英语人>词典>汉英 : 收到 的英文翻译,例句
收到 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
receipt  ·  receival  ·  receive  ·  receipted  ·  receipting  ·  receives

on receipt of · tune in to · come to hand
更多网络例句与收到相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Once the visa office has received your complete application, it will send you an acknowledgement of receipt letter which will inform you of the next steps in the review of your application.


Where the originator receives the addressee's acknowledgement of receipt, it is presumed that the related data message was received by the addressee.


His body and blood are truly contained in the sacrament of the altar under the forms of bread and wine, the bread and wine having been changed in substance, by God's power, into his body and blood, so that in order to achieve this mystery of unity we receive from God what he received from us.


Article 150 Within five days after receiving a motion of appeal, the people's court that originally tried the case shall deliver the copies of the motion of appeal to the appellee.


It picked up a signal from a Belfast yacht Avocet , which had in turn received a distress call from a French yacht Nevee .


When Ed Bagley receives a postcard in the mail advertising a $5,000 loan you can receive tomorrow with only your signature as collateral, he digs a little deeper, uncovering the source of the loan and the fine print terms of the loan.


Therefore, the account you select and refer your friends from will be the account credited with the free trades.


When: The ITC conducts an investigation under section 201 upon receipt of a petition from a trade association, firm, certified or recognized union, or group of workers which is representative of a domestic industry; upon receipt of a request from the President or the USTR; upon receipt of a resolution of the House Committee on Ways and Means or Senate Committee on Finance; or upon its own motion.


As I grew older, the gifts gave way to heart-shaped boxes filled with my favorite chocolates and always included a special card signed " Love, Dad".In those years my " thank-yous" became more of a perfunctory response.The cards seemed less important, and I took for granted the valentine that would always be there. Long past the days of having a " mailbox" on my desk, I had placed my hopes and dreams in receiving cards and gifts from " significant others", and " Love, Dad" just didn''t seem quite enough.


There, most corporate contributions are made pursuant to the wishes of the CEO (who often will be responding to social pressures), employees, or directors (through matching gifts or requests they make of the CEO).

下表显示股东指定捐赠的前十大慈善机构347 个教堂与犹太教堂收到 569 笔善款283 所大专院校收到 670 笔善款244 所 K-12 学校收到 525 笔善款(三分之二是普通学校,另外三分之一属教会学校)288 所艺术,文化或人类学研究机构收到 447 笔善款180 所宗教性社福机构收到 411 笔善款445 所民间社福机构其中四成与青少年相

更多网络解释与收到相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ack Acknowledge:肯定,认知,应答,告知收到

ACIC Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter 异步通信接口适配器 | ACK ACKnowledge 肯定,认知,应答,告知收到 | ACK ACKnowledge character 认知字符,收到字符


bytes 网络接口发送或者收到的字节数 | packets 网络接口收到或者发送的数据包个数 | errors 发生错误的次数


收到基碳 Car % 58.21 | 收到基氢 Har % 2.91 | 收到基氧 Oar % 2.51

hear from sb:收到某人的音信

3. receive a letter 收到一封信 | hear from sb. 收到某人的音信 | 4. a computer fan 电脑爱好者

on receipt of:收到(未收到货款时用)

11、 收到(已收到汇款时用) in receipt of | 12、 收到(未收到货款时用) on receipt of | 13、 空白收据 blank receipt

Overwatch, do you copy:监控处呼叫,你收到了吗

What's wrong with this thing? I'm not getting anything.|这个坏了吗?我什么也收不到 | Overwatch, do you copy?|监控处呼叫,你收到了吗? | Copy that.|收到


Unknown community name 收到错误团体名的报文数目 | supplied 收到团体名对应权限错误的报文数目 | Encoding errors 收到错误编码错误的SNMP报文数目

陈青海 资助者 fenny 100元已收到:SAZ-019

19.SAZ-016 陈龙松 资助者 黄月芬夫妇 100元已收到 | 21.SAZ-019 陈青海 资助者 fenny 100元已收到 | 22.SAZ-020 许世敏 资助者清秋 100元已收到

tax refunds:收到的税费返还

销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金Receipts from customers | 收到的税费返还Tax refunds | 收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金Receipts from other business activites

Refunds of taxes:收到的税费返还

销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 Cash received from sales of goods or rendering servic... | 收到的税费返还 Refunds of taxes | 收到的其他与经营活动有关的现金 Cash received relating to other operating activit...