英语人>词典>汉英 : 改编为剧本 的英文翻译,例句
改编为剧本 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与改编为剧本相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The theatre was concerned that the play would be too controversial in the wake of Ariel Sharon's collapse into a coma and Hamas's election victory in the Palestinian territories. In June 2007, the Royal Court Theatre in London cancelled a reading of an adaptation of Aristophanes' Lysistrata which was set in a Muslim heaven, for fear of causing offence. In 2005, the Barbican in London was accused of excising sections of its production of Tamburlaine to remove scenes attacking Muhammad.

该剧讲述了一个死于以色列国防军操作的推土机下的美国学生的故事。2007年6月,为避免发生冲突,伦敦的皇家宫廷剧院取消了改编自剧作家Aristophanes 的剧本 Lysistrata的演出,原因在于演出有亵渎穆斯林宗教信仰的嫌疑。2005年,伦敦的巴比肯中心被指控在上演戏剧《帖木儿大帝》时删除了剧中中攻击默罕默德的情节。

Founded in 2000, the Clown Mime Group is a performance arts group devoted to training clowns and mimes in Taiwan, while adapting western mime, song, dance, and drama and writing original work for performance.


July 2003, Tom Stoppard created the script for the film, one year later, when Kelishihuici confirmed as director, he refused to accept Stoppard's script, more willing to do their own personally adaptation of the work.


About at the beginning of the 15th century,Yusufu,Aji a Uighur poet wrote a narrative poem based on 《Airef and Synime》-an ancient Uighur folk story and it was professed together with sets of Maqam at many life song and dance party. In 1936 《Airef and Synime》 was adapted to a play and performed in Yili. Later on, it became a dissocial drama through improvement by writers and play writers and it hao are intensive influence on the formation and improvement of Uyger drama.


Two years later, Fisher adapted the tale for Mike Nichols' charming and moving screen version which starred Meryl Streep as a drug-addicted daughter trying to make a comeback and compete with a glamorous movie star mother who always outshines her.


Such signature themes as male bonding and David-and-Goliath face-offs still drive the action, but the functional script has dismantled much of the original story's dramatic intricacies and character complexities, then reassembled it into a easy-to-follow three-act structure.


Such signature themes as male bonding and David-and-Goliath face-offs still drive the action, but the functional script. has dismantled much of the original storys dramatic intricacies and character complexities, then reassembled it into a easy-to-follow three-act structure.


Such signature themes as male bonding and David-and-Goliath face-offs still drive the action, but the functional script has dismantled much of the original storys dramatic intricacies and character complexities, then reassembled it into a easy-to-follow three-act structure.


The theatre was concerned that the play would be too controversial in the wake of Ariel Sharon's collapse into a coma and Hamas's election victory in the Palestinian territories. In June 2007, the Royal Court Theatre in London cancelled a reading of an adaptation of Aristophanes' Lysistrata which was set in a Muslim heaven, for fear of causing offence. In 2005, the Barbican in London was accused of excising sections of its production of Tamburlaine to remove scenes attacking Muhammad.

该剧讲述了一个死于以色列国防军操作的推土机下的美国学生的故事。2007年6月,为避免发生冲突,伦敦的皇家宫廷剧院取消了改编自剧作家Aristophanes 的剧本 Lysistrata的演出,原因在于演出有亵渎穆斯林宗教信仰的嫌疑。2005年, 2005年,伦敦的巴比肯中心被指控在上演戏剧《帖木儿大帝》时删除了剧中中攻击默罕默德的情节。

更多网络解释与改编为剧本相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


凭借电影>(Precious)获得奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖的编剧杰弗里-弗莱彻对于获奖颇感惊喜,不过这个惊喜没有让他放慢事业的脚步,目前他正在为导演道格-李曼(Doug Liman)创作一部讲述监狱生的剧本-->(Attica),同时他也有意开始

Jack and The Beanstalk:杰克和豆茎

最后辛格透露,他已经在和编剧Jamie Moss构思>的剧本了,但影片还不会很快开拍,因为他首先要为新线公司执导根据童话>(Jack and the Beanstalk)改编的奇幻冒险电影>.

Elisha Cuthbert:伊丽莎.库斯博特

[主演] 基弗 萨瑟兰(Kiefer Sutherland) Leslie Hope Sarah Wynter Sarah Clarke 伊丽莎 库斯博特(Elisha Cuthbert)拥有丰富经验的女编剧罗宾.史威考德受命将这部畅销小说改编为成熟的剧本,但对于这个热门的题材,仅仅一名编剧当然未能令制片公司放心,

Frank Miller:弗兰克.米勒

正常情况下这样的影片都会很快开拍续集,...制片人Stephen L'Heureux是在接受采访时透露这一点的,他说>将在2010年下半年开拍,和第一部基于漫画改编不同,这次弗兰克 米勒(Frank Miller)专门为续集全新创作了一个剧本,

Jeff Judah:杰夫.犹大

"为影片创作了改编剧本的分别是杰夫.犹大(Jeff Judah)和他长久以来的写作搭档盖比.萨克斯(Gabe Sachs),另外两位则是夫妻档编剧杰基.菲尔戈(Jackie Filgo)和杰夫.菲尔戈(Jeff Filgo),犹大说:"我阅读小说的时候,

Largo Winch:拉戈.温奇

>的剧本也并非原创,而是改编自比利时漫画家菲利普.弗朗柯(Philippe Francq)的漫画小说,讲述的是原本为南斯拉夫孤儿的拉戈.温奇(Largo Winch),自小被世界首富收养,并在二十六岁继承了大笔遗产,成为亿万富翁与集团大老板的他,

Nanny McPhee:(魔法保姆麦克菲)

2005年,钟斯又为环球公司和英国的电影公司Working Title Films执导了>(Nanny McPhee),由艾玛汤普森(Emma Thompson)主演并创作了改编剧本......不过直到2007年,钟斯收到了吉安尼努纳利送过来的原版>,

Ken Nolan:肯.诺兰

负责改编这一剧本的是首次做编剧的肯.诺兰(Ken Nolan),因为经验不足,剧本最终几易其稿. 最后,请来了>(Schindler's List)的编剧斯蒂文.泽利安(Steven Zaillian)为剧本定稿. 想想>中对战争的刻画,

The Lincoln Lawyer:林肯律师

2006年,>(The Lincoln Lawyer)被选为10佳改编电视剧本之一. 阿加莎.克里斯蒂(1890~1976)原姓米勒,全名为阿加莎.玛丽.克那丽莎.米勒. 生于英格兰的德文郡托尔奎市,她父亲是个英籍美国人,母亲是英国人. 一生共写过80多部作品,

The Verdict:年《大审判>

1957年他执导的电影处女作>为他赢得了奥斯卡最佳导演提名,此后1975年>、1982年>(The Verdict)均获提名,1981年>(Prince of the City)还为他赢得改编剧本的提名.