英语人>词典>汉英 : 收进 的英文翻译,例句
收进 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与收进相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Regardless of clothing, ironing after immediately pack or in almirah, hanging in the air conditioning or indoor evaporates, if necessary, blower, not mildewy.


Some 20 years later he included "Song of a Young Sentry" in an anthology of his poems.


If a woman loves a man ,she won't put him in her palms ,but in her womb.women's wombs are the warmest.men just come from there.she loves him ,so she put him in the wombs, so he bcomes her part of body.he can hear her breath.she can hear his heartbeat he can loop archly in her womb and cry in her womb.she is willing to protect him with her body,willing to support him.anytime he needs,he can go back into her womb.


The fat owner climbed up the ladder, closing the door , then climb-down the ladder, accept a ladder into the warehouse, then said easily:Ok!


Marking the door with another fiery cross as Harry replaced the now‐useless handle of Sirius.s knife in his pocket.


The structural design of Beijing Grand Moma faced many difficulties such as flotage of underground water, differential settlement of tower and annex, large cantilever, setback of the structure, linked structure, and vibration of large span bridges.

linked structure ; isolation ;当代MOMA工程结构存在多处设计难点,重点解决了纯地下室抗浮设计、地下结构超长不设缝及不均匀沉降协调设计、主体结构悬挑和收进超限、高位多塔楼连体和大跨度连廊的舒适度等多个问题。

A group of young actors as the main performance team, often staged operas have "Baidicheng""范进中举""杨家将""Seishiro探母""swindle wife younger sister married""红鬃烈马""dragon and phoenix were Andrew ""秦香莲"" Sung ""玉堂春"" playing BRIC "" Zhao's Orphan "" Xin Yi "" after the event robes "" Golden Lover,"" selling water "" Iron arch fate "" Magistrate guillotine "" Point Jiang-ting,"" The花枪"" Matchmaker,"" collect red child "" block horse "" to kill four "" Wu Song playing shop "" true Rebels ", a modern opera," Red Cloud Cliff,"a new historical drama" The Merry generation ""ten thousand people umbrella""Empress Dowager""affection Regret""Mulan" and so on.


It must be pointed out that the net income shown in the income statement is an accounting profit, not cash flow. In the computation of accounting profit, cash receipts from selling farecards are not recognised as revenue. Rather, they are "Unearned Revenue" classified under Current Liabilities.


It must be pointed out that the net income shown in the income statement is an accounting profit, not cash flow. Inthe computation of accounting profit, cash receipts from selling farecards are not recognised as revenue. Rather, they are "Unearned Revenue" classified under Current Liabilities.


He comes with a winnowing fan to clear his threshing floor and gather the grain into his barn. But the chaff he will burn with fire that never goes out.


更多网络解释与收进相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agency revenue:业务收进

47 业务支出 agency revenue | 471 业务收进 agency revenue | 4711 业务收进 agency revenue

aging of accounts receivable:应收账款账龄分析

accounts receivable aging schedule 应收账 款账龄分析表 参见应收账款账龄分析(aging of accounts receivable). accounts receivable assigned 已转让应收账款 指已转让给应收账款代理商或贴现公司,据以收进现款的应收账款.实际上是 以应收账款作为抵押品而借到现金.

building setback line:建筑收进线

建筑史 architectural history; history of architecture | 建筑收进线 building setback line | 建筑陶瓷 architectural pottery

gather in:收进,收获(庄稼等)

Are you game for a swim? 你愿意游泳吗... | gather in收进,收获(庄稼等): | With these combines, they are able to gather in all the wheat in a week's time. 他们有了这些联合收割机,完 全可以在一周内把麦子收...


invader 侵略者 | invaginate 收进鞘中 | invalid cluster 无效簇

net income gearing:洁收进比例联合

权力股收止 rights issues | 洁收进比例联合 net income gearing | centre of population 乡村

setback line:收进线

green room演员休息室 | setback line 收进线 | masonary duct 砌筑管道


backsetbedding 后积层理 | backsetting 收进 | backshaft 后轴


backscour 反向冲刷 | backsetting [砌墙]收进 | backshaft 后轴

net, real wages:实际收进

gross wages全部收进 | net, real wages实际收进 | hourly wages, wage rate per hour计时工资