英语人>词典>汉英 : 改变...的位置 的英文翻译,例句
改变...的位置 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
reposition  ·  transplace  ·  repositioned  ·  repositioning

更多网络例句与改变...的位置相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Position in the development of display images, but also can change the location to display the location, can customize the abscissa and ordinate values.


In addition, she holds the great strategic points of northern Europe,--- Alsace-Lorraine, the door to France; the Kiel Canal, giving her access to the Baltic without exposing herself to the necessity of utilizing the Sund; her allies hold the Swiss passes and the vital points affording passage into Russia and the Balkans.


If you hear that your tone is thin and lacks fullness, follow all of the directions above to open your embouchure to achieve good tone.


In this article, I start from the foundation of classical physics-uniform linear motion, then extend to the foundation of modern physics, illustrating through solid evidence, the notion that 'the change of state' and 'the change of location' of inertial frame are two different concepts as well as my idea that in inertia system the reference system for 'the change of location' will not necessarily exist independently from natural object.


Solution: Virtual Memory should manually specify the location and size, in principle, specify the size of virtual memory system for more than 512M is better (as the smallest and the largest space to ensure that WINDOWS does not change the location), location to see the district have extra space on the list.


There may be more extra-landm ark noise associated with the measurement of angle NAPg than with the other thre e angles.Since change in SNA is affected by Nasion horizontal displacement,its r epresentation of Point A displacement was questionable.


A model of continuous beam with spring supports is put forward to analyse time-dependent structural systems.


The position changes of mandibular molars were measured from mesiodistal direction and vertical direction, and the implant anchorage loss was evaluated by maxillary central incisor.


"Electronic 1C Chip drawing system" provides many functions such as "modify the position of the component"s diagram""modify the color of the component"s diagram""magnify and minify the component"s diagram without distortion""change the type of drawing line""edit some physical properties of the component""copy and paste diagram of one component""delete one or more component diagrams""move more than one components" positions""change the z_order of the diagram,set it to back or bring it to front""save the drawing of the electronic components to one file and the file extension name is *.brd""print the drawing".

电路板元器件绘制系统主要完成了使用鼠标拖拽、鼠标点按的方式绘制电路板上各种常见的元器件图形;编辑电路板上元器件图形的位置;编辑元器件图形的颜色;不失真的对器件图形进行放大和缩小;编辑元器件图形的线型;编辑电路板上各个器件的物理属性(比如电阻的阻值大小、电容的容量大小、额定电压等);复制已经绘制出的电路板上的器件;粘贴剪贴板上的器件;删除单个或多个已经绘制出的器件图形;同时改变多个器件图形的位置;改变绘制区内各个元器件的z order顺序,也就是可以将层叠在一起的图形置前或置后;把绘制的电路板器件图保存到指定文件中;能打开、查看和修改保存的电路板器件图;打印电路板器件图。

When the moon changes it position, so do the orientation of the tide-generating forces and the position of the equilibrium tide.


更多网络解释与改变...的位置相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cinematic:电影 设定游戏中即时演算的过场动画

Camera 镜头 设定摄像机的位置及改变方式 | Cinematic 电影 设定游戏中即时演算的过场动画 | Countdown Timer 倒数计时器 又称定时器或计时器,用于倒数计时或定时发生事件


当信号(cue)改变,但是位置不变时,细胞的放电速率(firing rate)表现出大小差异,但在空间选择性上则是相同的. 当位置改变,信号不变时,神经元的放电速率和空间选择性都发生了改变. 这些独立的编码方案使得海马区既可以编码空间上的记忆,

Displacement Map:以指定层的像素颜色值为基准变形产生变形效果

Corner Pin通过改变图像四个边角的位置变形图像 | Displacement Map以指定层的像素颜色值为基准变形产生变形效果 | Mesh Warp在层上使用网格的Beizer切片控制图像的变形区域

Something useful for a change:试做有助改变的事

Let me do one last thing.我想做最后一件事 | Something useful for a change.试做有助改变的事 | Let me show you where the major is.我帮你找出少校的位置

Rename File:改变一个文件的名字

Remove Map---从Map窗中移去一个或多个图层 | Rename File---改变一个文件的名字 | Rename Table---改变构成一个Table的多个文件的名字(和位置)


按照Morris的观点,仅将平台移到对侧象限但不改变空间线索的位置并不能确切地称为反向(reversal)程序(象上面所称的那样). 因为当平台移动位置时,远处房间内线索的同中心(allocentric)空间关系并未改变. 动物只要学习新的平台位置而不需要完全重排线索关系.


2.紧度(tightness). 紧度指交易价格偏离市场中间价的幅度. 由于市场中国债的买价和卖价常常并不完全等同,市场参与者改变交易位置即意味着交易价格的变化,因而紧度也指短期内改变交易位置的成本. 国债交易的紧度主要取决于债券的存货管理成本和交易风险,


那前轮来做个比方,轮胎上的力只能通过wheel hub bearing和制动钳(caliper)来传到upright上面,那么改变了制动钳的位置等于改变了制动钳对于刹车碟的力的方向,那么相应的wheel hub bearing的受力也要改变.

re-dress, or alter the body in any way:动过,或是改变过尸体的位置 任何方式的改动

the deceased, did you move|有没有移动过... | re-dress, or alter the body in any way?|动过,或是改变过尸体的位置 任何方式的改动 | No, why?|没有,为何这么问?

Standard Disclosures:各列标准揭露在报告中的位置

3.11 Changes from previous reports与以往报告相较的改变 N.A | 3.12 Standard disclosures各列标准揭露在报告中的位置 | 3.13 External assurance外部保证