英语人>词典>汉英 : 支配 的英文翻译,例句
支配 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
administrate  ·  disposal  ·  dominance  ·  dominate  ·  domination  ·  dominion  ·  govern  ·  governance  ·  grip  ·  gripped  ·  guide  ·  hand  ·  lordship  ·  possess  ·  predominate  ·  reign  ·  rein  ·  rule  ·  sway  ·  yoke  ·  masterdom  ·  oversway  ·  possessing  ·  swayed  ·  administrated  ·  administrates  ·  administrating  ·  dominates  ·  governed  ·  governs  ·  possesses  ·  predominated  ·  predominates  ·  predominating  ·  reigned  ·  reigns  ·  reined  ·  reining  ·  ruled  ·  sways  ·  yoked

come over sb
更多网络例句与支配相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The two most known dominating problems arc Vertex Dominating Set and Edge Dominating Set problem.


Persons who had high level of social dominance orientation prefered enhancing hierarchy, and desired that "inferior" groups should be more dominated by "superior" groups, while persons who had low level of social dominance orientation prefered attenuating hierarchy, and desired that 'inferior' groups wouldn't be dominated by "superior" groups.


As the inverse proposition of the rationalization, Charisma, with the rationalization together, is the clue of Weber's thought, and holds the extremely important status in the Weber's theory.


In the meanwhile,exclusion results from the objective rule of domination to things,and puts up opposability of realistic domination in the case of domination of fact and opposability of justice in the case of domination of right.


He did not merely fancy—as every governing official always does fancy—that he was controlling the external acts of the inhabitants of Moscow, but fancied that he was shaping their mental attitude by means of his appeals and placards, written in that vulgar, slangy jargon which the people despise in their own class, and simply fail to understand when they hear it from persons of higher station. The picturesque figure of leader of the popular feeling was so much to Rastoptchin's taste, and he so lived in it, that the necessity of abandoning it, the necessity of surrendering Moscow with no heroic effect of any kind, took him quite unawares; the very ground he was standing on seemed slipping from under his feet, and he was utterly at a loss what to do.


Barrington's nucleus that located in the pontine dorsolateral tegmentum is an important site for controlling voiding in the mammalian brain and is often referred to as pontine micturition center. Barrington's nucleus sends direct projection fibers to the sacral parasympathetic nucleus in which parasympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating detrusor muscles of the bladder are distributed. Electron or chemical stimulation of Barrington's nucleus clicits bladder contraction and increases discharges of bladder postganglionic nerve. Conversely, lesion of the nucleus results in a permanent inability to empty the bladder. On the other hand, an area located just ventral to Barrington's nucleu has been reported to send projection fibers to the ventrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus in the caudal lumbar cord segments; the vetrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus is mainly composed of pudendal motor neurons innervating the external urethral sphincter muscle.


In Hindu Tantra, practice is graded into three types, corresponding to three classes of devotees: the animal, i.e., those in whom the guna, or quality, of tamas predominates; the heroic, those in whom the guna of rajas predominates; and the divine, those in whom sattva predominates.


Crown penannular jade ring entrusts lawyer Li Changqing to think, at present Baidu has exceeded 50% far in market share of home, the capacity that its market controls a position already establish, to a few websites ban, it is the behavior that abuses the market to control a position, suggest to execute the law the search technology regulation that the orgnaization uses to Baidu and search process undertake investigating; Establish search technology standard and standard of search market service, aggrandizement leaves the government that props up a service to the search; Instruct Baidu to stop its to abuse the market to control a position to ban the illegal behavior of other website, be in in order to fine.


Results: The pathogenesis of STs may be that on the rejuvenation of facial paralysis,nerve fiber of orbicularis oculi had mixed grown with some fiber of sphincter oris and stapedius,there were nerves misrepair and innervation of error.


Study 2 used 2(conflict target: supervisor/subordinate)×3(conflict management mode: integrating/obliging/dominating ) design, letting participants to evaluate the effeciency and appropriateness of the management mode used in the contexts. The results showed:(1) the integrating mode were perceived most efficient and appropriage within the three conflict modes;(2) the interaction between the referent role of conflict object and the management mode is significant, which means when the conflict took place with the supervisor, the participants thought the obliging mode was more appropriate and efficient , while when it took place between the subordinate, they thought the dominating mode was more appropriate and efficient than obliging mode.(3)the interaction between SDO and conflict management mode is significant, which means the participants with high SDO would make no preference between obliging and dominating mode, but the participates with low SDO would favor the dominating rather than obliging mode;(4) the interaction between dialectical ways of thinking and conflict management mode is significant, the lower the level of dialectical way of thinking the participants were, the more difference were found between the appraisal of obliging and dominating mode.(5) the moderating effect of SDO and dialectical ways of thinking to the relationship between conflict object and management mode were not significant, which means the relative position of conflict object in China is so strong that can't be affected by SDO and dialectical ways of thinking.

研究二采用2*3(冲突处理方式:迁就/支配/整合)的情境设计,让被试对情境中冲突主角的冲突处理方式进行恰当有效性的评价,结果显示: 1、在与上级或下级发生冲突时,被试对迁就、支配和整合三种策略中整合式的恰当有效性的评价最高;2、冲突对象的相对地位与冲突处理方式之间的交互作用显著,即当与上级发生冲突时,被试认为使用迁就的处理方式比支配的方式更恰当有效,而与下级发生冲突时,被试则认为使用支配的处理方式比迁就的方式更有效; 3、SDO与冲突处理方式之间的交互作用显著,即SDO水平高的被试对迁就式与支配式的认知评价没有差异,而SDO水平低的被试对支配式比迁就式有更高的评价;4、辩证思维水平与冲突处理方式之间的交互作用显著,即低辩证思维水平的个体比高辩证的个体对支配式与迁就式的评价差异更大;5、SDO水平及辩证思维方式水平对冲突对象影响冲突处理方式评价的程度的调节作用不显著。

更多网络解释与支配相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dominance aggression:支配攻击

dominance 支配 | dominance aggression 支配攻击 | dominance behavior 支配行为支配行为

Axe mastery:战斧掌握--支配斧頭

Sword mastery--剑术掌握--支配長劍;简称: SM | Axe mastery--战斧掌握--支配斧頭; | Mace mastery--钉头槌掌握--支配釘頭槌;

partial denervation:部分失神经支配

失神经支配 denervation | 部分失神经支配 partial denervation | 完全失神经支配 total denervation

discretionary income:自由支配收入;自由支配所得

discounts received 购货折扣 | discretionary income 自由支配收入;自由支配所得 | discriminatory pricing 歧视性定价;差别定价

dominate vt.1:支配,统治,控制;2.高出于,居高临下

dominant adj.1.支配的,统治的,居高临下的;2.显性的 | dominate vt.1.支配,统治,控制;2.高出于,居高临下 | vi.居支配地位,处于最重要的地位

exhaustively dominate:澈底支配;全面支配

exercitive 裁定語 | exhaustively dominate 澈底支配;全面支配 | exhortative mood 規勸語氣;規勸式

Mace mastery:钉头槌掌握--支配釘頭槌

Axe mastery--战斧掌握--支配斧頭; | Mace mastery--钉头槌掌握--支配釘頭槌; | Polearm mastery--长杆武器掌握--支配長棍;

Mace mastery:支配钉头槌

128 Axe mastery:支配斧头; 7 | 129 Mace mastery:支配钉头槌; 7 | 134 Polearm mastery:支配长柄武器; 12

Fire Mastery:支配之焰;简称

065 Cold Matery:支配冰冷;简称CM 36 | 061 Fire Mastery:支配之焰;简称FM 36 | 063 Lightning Mastery:支配闪电;简称LM 36

reign i:统治, 支配, 盛行, 占优势n. 统治, 统治时期, 支配

1484. rehearsal n. 排演, 演习, 预演, 试演 | 1485. reign i. 统治, 支配, 盛行, 占优势n. 统治, 统治时期, 支配 | 1519. retention 保持力