟滞缓慢的军队,而是一帮求战心切的兵勇。

The combination of Prussian tactics and discipline, together with the Askari knowledge of the African bush made v. Lettow-Vorbeck's force the finest guerilla army in military history. In 1918, v. Lettow-Vorbeck launched new attacks against Rhodesian forts, knocking out one after another.


Since the intruders' number and possession of gunpowder, notwithstanding the city guardian armies' desperate resistance, the east gate is breached in the end; hence, the other three gates are instantly between two fires and, in the meantime, Ju Ba and Xie Yu both go to help Wu Si in guarding the king.


Away from home, Boro have netted in all but one game this season.


What is hard is creating an algorithm that no one else can break, even after years of analysis.


When the Achaeans were got together Achilles rose and said, Son of Atreus, surely it would have been better alike for both you and me, when we two were in such high anger about Briseis, surely it would have been better, had Diana's arrow slain her at the ships on the day when I took her after having sacked Lyrnessus.

" 其时,当阿开亚全军聚合完毕,捷足的阿基琉斯起身站在众人面前,喊道:"阿特柔斯之子,说到底,你我的争吵究竟给我俩带来了什么好处?为了一个姑娘,你我大吵大闹,种下了痛心裂肺的怨仇。但愿在我攻破鲁耳奈索斯,把她抢获的那一天,阿耳忒弥丝一箭把她射倒,躺死在海船旁!

But they're a busy bunch; they don't have time to break everything.


Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that he himself can't break. It's not even hard.


The cryptographer would break the cipher, the amateur would make a change to "fix" it, and the cryptographer would break it again.


According to present application, the traditional cryptographic method is easy to crack.


更多网络解释与攻破相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


李察王在包围阿卡(Acre)城时病倒,萨拉丁特意送鲜水果并派人从附近山上拿冰块去消解李察王的发烧. 李察王1191年攻破阿卡,挥军向雅法城进发. 在这里,李察王和萨拉丁真正在沙场干戈相会. 李察王的座骑被打死,萨拉丁命令马夫将两匹骏马送给李察王.

bottom margin:页下空白

Bottleneck 瓶径 | bottom margin 页下空白 | breach 攻破、违反


border gateway 边界网关 | breakable 可破密的 | breach 攻破、违反

bring sb through:使...渡过病危期或难关

break through 突破,攻破,突围, 破裂 | bring sb. through 使...渡过病危期或难关 | cut through 穿透,凿穿,穿过,

Denis Law:劳

丹尼斯-劳的脚后跟 随着乔治-贝斯特和博比-查尔顿相继退役,丹尼斯-劳(Denis Law)转投曼城,曼联陷入了又一个低谷. 1972-73赛季是令人痛苦的,曼联在近40年后又降入了乙级. 在和曼城的保级关键战中,丹尼斯-劳用脚后跟攻破了曼联大门,


世界观也包括人对真理,知识等的信念,与科学,哲学之间的关系;这是 "知识论" (epistemology)方面的信念. 护教的任务,是攻破世人思维的营垒– 就是那些拦阻人来到基督面前顺服信靠祂的事情– 哥林多后书十4 ,5. 护教与传福音是息息相关的.

Ronald Gomez:羅納德戈麥斯

罗纳德.戈麦斯(Ronald Gomez)在2002年FIFA世界杯(2002 FIFA World Cup)上头球攻破巴西队大门的一幕将永远留在哥斯达黎加足球迷的记忆中. 在对最终的世界杯冠军的比赛中,完成的这个杂耍般的进球给流畅、攻击型打法为主的哥斯达黎加队做了一个完美的2002韩/日世界杯(Korea/Japan 2002)总结.

Oliver Kahn:簡尼

德国门将列文继续担任简尼(Oliver Kahn)的副手,而拉脱维亚的史塔安奴斯则正选上阵踢足全场. 德国在这仗中占有大部分攻势,但都未能攻破拉脱维亚大门,最终两队互交白卷.

needed their full-backs to move upfield:需要边后卫压上

have been hard for对于...来说很难 | needed their full-backs to move upfield需要边后卫压上 | to break Pompey攻破朴次茅斯的防线

John Watson:沃森

英国健康保护局(HPA)呼吸疾病专家约翰-沃森(John Watson)表示,"今年,儿童最易受到流感病毒的感染. 随着新型流感病毒的出现,这些病毒最易攻破免疫力较低人群的健康防线. "英国相关的卫生健康机构每年都强烈建议,