英语人>词典>汉英 : 改变...的风格 的英文翻译,例句
改变...的风格 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与改变...的风格相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is neither the separation between the mail and femail, nor the district dividing line between day clothing and the evening wear.his special style,bardian hue and the cultural conflict and communication brought up the dandyism which made him thought the most affective fashion designer in the early 1980s.in 1975,he successfully held his first fashionable issue show,whose revolutionary design opinion made a great contribution to the Milan to become a new fad city.non-liner and stink design of frame and lines,not stickto formal or inforaml fig and the natural colors completely got rid of the popular hippie style in the 1960s.with simple contour and loose lines changed the traditional mail endure and cabined style ,its crape grain coat was the rage.three months later,because of the contract of man fashion ,woman fashion fetched to heel,which adopted traditional man suuff,showing the stongly neutral style.


They know that women enjoy a change to their style every so often so why not systematize it.


Therefore he doesn't mean to change his extravagant style.


Will you have to change your game to compete in the Premier League?


Press the SPACEBAR to change the corner style while you are defining the board shape.


Changing the layer stack-up style changes the way that the core and prepreg layers are distributed through the layer stack.


Patrice Evra says he needs to adapt his style of play to make his move from Monaco to Manchester United a success.


If changed to a new solid wood floor finish or floor, it reduces the level of the house; room settings can be re-arrangement can be simple and refreshing; kitchen should be retained in the old style of the whole kitchen, you just need to re-橱门Chatham about; there are still some room furnishings are best able to cope with the entire housing decoration style, so as to guarantee "authentic."


This "importation" of the individual consciousness of the creator must however remain controlled. This is of the utmost importance, without constraints or measures we would fall either into the aesthetics of popular taste or into an escalation of elitist vocabulary that would weaken the language. If I myself no longer dare to use oil paints, to revisit or augment, it is due to its intrinsic overabundance of culture; having barely touched the palate, there is an immediate return to the domain of noble art. I would be too scared of creating some useless work while loosing the intensity afforded to a more direct language. Fluctuations in our cultural structure have resulted in vernacular embodying the new norm while I, in the domain of artistic language, have opted for the mode and techniques of traditional embroidery. A long while ago, during the time of the Yuan Ming Yuan artist village, I was convinced that I would run into problems if I applied myself to oil paint. I had produced next to nothing up until the day when, by coincidence, I noticed the many works of embroidery being sold at the entrance to the Summer Palace. I felt like I had finally found my mode of expression, my own personal artistic language. Due to the fact that embroidery belongs to the pre-industrial age, there is a "folkie" quality to it, rural and natural. This ill-defined modern world in which we live must also respond to the demands of "common people", the "lowly" and the "nouveau riche". In some sense, the re-appropriation of this folkloric technique was a necessity, much as it was during the time of the shift from "prose to spoken language" [1], an unavoidable consequence of social upheaval. It was not limited to a mere question of the stylistic signification of the semantic form. What embroidery embodies is a structural modification of society at its most basic level.


Instead of just waiting for some staff to fix it, i picked up a piece of paper and a chair , and since i was really tall i could reach that window high up by standing on that chair, i stick the paper here and the problem was fixed, i got my game vs Cafone started.


更多网络解释与改变...的风格相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Change to Default:改变至默认风格

Change to NexusOne---改变至NexusOne风格 | Change to Default---改变至默认风格 | Auto-Optimize---自动优化(按照我配置的优化方案)


)的风格......第二段:但是现在不一样了,某某艺术家怎么怎么样在他的艺术中体现了个人化的风格,后面没有题1) 对把style与substance两分(dichotomy)持负评价,作者觉得style的影响很大,有个19世纪和20世纪即现在拉选票方式的改变作例子,

Just cause everybody knows here name:只因为每个人都知道她的名字

don't change her way 不会改变自己的风格 | Just cause everybody knows here name 只因为每个人都知道她的名字 | Ain't big headed from a little bit of fame 她不会被卑微的虚名冲昏头脑

over and over:一次又一次

他也为适应艺术家和歌曲而改变自己的风格,因此他为热芯片乐队的"一次又一次"(Over and Over)制作了突破性的音乐录影带. 尼玛诺里扎德作品展示以他最新的流行音乐录影带结束,这一次是为马克罗恩森(Mark Ronson)的单曲"哦,


它们的参与,将改变当前平台报价的整体格局,逐步建立起"柜台交易"(Over the counter)的风格,打击对一些外汇经纪商有利的"对冲"报价,客户将在订单执行上获得越来越明显的优势.


其六:美国音乐剧早期的"歌舞时事讽刺剧"(Revue)的形式重回百老汇,并获得了票房成功和观众认同. 而与此同时,70年代的迪斯科风格的音乐剧带动了百老汇的"周末狂热". 根据1983年同名电影改变的音乐剧>(Flash Dance)已经做好了迎接2002~2003年巡回演出季的准备.

Wes Anderson:导 演:韦斯.安德森

这是来自导演韦斯 安德森(Wes Anderson)的定格拍制故事片. 每天晚上,狐狸爸爸都要从三个农...它不同于多数儿童电影. 狐狸儿子的配音演员詹森 舒瓦兹曼(Jason Schwartzman)表示,"韦斯没有改变风格来适应一部动画片,他保留了自己的风格,

:Vivienne Westwood:维维安 韦斯特伍德

是的,维维安-韦斯特伍德(Vivienne Westwood)已经改变了风格,她的设计变得极具英式独特标签--这次是年轻女学者风格--但是背景的图书馆因奇异的灯光交织起舞而变得十分有趣.

Using Part Markers to change Substyles or insert drum fills:使用分节的符号改变下一层次的风格或插入打击乐

Using Roman Numeral, Nashville , or Solfeggio Notation使... | Using Part Markers to change Substyles or insert drum fills使用分节的符号改变下一层次的风格或插入打击乐 | Copy/Paste sections of chords 复制...

new look:新造型

从此,"新造型"(New Look)的标志性称谓被确定下来. 迪奥将直线条的女装改变为曲线优美的自然形状,强调了丰满的胸部、纤细的腰肢等女性特有的形象. 这种以细腰大裙为重点的新造型,让妇女重新焕发女性魅力,继而树立起整个五十年代法国时装的风格,